Torn (A Wicked Saga, #2)

“I have a problem with your dick hanging out.”

“You didn’t have a problem walking around the apartment with your junk all out and in everyone’s face,” Tink retorted, referencing the first morning those two met.

“That’s because I didn’t know you were here.”

Tink smirked. “You know what I think the problem is? You’re intimidated by my size.”

Oh my God.

Ren laughed. “Yeah, I’m not intimated. That’s not a problem.”

Considering I fortunately knew Ren’s size and unfortunately now knew Tink’s size, I could confirm that was, indeed, not a problem. Picking up a throw pillow, I tossed it at Tink. He caught it and sighed, holding it so it covered up parts of him I hadn’t wanted to ever see.

I pressed my fingers to my temples. “This is a nightmare. I’m going to wake up in a few minutes, the lock on my front door won’t be broken, there will have been no knight, and Tink will still be a foot tall playing with troll dolls.”

“Oh, I’ll still play with them,” Tink replied.I squeezed my eyes shut.

“If it makes you feel better, I can return to your Tink-approved size,” he offered.

“It’s not going to make me feel better.” I opened my eyes. “Now that I know you’re really full grown.”

“Okay.” He sat down on the edge of the coffee table, bare ass and balls just everywhere. Jesus. He stretched out his long legs. “So . . . this is awkward.”

No shit. This entire time I thought I’d been living with this cute little brownie, but really I’d been living with this extraordinarily hot, super tall, fully-grown male creature of the Otherworld. Because I’d thought of him as this tiny thing with wings, I had never really worried about accidentally flashing him with my boobs or worse.

“While this shit show over here is a pretty big deal,” Ren said, gesturing at Tink, who, as expected looked offended by his word choice, “I’m going to have to ask one more fucked-up question in a series of fucked-up questions.” Ren sat on the arm of the couch. “I know things were crazy—well, are still crazy.” He eyed the new life-sized version of Tink. “But that knight was gunning for my ass, and I mean that. He didn’t want anything to do with Ivy.”

My eyes widened. Oh no. Ren had noticed that. Of course he had. Not like the knight wasn’t being particularly obvious about it. I had no idea what to say. And I didn’t get a chance to really get creative, because Tink spoke from his naked perch on the edge of my coffee table.

“Probably because the knight went after the one he viewed as more of a threat,” he said. “That’s what I would do. Take out the one who is stronger first.”

My brows slammed down.

Tink studiously ignored me. “Knights are very tactical. They’re strategists.”

I had no idea if he was telling the truth or just covering for me.

Ren looked over at me. “This is a big deal,” he said.

Everything about the last twenty-four hours was a big deal.

“If the knights are coming to Order members’ houses in the middle of the night . . .” Ren thrust his hand through his hair then dropped it to his side. “This changes everything.”

My gaze met Tink’s. Everything had already changed.

Chapter Ten

“I’m sorry, Ivy Divy.” Tink followed me into my bedroom.

“Stop with the cute shit.” I cut him off as I walked to my closet and yanked the door open. “Calling me ‘Ivy Divy’ isn’t cute anymore, not when you’re like two freaking feet taller than me.”

“I’m not that much taller than you.”

I looked over my shoulder at him, shooting him a glare worthy of shriveling up the man-parts now concealed by a towel wrapped around his waist, because apparently he didn’t have any dude-sized clothing on hand.

“Okay.” He backed off . . . by a couple inches. “I never said anything, because I—”

“Let me guess. Because you never thought it would be an issue?” I laughed harshly as I pulled a sweater off a hanger. Shoving the door shut, I faced Tink—man-sized Tink. “I’ve heard that excuse before.”

“I know.” He glanced out into the living room. Ren had left with the body to go do God knew what with it, but he could return at any minute. “It’s just that when we enter the human realm, we always take this form. It’s a protective measure, and you found me in that form, and I thought it was best—”

“Oh my God, Tink, you could’ve just said something. Like, oh, I don’t know. ‘Hey, I may look small, but I’m really a giant dickhead.’ That would’ve been helpful.” I pulled the sweater on over my head then stomped out into the living room, walking around the shimmery blood that smelled faintly of berries and cream. I just couldn’t even deal with that. “You’re cleaning that up!” I shouted at Tink.