UnLoved Forever: Romantic Comedy - Romantic Suspense (Unlucky Series #3)

Still. It was bed in... what was technically Air Force One. Dani and Luke looked at it, and then at each other. There were two sets of clothing on the bed, jeans, non-descript shirts, socks, underwear. There were also a couple of towels and all the toiletries for showering.

They stripped in less time than it took to think about it, falling into each other’s arms with an eagerness that sent clothing and toiletries to the floor. It took about two seconds for Dani to realize that Luke had gone at least two days now without showering. Despite all that she gamely hung in there, through passionate gropes, until he shifted on top of her and she got a solid whiff of his armpits.

“Sorry,” Luke said as she recoiled slightly. He eased back, and sat against the head of the bed. “Why don’t we share a shower? I’m sure there’s no end to the possibilities as I take the stink off.”

Dani laughed, relieved that she hadn’t offended him, and turned to the door marked BATHROOM. To make up for her lack of enthusiasm for his embrace, she wiggled her butt in front of him and laughed when he grabbed her hips and pressed into her so that she could feel his arousal. She almost lost it there, and it was all she could do to pull away and lead the way to what she hoped would be some soapy fun. Feeling silly and free, Dani opened the door and nearly screamed in frustration.


To call it a bathroom was as technically correct as saying a porta-potty would hold a party of three. It might, but they would have to be really good friends and they wouldn’t be able to use the facilities as intended.

The bathroom was, instead, a niche, where the toilet was part of the shower. In order to wash oneself, the lid needed to be closed and the person showering had to sit on the toilet and hold a hand shower. The hand shower was the sort they had on submarines and places where water had to be stored and used sparingly. You pressed the button and got wet, only then soaping up thoroughly, before pressing the button to rinse. She’d seen larger bathrooms in RVs.

“Ah...” She turned to look at Luke.

“Well, ah... Yeah...” he said, his face falling. “I guess it’s not really very big... shit.”

Dani smiled, and stood on her toes to kiss him. She couldn’t resist grabbing him, hard, enjoying the feel of him in her hand. Though it was strictly a way to steady herself. Of course. If she stroked him a little it was only because the plane still wasn’t all that steady. Or she wasn’t. It was hard to tell the difference.

“It’s okay,” she said, giving him an extra tug, and watching in delight as his head tilted back and a look of sublime bliss settled upon his features. “I’m already naked, so you go wash, and I’ll find a way to entertain myself while I wait.”

Luke dropped his head to regard her in a mixture of lust and frustration. “You sure?”

Dani nodded. “Oh, yeah. I already showered last night. I’m good. Just... don’t linger.”

Luke grabbed her and kissed her. Dani pressed her body against his, flesh to flesh. For a moment she didn’t care about stink and sweat or anything else. All she wanted was to finish what they’d started. Only with reluctance did she pull away, though she groaned painfully. “Just... hurry.”

“Don’t get dressed on me,” he said, waggling his finger in her direction. She stuck her tongue out at him. He stepped into the bathroom and cracked his head on the faucet.

“Serves you right. Er... Are you okay?” Dani asked, visions of head wounds dancing in her head.

“Yeah, just too tall. I forgot they make these things for—” He held out a hand and measured out something about a foot shorter than him, and shrugged. “Midgets.”

“You mean, people like me?”

Luke smiled and grabbed her breast, his thumb caressing her nipple until her back arched and she forgot how to breathe.

“That is how you tease someone,” he informed her, dropping a kiss on her nose and stepping backwards very carefully into the room and closing the door in her face.

She would have followed him if she hadn’t heard the snick of the lock. The rat. She stood there a moment, the air cold against her nipples, raising them to hard pebbles that ached enough to make her want to cry. Or hit something. Preferably him.

“You’d better hurry up in there!” she shouted, and went to look at the scattered clothing. It seemed they had found for her rather standard blue jeans, but the cloth was thick, high quality, and the seams were extra strong. In her size, too, which was a little disconcerting. Just how much information did her future father-in-law have on her anyway? She picked up the panties, blue and white striped, delicate bikinis that would fit perfectly.

Yeah, he’d gone well over into the territory of being ‘creepy.’

A clang and clatter, followed by Luke finding at least three new words, echoed from the tiny bathroom.

“You all right?” she called through the door.

“Yeah!” Luke said, his voice sounding a little panicky. “President’s plane, they could fix the lid...”

Dani heard the water turn on and Luke swear. “COLD! COLD! COLD!” She rested her forehead on the door and sighed.

The water shut off and she could hear him moving around. She could see in her mind’s eye that he was digging for the soap, lathering it on. The image of her man proudly lathering his muscled body was probably something closer to the image of a poor guy slumped in a tiny bathroom trying to get soap into places he couldn’t reach.

That was when she heard the crash.


“I’m okay!” he yelled through the door.

“What happened?”

“I got so soaped up, I slid off the toilet and onto the floor.” Dani bit her lip to keep from laughing. “There is no floor in here. It’s all walls that curve.” He paused for a moment. “Dani... I fell UP.”

Dani lost her fight with the giggles. Naked, she nearly collapsed on her side of the door. She stumbled back to the cot and sat down, crossing her legs and waiting for Luke to emerge.

The water sprayed again to the resounding chorus of “COLD! COLD! COLD!” and then silence. The door cracked open and Luke stood before her like a drowned rat. With an erection.

“I forgot the towel,” he said miserably.

Dani rushed to get the towel to him and began drying him off in silence. She started with his head and face, tenderly and gently wiping his cheeks and chin. She scrubbed more vigorously at his chest and back and belly, and his strong, beautiful legs. She knelt to dry his calves, and while she was down there she slipped him into her mouth.

Luke gasped; his hand rested on her head, fingers buried in her hair.

He pulled out just before they both fell.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we’re experiencing some heavy turbulence right now. I’m going to have to ask you to return to your seats immediately and refasten your seatbelts.” As if to reinforce the captain’s announcement, the plane shifted sideways and dropped ten feet.

“WHY!” Dani yelled, and kicked the carpeting.