To the Stars (Thatch #2)

My hands moved over the tightening muscles in his back when he covered my body again, and I shivered when his teeth grazed my throat. His hips rocked against mine, eliciting a moan from me. With one last searing kiss, he moved down my body, and pressed openmouthed kisses all the way down, causing me to tremble when he slowly—so slowly—pulled the boxers down my legs while his mouth followed the cloth.

I felt the faint brush of his lips as they raced back up my leg, and stopped near my hip long enough for a soft kiss, then contin ued until his face was directly above mine again. His dark eyes captured mine and conveyed all of his need, all the words that he wasn’t saying, when his fingers began gently teasing me.

I was his, and he was never letting me go.

My back arched away from the bed, and my eyes fluttered shut as he brought me closer to an orgasm—but his touches were just light enough that it felt like I wouldn’t get there. It was driving me crazy in the most amazing way. From the soft laugh in my ear when Knox bent over me again, he knew it. I had been so focused on trying to get closer to his touch that I hadn’t noticed when he’d pulled down his boxer briefs, and Knox had to cover my mouth with his own when I cried out in surprise and pleasure when he quickly filled me—forcing me over the edge I’d been barely hanging on to.

Every inch of my body felt like it was buzzing, tingling, floating as my orgasm surged through me. A deep growl rumbled through Knox’s chest and passed from his mouth to mine when my fingernails dug into his back as he moved inside me and my second one started before I could even be sure that my first one had ended.

Just like the day before, our bodies moved in a way I’d never known they could—like they knew they’d been made for each other. Every move from him was met with one of my own. It was perfect, harmonized . . . beautiful. But I should’ve known it would’ve been perfect with Knox, whereas everything with Collin had been tainted, even from the beginning.

I tilted my head away from him, exposing more of my neck as his lips ghosted down it and his movements quickened. It was all I could do at that point just to hold on to him—my body was spent and still trembling, but I wrapped my legs around his back and held on to his shoulders as tight as I could. The soft lips on my neck were replaced with his teeth, and my eyes rolled back at the erotic combination of the bite, the vibration and sound of his groan, and the way his fingers dug into the bed—just barely gripping my arms—as his body stilled above mine.

His. Everything about his position then screamed that, just as the way I clung to him showed he was mine.

“I love you,” I whispered into the dark room as he continued to hold me—not willing to let this moment end, while I wasn’t willing to let him go.

Knox placed a soft kiss where he’d bitten down, then moved his head to whisper in my ear. “To the stars, Low.”

I exhaled slowly and smiled as I ran my fingers through his hair. To some, it might not mean much. But to us, those words meant more than just “I love you.”

When Knox did pull away, he kept his body touching mine as long as he could by sliding down and kissing my lower stomach and the top of one of my thighs before reluctantly moving away from me and off the bed. He ducked into what I assumed was his bathroom, and after a minute, came back with a warm, damp washcloth, then proceeded to kiss me slowly, tenderly, as he helped me clean up.

The look on his face before he left again was clear, and I’m sure mirrored my own. He didn’t want to leave this bed for the rest of the day, but we had a lot we had to figure out and deal with. So when he walked back to the bathroom, I climbed off the bed and grabbed the bag of clothes Deacon and Graham had bought last night.

I’d half-expected the clothes to be for someone five sizes bigger than me, just because it was something they would’ve done in the past—but I was surprised when they ended up fitting me better than most of my clothes did now. They’d even bought a new scarf to cover the bruises on my throat.

Knox was walking back into the room by the time I was dressed and headed toward the bathroom—since the guys had been gracious enough to also grab toiletries for me—and hooked an arm around my waist to kiss me softly.

“No matter what happens when we walk out of this room, we’re going to spend the next fifty years waking up next to each other. Just remember that. All right?”

I smiled and nodded. “Why not sixty?”

Knox’s dark eyes danced. “For you, I’ll make sure it’s sixty.”

Molly McAdams's books