Unbreak My Heart (Rough Riders Legacy #1)

“You know what, Boone? Fuck off. You don’t have to act so disgusted that people will think we’re together.”

Boone was back in my face. “That’s what you think? That being with you would be an embarrassment to me? God. You are drunk because you are not that clueless, Sierra. You know that I—”

“Shut up. We’ll have a very loud and public breakup Monday morning at school. Or better yet, let’s have a big fight now. Want me to scream and storm out?”

“Jesus. I’m not doing this with you.” He gave me a once-over. “Where’s your coat?”

“In the living room.”

“Do you have snow boots?”



“Yes, I’m not a total idiot.”

Boone scowled at me. “Did you even check the weather before you went out tonight?”

I blinked at him.

“I take that as a no. The road conditions were shitty an hour ago. They’ve gotta be worse by now.”

“Did you ride your bike here?”


“How’d you expect to get home?”

“How’d you expect to get home?” he countered. “Or did you tell your dad you were spending the night someplace?”

“No. My curfew is midnight.”

He glanced at his watch. “It’s only nine thirty. Give me your keys.”

“They’re in my coat.”

He blew out a frustrated breath. “When we get out there, go ahead and act like you’re mad at me.”

“Won’t be an act.” I flashed my teeth at him.

Boone jammed his hands into my hair and messed it up. He popped the button on his jeans. Then he pulled my shirt down my arm, exposing my bra strap. “There. At least it looks like we’ve been going at it.”

My head pounded and I just wanted to leave.

He held onto me tightly as he opened the door.

A few catcalls greeted us.

Kara and Angie sidled up to me. “Omigod, Sierra. Why didn’t you tell us you were with Boone West?”

Because I’m not.

“Is that why you ignored all the guys hitting on you the last month?” Kara asked. “I guess that’s a better secret than what we thought.”

“Which was what?”

“That you’re a virgin working up the nerve to ask one of these guys to pop your cherry. That’s why I wanted you to meet Tyler.”

Boone made a growling noise that sent weird chills up my spine.

That memory faded and the present came sharply into focus.

I’d heard that snarl earlier.

When Boone thought I was with Tug.

When Hayden had mentioned Lex.

Now I realized Boone had made that same sound after Kara had mentioned Tyler.

Not because Boone had been mad at me that night.

Because he’d felt possessive of me.


And now.

Get the fuck out.

Maybe I did need to talk to him after all.

I played it cool, not chasing after Sierra, when everything inside urged me to go after her.

“What’s up with you and her?” Hayden asked.

“We’re talking.”

“But you’d rather be doing?”

I spared Hayden a dark look but didn’t respond because it was none of his fucking business.

“Watch it with her,” Hayden warned. “Sierra is family. I get that sounds stupid because you’re family too.”

“But?” I said without looking at him.

“But you vanished out of everyone’s life, Boone. I’ve been around her a lot more than I have you, so…”

“If I fuck with her, you’ll fuck with me.”

“Count on it. Sierra isn’t as much the ballbuster outside of work as she pretends to be. Guys who zero in on vulnerable shit like that piss me the hell off.”

“Guys like you?”

He laughed. “Fuck you very much, cuz, but no, I was talking about you.”

“Me? Games ain’t ever been my thing, college boy.”

“From what I understand, you’ll be living in Phoenix, joining the ranks as a ‘college boy’ soon enough, so stand down,” Hayden said, the edge in his tone sharp enough to get my back up.

Who else had Kyler told? If that asshole told Sierra the truth before I— You could’ve told her. You should’ve told her. She’ll kick your balls into your brain to see if that’ll shake some sense loose because you obviously ain’t got any.

“Hey, soldier, are you even listening to me?”

I refocused on Hayden. “What? Did I miss another threat?”

“A suggestion. If your eye fucking turns into real fucking? Don’t make promises to her that you can’t keep.”

Hayden walked off.

Standing there alone, holding a foamy, lukewarm beer I didn’t want, I was tempted to chuck it all and head back to Raj’s.

My phone buzzed with a text from my younger sister.

Oakley: I’m bored. Tell me you’re doing something fun.

I set my beer on the ground. I sucked at texting and had to totally focus to do it.

Me: At a party.

Oakley: Jealous!

Me: Don’t be. It sucks. I want to leave. Why r u bored?

Oakley: I’m babysitting. The kid crashed and there’s nothing to do in this house.

Me: Homework?

Oakley: Oops. I forgot to bring it but I’m not failing any classes. Yet.

I snorted. My sister had been born with one of those brains that found anything science related fascinating and easy to understand.