Uncontrollable Temptations (Tempted #3)

Pipe leaned forward, glancing around the table at the brothers before cracking a grin. “We did good this week,” he declared, sliding envelopes across the table to the men. “Cain’s old man got his hands on some impressive guns. We need to move them quick though, before we get any heat from ATF.”

I glanced at Blackie. “Get on that, see if Gold has any use for them,” I said, watching as he lifted his eyes to mine.

“That’s not going to get Jimmy Gold’s attention these days,” he ground out, leveling me with a steady glare. “I’m working on it.”

I knew Blackie wasn’t on board with me offing the mobster—for no other reason than protecting the club from blindly walking into a war with the mob. It wasn’t a question of me killing Jimmy, he understood my need for revenge, but rather he was concerned by the consequences that would undoubtedly fall on the club.

“It’s about time to decide if we patch in Riggs,” Blackie said, changing the subject.

“Agreed,” I replied. It was only fair that the man get his patch. He’s been sitting on Bianci for nearly five months now and has never given me shit. I stared down the table. “Yay or Nay on Riggs getting his colors,” I asked as I looked from member to member, their votes unanimous.

“Fuck yes, kid deserves it,” Blackie said, finally.

“Bones, get the little fuck over here so we can deliver the news,” I said. “Pipe, plan the kid a party,” I ordered. Lighting a cigarette, I slammed the gavel down on the table, adjourning the meeting.

“Aye, get the boy the finest pussy around,” Pipe added.

I stood up, grabbing my leather jacket that was draped over my chair and shrugged it on. “Tomorrow night we’ll patch him in,” I added.

“Where you hurrying off too?” Blackie asked, not lifting his head.

“Yeah, man, you’re always running out on us,” Pipe chimed in.

“Does the Bulldog have a piece of tail he’s chasing? Pretty little pussy you hiding from us?” Blackie taunted.

I fixed my eyes onto him, watching as he bit the inside of his cheek so he wouldn’t smile.

“Fuck off,” I growled, pointing between him and Pipe. “Set everything up for tomorrow.”

“No worries,” Blackie said, giving into his laughter. “Get some for me too, brother.”

Pipe chuckled and gyrated, air-fucking the table. “Give it to her hard, Bulldog,” he said, throwing back his head and moaning.

I rolled my eyes and headed for the door as Blackie and Pipe began barking, the rest of the guys chiming in and starting to howl behind me.

I parked my bike in the usual spot, dismounted and strode toward the diner. I glanced over my shoulder, looking around the span of the parking lot for one of my brothers, sure that one, if not all, had followed me. If they did, I would catch so much shit for this. The truth was, nothing I said would justify why I spent five nights a week sitting in this dive. I don’t know why the fuck I’m here. It’s not like I was doing such a bang up job getting information out of Danny’s girl. I sat at that counter night after night with my thumb up my ass, staring at her like some fucking creep. She was fucking gorgeous. Miles of blonde hair I wanted to fist in my hands, and creamy white skin I wanted to brand with my teeth. Nothing I ever expected Danny to sink his claws into.

Lucky bastard.

May he rest in peace.

Her body was a mystery under those baggy clothes she wore, making me want to rip them off of her and see what she was hiding. That girl was hiding more than her body though. She had a shitload of secrets—it was as obvious as the body she was hiding beneath those clothes. It was enough to make a sane man lose control.

Fortunately, I wasn’t sane and losing control over some pretty blonde wasn’t an issue.

A shrill scream tore me away from my thoughts and I pushed through the door of the diner. A couple huddled in the corner booth looked toward the kitchen in horror. I followed their eyes, stalking around the counter to where the kitchen was and stopped in my tracks.

Reina was holding her arm over the hot grill, shaking her head uncontrollably as she cried.

“No, no, no,” she chanted. “Not again. Please not again,” she begged, tears falling from her eyes.