Triple Diamonds (Mystic Nights #2)

“How about we do the kiosk, and then in two years, we could have a clause that allows you to put in the store. I don’t think you have enough products to fill a store yet, you’ll be waiting on your own research and development team, and FDA approval anyway. And if you perhaps agree to come once a month to help market the products you do have, we could do make up sessions, tutorials, teach the workers.”

“Once a month is asking a lot. But I do like that idea. The shop could do drawings for make-up makeovers, once a day. And the trained staff would use my products. But I couldn’t commit to coming every month. I like gambling too much,” she laughed. “I’d be spending all my profit in the casino.”

“I can understand that, Leanne,” he laughed charmingly. It finally seemed like they were getting somewhere.

“Good, I like that deal. I think we can work something out. Maybe coming every other month. That shouldn’t be too difficult since I’m local.” She lifted her glass of Merlot and toasted a very profitable meeting. Setting her glass down, she eyed the younger man with appreciation. If she weren’t happily married, she would definitely be interested in this man. He was devastatingly handsome, and the utmost professional. “Dinner was delicious. I am glad we ate in the casino. I must admit I was very impressed with how they cooked the fish. I am all about locally grown and raised produce and meat.”

“And we are too. That’s why we wanted only you for the new direction of the spa.” He lifted his glass one more time to her, draining its contents.

“I’d love to thank the chef,” Leanne indicated. Joseph had a brief moment of panic. If he had been sipping his drink, he might have choked. He knew Louis left early and Jewel was heading the kitchen tonight. Louis just came to set up the kitchen. But not wanting to disappoint Mrs. Carne, he nodded at one of the wait staff who immediately came bustling over.

“We would like to thank the chef, and compliment her on the delicious meal,” he informed the waiter who dipped his head slightly and then backed away.

It wasn’t but a minute later when he saw her. She was wiping her hands on a cloth, and handed it to the waiter who also nodded in their direction. He saw her quick frown, and her falter for just a moment when she realized where she was headed. But because of the professional she was, she quickly replaced her annoyance with a tight smile. He knew she was probably still angry about earlier, but he respected her competence.

When she approached the table, she gave her hand to Leanne performing a quick once over. The woman was stunning. Tall, and lithe, blond, and her breasts were exposed perfectly in the blouse she wore. And they weren’t too large either. She was everything Jewel was not, and even though she had been upset with Joseph for his rash accusations, she’d hoped they would talk it out. She’d even regretted her moment of fury. But, this, just a few hours later, rubbing it in that he could so easily find someone else to warm his bed, had her on fire once more.

“I am so glad you enjoyed the fish this evening. It was fresh and locally caught on the nearby reservation.”

“Yes, so I’ve been told,” she smiled across at Joseph. “It was delicious, the sauce perfect. I wanted to thank you personally.”

Jewel’s eyes strayed briefly to Joseph, but returned her focus to the stunning blond. “You are quite welcome. And if you are staying for dessert, I recommend the blueberry torte. Also locally grown berries. The first season was just brought in.”

“Oh no, I couldn’t.” She patted her stomach which was flat as a washboard.

“Well, you’ll have to try it if you’re staying longer.”

“I’ll be here a few days more, and next time I will leave a little room for it,” Leanne graciously agreed.

Jewel felt it was as good a time as any to make her departure. There was no sense lingering when she had a kitchen to run. Joseph had made his point. It was over as far as she was concerned. “Well, I should be heading back to the kitchen. I’m so glad you enjoyed the meal. Mr. Sassacus,” her gaze then turned to him. And with eyes of steel, she added, “Enjoy your date.” And as much as she tried to keep the anger from her voice that sarcastic comment managed to slip out.

Before Leanne could deny the implication, Jewel turned and fled, a lump had started to form in her throat, and she knew if she stayed a moment longer, she would cry. She didn’t want to give Joseph that satisfaction.

Leanne’s eyes widened in surprise, and her mouth made a perfect o. She didn’t miss the girls’ tone. She gave Joseph a sympathetic glance. “Oh, girlfriend trouble,” she murmured apologetically.

Joseph nodded. He watched Jewel cross the rest of the dining room and escape through the double doors back into the kitchen. But just before the doors closed, he saw her shoulder’s sag, and his heart went out to her. He never thought that she’d mistake his dinner engagement for a date. “Leanne, I’m terribly sorry, and if you’ll excuse me for a moment, I’m afraid the chef mistook our dinner meeting for a date. We have recently started dating.”

M.J. Nightingale's books