Unbreak My Heart (Rough Riders Legacy #1)

I wondered what she’d whip up after her mother’s luncheon from hell.

“She talked about you sometimes,” Lu said, interrupting my thoughts.

My gut tightened. “She did?”

“The first time she mentioned you was after the Ellen MILF-ing incident. She said she was glad Ellen had picked a douche she didn’t really care about and not you because she would’ve committed murder.” Lu smirked. “But to be fair, she didn’t clarify whether she meant she’d kill her mother…or kill you.”

I forced a laugh. “I deserve to be sliced and diced if I ever hurt Sierra like that. I’d hand her the fucking knife.”

“So what happened in your past that had her swearing she’d never get involved with you again? Then two weeks later you’re living with her? And now Mr. Overprotective Daniels calls you to rescue her instead of me?”

“No offense, Lu, but if Sierra hasn’t told you? I won’t either.”

“Jerk. So infidelity wasn’t an issue between you two. A fuck-and-run encounter wasn’t it either.”

“I’ll point out while you’re pointing that knife at me that infidelity will never be an issue between Sierra and me.” I paused. “I spent years hoping for another chance with her. The last thing I’d ever do is fuck her over.”

“That’s a relief. Because Raj would miss you if I was forced to kill you.” She thwacked a clove of garlic on the cutting board and I jumped.


“Keep in mind…that as a landscaper I know where to bury the bodies and how deep.”

“Good talk.” I patted the counter and said, “I’ll just…go run in traffic where it’s safer.”

Her maniacal laughter followed me out of the kitchen.

Seeing Sierra curled up on the couch…I just wanted to pull the covers over us and hide away in our cocoon for a while. I scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom.

I stripped to my underwear, closed the blinds, locked the door and slipped between the cool sheets. Sierra still wore her dress. I’d left it on, not wanting to wake her up even when I craved feeling her bare skin against mine. Wednesday night when I’d been in a piss poor mood, prowling around the house, I’d hated the hollow feeling of falling asleep alone on the couch.

I brushed my lips across the back of her head and breathed in the sweet perfume of her skin, a scent that calmed and aroused me.

She shifted, rolling over and finding “her” spot on my chest. I automatically adjusted until we were positioned how we fell asleep every night.

Closing my eyes, I kissed the top of her head.

She said, “Mmm. My hero. I love you. Being in love with you is better than just being all fucking in.”

I didn’t move.

Drunk talk, my subconscious scoffed, she won’t remember when she wakes up.

But I would. Holy shit would I ever. I doubted I’d think about anything else all day.

White spots danced behind my eyelids. I forced myself to breathe.

I love you. Being in love with you is better than just being all fucking in.

Those words repeated on a loop in my head at least a dozen times.

What did I say to her when she woke up?

I couldn’t ignore that she’d put herself out there. We hadn’t hit the three-little-word stage—not that I knew what the fuck that meant. I’d heard them talk about it on TV and in the movies like it was some magical higher “level” in a relationship.

I loved Sierra. I’d probably always loved her, even back when I didn’t know what love felt like.

And you know that now? After two weeks with her?


I’d been ready to blurt out my feelings for her in the kitchen the morning after we’d spent the night together the first time. But I figured she’d be skeptical and confused if I said, I don’t know how to love, but I’m in love with you.

Or else she’d believe the best sex of my life had spurred the confession.

Why are you wrestling with this? If you’re sure you love her, act sure. Man the fuck up and tell her.

My heart raced like a motherfucker when I said, “I love you too.”

I held my breath as I waited for her to react.

She didn’t.

That’s because she’s passed out and she won’t remember this, dumbass.

That negative thought…could piss off.

I’d said it once; I’d say it again now that I knew I could say it.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

A warm, wet mouth surrounded my cock.

Nails scored the tops of my thighs, followed by the swish of silky hair across the sensitized flesh.

Soft sucking and swirling licks.

Fuck that felt good. Talk about a realistic dream.

Fingers rolled my balls as that suctioning mouth glided up and down my shaft, now fully erect and hard as steel.

I groaned. “God yes.”


I blinked and lifted my head off the pillow. “Sierra?”