Tone Deaf

I scratch her neck and then softly ask, “You want to be friends? I promise to give you tummy rubs if you promise not to eat me.”

My voice must be a little louder than I wanted it, because Cuddles blinks her eyes open and peers at me. After a moment, she licks my hand and closes her eyes, her tail still slowly wagging in her sleep.

I give her head another pat and the gently trace one of the scars on her shoulder. “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” I murmur. “We’re going to be besties before you know it.”



KILLER COMES INTO the RV in a flurry of smiles and rapid-fire chattering. I wave a greeting from the couch, where I’ve been sketching a drawing of Cuddles. She’s taking our new friendship rather seriously and hasn’t left my side all day. I even had to shove her out of the bathroom, and then she just waited for me by the door. At this point, I’m more concerned about her stalking habits than her teeth.

Cuddles wags her tail at the sight of Killer, and he kneels next to the dog, throwing one arm around her in a hug. His other hand is busy handling a to-go cup of coffee that could fit half the Pacific Ocean. Unfortunately, it’s missing a lid and most of its contents. Killer on caffeine? Not good . . .

Jace and Arrow come trailing into the RV, both of them looking tired but content. As soon as Jace spots me on the couch, he sits next to me and pulls me into a hug. His lips move as he says something, probably a greeting. But I don’t quite catch what he says as he leans forward and affectionately kisses the top of my head.

“How did it go?” I ask.

“Good,” he signs. “We did some autographs, and then just walked around the festival for a while. They had some good talent this year.”

Killer steps up to me, butting into our conversation. He blurts out something, but he’s glancing between everyone in the room, and there’s no way I can follow what he’s saying.

“Killer, calm down,” I say. “I can’t read your lips when they’re moving at the speed of light.”

He rolls his eyes, like this is somehow my fault, and says more slowly, “We’re having a sleepover tonight.”


I turn to Arrow, figuring that he’ll know what’s going on. He’s Killer’s second half, so surely he can explain everything to me at a reasonable pace. But he looks just as confused and repeats, “We’re having a sleepover?”

Killer scoffs. “No, Ali and I are having a sleepover. You’re bunking with Jace.”

“What? Why?”

“Because we’re going to have a Doctor Who marathon, and you laugh at all the wrong times whenever we watch it.”

Arrow scowls and mutters, “You just don’t want me to see you bawling like a three-year-old when David Tennant dies.”

Killer nods agreeably. “That, too.”

Jace signs to me, “What’re they talking about?”

I shake my head and sign back, “It’s a geek thing. You wouldn’t understand.”

Killer taps my shoulder so I’ll look back at him. “Get your jammies and meet me over in our RV.”

“Um . . . okay?”

Jace pulls me close to him. “Killer, I don’t think she wants to watch your ridiculous show.”

“I love Doctor Who,” I say, partly because I really do, and partly because it’s kind of fun watching Jace’s confused expression. He looks cute with his face scrunched like that.

Killer jumps up from the couch. “Then it’s settled!” he says to me. “You’re coming over to watch the Doctor and his awesomeness.” He turns to Arrow. “And you, sweetie, are going to have to sleep here on the couch. See where your lack of respect for geeks gets you?”

“Bastard,” Arrow mutters, although I can see the small smile at the corner of his mouth. I wonder if any of Killer’s antics ever truly annoy him. As grumpy as the dude is, Arrow seems awfully patient with his boyfriend.

Killer ignores the insult and points to me. “I’ll see you in my RV in fifteen minutes. Okay?”

“How am I going to get to your RV without being caught?” I ask.

He shrugs. “It’s dark and my RV is right next door. No one will see you. And, if they do, I’ll just tell them you’re with me, and I’m actually bi.”

Jace struggles to hold back a laugh, and I feel my own mouth twitching into a smile. Killer cheating on Arrow? Yeah, right, no one would ever believe that.

But I get the feeling protesting would be useless, and Killer confirms this as he leaves the RV without waiting for my response, his lips moving in a flurry as he plans our sleepover. We all roll our eyes when he exits the RV, the door slamming closed behind him.

“Why do I date that idiot?” Arrow asks.

“Because you love him.”

Olivia Rivers's books