Thrown Down (Made in Jersey #2)

The room was dark, making the situation illicit as he came up behind River, framing her throat with a hand, riding his other one up her right thigh. “Waiting to have you alone is going to be the hardest part, isn’t it?” He lapped at the side of her neck with a starved tongue, needing some of her taste, her scent, her texture. All of it. “Being around you is a hard-on while wearing handcuffs.”

“Vaughn…you went and got a job at the factory,” she breathed, even as her head tilted to the side. “Why wouldn’t you tell me something so important?”

He released an open-mouthed sigh against the flesh he’d dampened. “Maybe I should have.” Searching for the right words wasn’t easy when he finally had his woman alone. “I want it to be a given that I’m going to bust my ass for us, Riv. But I know it’s not a given yet. I shouldn’t expect that. But I won’t stop until it is.”

River turned into his hold, gasping as he walked them backward and wedged her up against the far wall. That press of curves and muscle drew strangled groans from both of them, and a distinct resentment for clothing from Vaughn. “Oh my God,” River said, a tremor passing through her voice. “It’s never going to be any other way, is it? Every single time you touch me…”

“What?” He slanted his mouth over River’s in a thoroughly filthy kiss that ended in her thighs trying to climb up his hips. “What’s it like? Like you’re twice as sensitive than you’ve ever been? Like every part of you is full and ready to bust the fuck open?”

“Yes.” She pushed her tits up like a birthday gift. “Just like that.”

“Yeah. We’re going to need to work something out, doll. A place to meet on our lunch break. Something. You understand?” He slid his left hand up to capture her jaw. “I’m ready to get you back in the habit of three orgasms a day. Morning, afternoon, and night. I’m your fucking meal plan, Riv.”

“I’m yours, too.” She turned her face, capturing his thumb between her lips, sucking like his digit was providing life-giving sustenance.

With a guttural sound that couldn’t be contained, Vaughn rolled his hips against River, giving her a preview of what she had in store—a hungry man who relied on her for survival…and that survival included pleasure only she knew how to give. “Is sucking my thumb your way of saying you’d like to have me for lunch some time?” He coasted one hand down her collarbone, massaging each of her tits in turn, without gentleness, savoring the abrasion of her nipples against his palm. “You want me to send you back to work licking those fuck-me-Vaughn lips?”

She nodded, sliding her mouth up to the tip of his thumb, teasing it with a flickering tongue. “There’s another way you want to send me back to work,” she whispered, and—son of a bitch—his cock stiffened to the point of agony.

“Oh yeah, doll?” Vaughn rubbed his wet thumb along her full upper lip. “How’s that?”

“Sore,” she said softly, her eyelids drooping, breath coming faster. “You used to send me to school that way, so sitting down would make me think of you.”

Christ. How had that memory been shuffled to the back? He recalled it now and reveled in the fresh surge of lust it inspired. Lust and…a tinge of self-hatred. “Ah, Riv. I’m sorry.” He lifted desperate fingers to her dress, undoing the buttons fast as he could move them, sliding hands inside the material to grip her tits. “I shouldn’t have taken it so hard on you. I just…I couldn’t see inside those brick walls and fuck, I couldn’t lose you, even though I deserved to. That was the only way I could think to stay with you during the day.”

“You did.” Her touch landed on his belt buckle, tugging leather through pant loops with a sensual, slithering sound. “You’re forgetting how much I begged for it. I needed you with me, too.” Soul-punching eyes lifted to his. “I still do.”

Vaughn took over the task of unzipping his fly, shoving down his boxers to take out his cock, with a choked curse letting the weight of it bob. “Are you trying to remind me of what I said?” He jerked up the skirt of River’s dress, bunching it around her hips. “Did you think I’d forget my promise—that next time would be a rough fuck from behind?”

River’s stomach hollowed against his knuckles and shuddered back out. “I guess you didn’t.”

“No.” He twisted the front of her panties, tight, tight, tighter. “You see that couch over there?”

Looking so goddamn beautiful with her perked-up tits lifting and falling, his big hand wrestling with her underwear, dress halfway to the ground, River didn’t seem capable of answering, giving a jerky nod instead.

“I’ve been picturing you face down, with your hips braced on the sofa arm. Ankles spread. Been picturing it for hours.” He tugged the panties down, finally giving Vaughn his first sighting of River’s sweet-tasting * since yesterday. Hallelujah. “Knowing you’ll be bent over, lifting that ass for me? It had me so hard, my dick kept pushing out through the opening of my shorts, chafing against the inside of my clothes. All motherfucking night. So, no, I didn’t forget. I’ve been trying to calm myself down enough that I don’t break the furniture trying to abuse your G-spot.”

“Stop,” she moaned shakily.

Vaughn leaned down to get in her face, their lips brushing together. “Stop what?”