Unbreak My Heart (Rough Riders Legacy #1)

I reached for the next plate.

“Maybe I worried you’d think I was a creeper if I said, ‘Guess what? I’m part of a pilot program between the armed forces and the Veterans Administrations medical personnel. I’ll be living in Phoenix and attending school here the next two years. Is housing available in your neighborhood?’” His laugh resembled a groan. “Which could actually be considered a death wish since your dad warned me against stalking you.”

I whipped my head toward him. “You talked to my dad? When?”

He draped the dishtowel around his neck and rested his butt against the counter. “You refused to see me when you were sick. Then after he happily informed me that you’d gone back to Phoenix, I…was a little pissed you’d left. So I demanded he hand over your address and phone number, and well, you can imagine how that went over.”

“What did he do?”

Boone’s cheeks turned pink. He brought his clasped hands on top of his head like a suspect under arrest. That movement caused his T-shirt to ride up.

My gaze zoomed to the hard ridges of his abdomen and a tease of dark hair that disappeared into his waistband. His silence had me peering over at him, half-afraid he’d seen me checking out the map to his treasure trail.

But his eyes were closed. “He gave me the address to your office and told me what floor you worked on.”

“I can’t believe my dad just handed it over.”

Boone looked at me. “Not until he passed on three articles of what constitutes stalking behavior. And not until I…” He emitted an embarrassed laugh. “Not until I told him I’d let all the bad-tempered McKays beat my ass in public if I ever did anything to hurt you.”


“Yeah, that was my brilliant idea to prove my sincerity or whatever. I just didn’t expect him to take me up on it and actually make me sign a fucking contract.”

I had to have misheard him. “You signed a contract. With my dad. Allowing my family to beat you up…?”

“If I ever harmed a hair on your beautiful head.”

“Boone. Why would you do that?”

Then those soulful brown eyes were close enough I could discern flecks of gold. “Because I want a chance to get to know you and for you to get to know me, so we can see where this goes.”

“And if it doesn’t go anywhere?”

His expression said he didn’t buy that at all.

Neither do you.

Boone touched my face, so sweetly, so tenderly I couldn’t breathe. “Please. Think about it.”

After what he’d told me? About how he’d talked to my dad before all this happened? How could I not? I managed to choke out, “I will.”

Relief passed over his face. “Thank you.”

“You’re really here, in Phoenix, for two years?”

“Yeah. I’m working at the VA and I’ll be taking classes. Some of the details are still vague—and that’s not me being vague, that’s just how the government works. So, see? I have no idea why I wouldn’t just tell you that.” He tugged at the strands of hair that stuck to the corner of my mouth and tucked the hair behind my ear. “Does knowing I’ll be here longer than two weeks change anything?”

I managed to keep from blurting out “Yes!” and said, “We’ll see.”

He continued to caress my cheek as he locked his eyes to mine. “I’ve had your face in my head for so long…imagining what I’d say if I had the chance. And now that I’m right here in front of you, I can’t come up with anything more original than you’re just so damn beautiful, Sierra.”

“It’s safest to stick with a classic.”

He laughed. “I am happy to see that smart mouth hasn’t gone all PC.”

“Oh, it has. But that’s a business thing. When I’m not in a suit and heels representing DPM? All filters are off, baby.”

Boone was close enough I felt the press of his lower body into mine. Close enough I saw the rapid pulse in his throat. Close enough if I stood on my tiptoes, I could taste those full lips. Close enough if he lowered his head just a little, he could taste mine.

Step back! Step back, step back, step back. You are supposed to be thinking about this. Not tossing caution aside because he paid you a compliment. Step back and retain some dignity.

I cleared my throat. “Boone?”


“Can you dial it down some?”

He frowned. “What?”

“Lower the wattage of the intensity that is Boone West.”

He took a big step back. And another. Then he turned away to rest his hands on the top of his head again. He blew out a breath. Now his T-shirt rode up in the back, giving me a peek at the curve of his spine above his hips. Nice. Very fucking nice.

Stop ogling him.

When he turned around I had to pretend I hadn’t been checking out his ass. And damn near drooling at seeing his T-shirt pulled against the muscles in his back. How had he achieved such ropy forearms? That was some serious sexy right there.

“Let’s finish the dishes.”