Ultimate Courage (True Heroes #2)

And it might be better that way regardless, she realized. He was on edge. His temper was close to the surface, and she sensed he was struggling with it.

The question was whether she could handle being with him like this, tense with pent-up aggression.

Heat spread through her, and her nipples tightened. “Yes. Stay.”

His clenched and unclenched his fists. “I want to be inside you.”

It was a warning.

She crossed the distance between them, rested her hands against the flat planes of his chest, and rose up on her toes to kiss his jaw. “I want you inside me.”

He set his hands on her hips and took a kiss from her, hungry and primal. He fed from her mouth, teased with his tongue, pressed hard until their teeth clashed ever so slightly before he backed off again, making her reach for him.

“I can’t get enough of you, Elisa.” He growled. “Be sure.”

She wanted this, needed it after the stress of the evening. She’d crouched in the back room with the kids and listened to him stand up for her, protect her. And now here he was and they were alone and she could give herself up to him in every way.

She wanted it, and she trembled in anticipation. “I’m sure.”

He walked her backward until the backs of her legs hit the bed. Stepping away from her, he yanked off his tee shirt and shucked the rest of his clothing, then reached for hers. In moments, she stood naked in front of him.

They left the lights on. His dark gaze took in every detail of her body, starting from her feet and rising. As his gaze lingered on her hips, then again on her breasts, her breath caught and her nipples tightened. He finally made eye contact and it burned into her. “You’re beautiful.”

He pulled her to him for another dizzying kiss, and when he tore his mouth from hers, she gasped for air. His hands gripped her shoulders, slid down her back, grasped her behind, and pulled her into his hips as he ground against her. The length of his erection was hard and ready between them, and she couldn’t resist wrapping her fingers around the rigid length of him. He was huge, and she should’ve been afraid, but instead she was turned on.

He growled. “Too soon.”

He took her hands off him and set his own on her hips, turning her to face the bed. With a palm between her shoulder blades and his other hand on her hip, he coaxed her into bending over, way over, until her hips were high and her face and shoulders were cushioned by the mattress. His hand moved from her hip to stroke her behind in soothing circles for long seconds until she steadied. Then he squeezed.

A low moan escaped her, and she turned her face into the blankets, trying to muffle the sound.

The hand on her behind slipped down, and his fingertips brushed over her, teasing her labia, then pressed at her inner thigh, encouraging her to widen her stance. She did, for him.

“I’ve been wanting to taste you,” he rumbled from behind her. His breath scorched her skin as he kneeled low. And he did taste.

He teased her with long licks as he held her in place. His wicked tongue darted between her folds, almost reaching her but not quite. Then his free hand was pushing on the inside of her thigh again, and she widened her stance even further. His fingers held her folds open for him, and he blew a hot puff of air against her.

She groaned. His chuckle rolled over her again, and she shivered with it this time.

He tasted deeper this time, exploring her folds with his tongue and darting farther into her entrance until she was whimpering into the blankets.

He was taking over her, seducing her body in ways she’d never thought possible, building a need inside of her stronger and more desperate than she’d ever experienced. She wanted, wanted him inside her.

“I’m rushing.” His voice was tinged with guilt. “I need to be inside you.”

Turning her head, she panted. “If you don’t hurry, I am going to be so mad at you.”

His hands gripped her behind, hard. She groaned and turned her face back into the blankets. His hands left her for a moment, but the heat of him was still close behind her. She heard the tearing sound of foil as he unwrapped a condom and rolled it on. Then the tip of him was nudging at her entrance. She couldn’t wait. She pressed her hips back toward him as she arched, and he slid into her hard and fast.

“Alex!” His name burst from her as he filled her, stretching her.

He froze. “Does it hurt?”

She let out a groan. “You’re so thick, big. I missed you.”

An approving sound, full of male arrogance. “You like me inside you.”

He rocked his hips against her, pressing his cock deeper inside her.

She whispered the word. “Yes.”