Unbreak My Heart (Rough Riders Legacy #1)

“Where is Mase?” I asked.

“Watching game tapes before he leaves in the morning. He asked for peace and quiet so we’re giving it to him,” Hayden said.

“We figured you’d have the game on tonight,” Ky said to Sierra. He tipped his chin toward her Cardinals jersey. “Ugly shirt, by the way.”

His Broncos T-shirt earned him a sneering once-over. “Back atcha. Past time to retire the Manning T-shirt. Oh right, that’s the only reminder of the Donkeys’ former glory years, since they suck donkey dick this year.”

“Knock it off, you two,” Hayden said. “Focus on the common goal of jeering at the Panthers and the Vikings the next few hours.”

Hours? So much for my plans to keep her occupied on that couch, not thinking about any balls besides mine.

You are such a romantic, classy motherfucker, West.

Anton drawled, “Interesting addition to the entryway, Sierra.”


He pointed behind her. “That.”

Everyone turned and looked. Uncomfortable silence followed.

Very uncomfortable silence. Because there was a ten-inch black rubber dick stuck to the center of the catchall table with a heavy-duty suction cup.

Where the hell had that come from?

“Looks like someone forgot to put their toys away,” Hayden said. “But if there’s another explanation, I’d love to hear it.”

All eyes swung to Sierra.

“It’s not mine!”

Then I felt those same curious eyes on me.

Fucking awesome.

“Dude. Is it wearing a cock ring?” Anton asked me.

“How the fuck would I know? It’s not mine!”

Hayden shook his head. “This is TMI—but denying it? Come on, cuz. ’Fess up.”

“It’s Lu’s,” Sierra blurted out. Then she hastily added, “Lu’s idea of a joke. She mentioned repurposing it.” She lifted the key ring from the base of the dildo. “See? Just a harmless key ring. Not a cock ring that’ll make your dicks pull a turtle.”

More silence.

“There’s always that one person who takes it too far,” Kyler deadpanned.

“Go.” She shoved him. Then she shoved Anton and lastly Hayden, who looked like he had another question. “We’ll meet you in there.”

I grabbed her as soon as we cleared the corner in the kitchen. “You okay with them being here?”

“As my man would you escort them out if I asked?”

“Hell yeah.”

“I’m fine with it. They’re nosy about us and they have shown up other Sunday nights to catch a game with me.” She wound her arms around my neck. “Why? Are you not okay with them hanging out?”

“Just as long as they’re gone as soon as the fourth quarter is over.”

“Got plans for me, soldier?”

“Beyond you on top of me, with my hands on your ass as you ride me hard?” I followed the contour of her body, from her hips to her tits, which were mashed tightly against my chest. “Not really.” I fused my mouth to hers, kissing her because I could.

“This all fucking in thing really is awesome,” she whispered against my lips between soft smooches.

Someone cleared their throat. “Where are the paper plates?”

Sierra stepped back. “I’ll get them.”

No one said much as we polished off the pizzas. The McKay-kateers were more subdued than usual. I suspected hangovers all around.

At first Sierra sat beside me on the couch. It surprised her when I pulled her onto my lap. I didn’t want to take baby steps with her affection; I wanted to fucking run with it.

I trailed my fingers up and down her arm. I twisted her ponytail around my finger. I caressed the top of her thigh. All normal things most guys had probably done a hundred times by the time they reached my age. But this was a first for me. Watching football with my family and having my girlfriend snuggled into me. A strange sense of contentment rolled over me.

Sierra went to scrounge up ice cream at the start of the fourth quarter. She’d stayed on my lap long enough my legs had fallen asleep. As soon as the pins and needles feeling vanished, I got up and used the bathroom. I stopped to take a picture of the black dick and sent Raj a text: Me: Forget your dick since Lu has u by the balls?

He responded immediately

RJ: Not my D – my D has another 4 inches on that puny wannabe.


I started around the corner when I heard my name and stopped.

“…Boone seems good with all of this.” Hayden said.

“Why does that surprise you?”

“Whoa. You don’t have to get defensive,” Hayden said.

“I’m not defensive. I’m protective, which is entirely different.”

“Protective of Boone? Why?”

I held my breath. Surely she wouldn’t tell him or their other cousins about our private conversation last night.

“Because of what he and I are to each other now. I’m protective of that, so that makes me protective of him. Maybe I’ll even be secretive about all of this.” She paused. “How you think that’ll go over in the gossipy McKay family?”