Triple Diamonds (Mystic Nights #2)

This time Jonathan shook his head in the negative. “No, Aliya and I decided that the need for housing on the reserve is just too great. We don’t want to push any single mothers down the list just because we are married. My house is close to both the reserve, and here. We’ve decided to stay in our home.”

Tawny nodded her approval. Housing was always an issue. It was one of the things she hoped Mystic would finally be able to redress. “Well, as soon as you know the sex of the baby and the theme, let me know. I can’t wait to do some shopping.”

“Will do, Mom, though I suspect you have already done a bit of that.” He kissed her cheek which she turned into.

“Guilty as charged,” she pleaded. She couldn’t wait to hold another baby in her arms. Her grandchild.

Joseph watched as Jonathan made his escape. After he left, Joseph turned to Tawny one more time. He wanted to let her know he would go speak to Tom right away, and that afterwards he was meeting his sisters for dinner. He invited her along.

“I’ve got a dinner engagement myself.” She lied easily. “But, maybe later in the week.”

He gave his mom one more kiss and headed down to the security offices on the second floor. He wanted to speak with Tom Watson before going to his room. His relaxing time had just been cut in half, and after dinner he had plans of his own. And hopefully, after a long day like today, it would be a pleasant interlude. He needed it, because the week ahead looked like it was going to be a bear, too.

Chapter 5


Joseph’s jaw practically hit the floor the moment he walked into Light It Up. And unfortunately, both of his sisters were by his side to see it. When he’d mentioned he was heading to one of the casino clubs for a bit after dinner, both decided to join him. Eve ran the nightclub, as well as the two others in the casino, and was heading the fourth project currently under way, Spirits in The Sky. And even though it was her night off, she liked to check in now and again when the employees weren’t expecting it. For twenty-three, nearly twenty-four years old, his sister, well both of them actually, we’re just as driven and focused as their mother. And, she also liked to dance. And love-struck Dawn, although more bookish, also enjoyed a night out now and again eternally searching for the one to make her dreams come true.

He really hadn’t wanted his sisters to be his wingmen, but he couldn’t tell them that. Not now. If either one of them knew he had come out tonight in hopes of hooking up with a girl, and that he was interested in pursuing a specific someone, they would tag along to spite him, and then tell their mother all about it over coffee in the morning. He groaned inwardly at the thought of that conversation.

As soon as the threesome hit the club, he quickly masked his reaction to the sight he saw on the dance floor. Jewel, Linda, and Dinah together, not looking like kitchen staff members any longer were grinding on the dance floor, and his Jewel was in the middle, in a short grape colored cocktail dress that was showing plenty of her thighs. And to hell if they weren’t sexy as hell. Her naturally bronzed skin gleamed under the dance floor lights like satin. They begged to be touched, or better yet, stroked. By him.

Instead of heading straight to where the three girls moved, he steered his sisters towards the bar and ordered them all a drink.

Eve leaned against the bar perusing the crowded scene happily. She knew she could fill another bar easily. And as Dawn climbed onto a bar stool next to her brother, she knew without a doubt her new project would be the lure for the younger crowd she wanted to see at The Mystic. It would become a favorite spot for the locals, and bring in the crowds from Jersey and New York on the weekends.

M.J. Nightingale's books