Unbreak My Heart (Rough Riders Legacy #1)

But he set his hand on my shoulder, stopping me. When I looked up, he was right there.

“From the day I left Wyoming, I’ve been one hundred percent focused on getting as much medical training as I could handle. I live, eat and breathe army life. I’ve never had such a sense of purpose. I’ve never been a cog that makes the wheel run smoother. Now I am. I’m proud of what I’ve done and there’s still so much more that I want to do. I chose this life because I have a future and the past doesn’t matter. So yeah, I’ve been content with one-offs. I’m up-front about that. Never had a woman’s shampoo bottle in my shower. I don’t do couple dates because I’ve never been part of a couple. I haven’t been looking for a woman. Haven’t needed one. Haven’t wanted one. Then I saw you in Sundance. Now I’m here and I know I’ll never be content with a one-off with you.”

Shit. Was it hot in here?

I gulped down three mouthfuls of margarita and chanced a look at him.

Brooding Boone? Bye-bye. Beautiful Boone smiled. “Did that answer your question?”

“Yes-sirree, it sure did. Wow. A very thorough answer. You get an A-plus-plus for detail.”

He laughed. “So fair is fair, McKay. You ever had a guy…leave his tools in your shed?”

I choked on my drink.

Of course, Boone thought that was the height of hilarity.

But it didn’t get me off the hook from answering him. “Nope. No guy’s tools. I don’t need them. I have my own and can take care of things myself.”

“That can be taken a couple of different ways.”

“Let your imagination run wild.”

The wild look in his eye indicated the man had a very vivid imagination.

“I think the DJ is about to start playing music.” I faced that direction, standing on my toes for a better view. When I spun back around, Boone was glaring at the guy lounging at the bar next to me.

He leaned over and gritted out, “Keep your eyes off her ass.”

I froze. No need to check to see if Boone’s threat had scared the guy away. Heck, it’d almost scared me away. I sent Boone a sideways glance. He wore that bad-tempered look again. The scruff on his face made him ten times scarier looking, but it also made him ten times hotter.

Then his voice was in my ear. “You mad?”

“No. It is bad behavior to stare at someone’s ass.”

“Can I tell you a secret that might piss you off?”

“With a lead-in like that? You’d better.”

“The guy saw me staring at something in a stupor and checked to see what had my attention. When he saw your ass…well, McKay, it is fucking mesmerizing in those leather pants so I don’t blame him even when it pissed me the fuck off.”

“Omigod.” I blushed. “I’m never wearing these pants again.”

“Maybe not in public, but feel free to wear them around me in private anytime.”

I had no doubt that Boone could peel these pants off me in ten seconds if I gave him the chance. “Where do you think Lu and Raj are?”

“Skipped off to the karaoke bar. That’s not my thing.”

“Mine either. Besides, I don’t want to witness Lu and Raj one-upping each other with dirty sexy songs as foreplay.”

Boone gave me a considering look. “Give me an example of a dirty sexy song.”

“‘Gett Off.’ Prince.”


“Your turn.”

“‘Closer.’ Nine Inch Nails.”

“Oh. Yeah. I love that song. Very dirty sexy. Okay, you win.”

Boone smirked at me. “And for my winner’s prize, you’re dancing with me.”

Sierra cocked her head, those shrewd eyes searched mine. “Not a good idea, Boone.”


“Because we’ve never danced together.”

“Exactly why we need to do it now.”

“How do I know that you’re not a shitty dancer who’ll tromp on my toes or embarrass me with disco moves?”

I braced my forearm on the bar and leaned in, losing my train of thought when I caught a whiff of her sweet perfume and beneath that sweetness, the earthier musk of her skin. Brushing my lips across her ear, I murmured, “Only one way to find out if I’ve got the moves like Jagger, McKay.”

She laughed. “Okay.”

I clasped her left hand in my right, towing her behind me until we reached the farthest edge of the dance floor.

Sierra brought our clasped hands up and rested her left hand on my right shoulder, keeping our bodies a proper distance apart like we were in fifth grade gym class.

“Nice try, but you belong here.” I circled her arms around my neck. Then I placed my hands in the small of her back with my forearms resting on her hips. “Much better.”

“Says you. But if your hands migrate toward my ass, you’ll get a knee to your nuts, West.”

I chuckled. “Tough talk.”

“Try me.”

“If you want to touch my nuts all you’ve gotta do is ask, no need to get violent about it.”

She had no response for that.