
“I guess it is.” Reid chuckled. “But, it’s more of a forever kind of thing for me, not just a fuck.”

“For me too,” I said with a smile, before pressing my lips back to his. “He deserved a whole lot more than just a smart ass comment from you.” I was still in awe of the fact that Reid had played it so cool. I knew he hated Beau and I’m sure he wanted to retaliate, but he was right about having a lot to lose. He didn’t want to stir up trouble with his new sponsors or get a bad reputation. If he would have hit Beau, I had no doubt that he would have gone straight to the press and spun some story about how Reid assaulted him. I didn’t want to think about it anymore. “Speaking of what you said earlier... can we go home?”

“Absolutely.” He looked over at Brett and Georgia. “Can you make sure she gets home?”

“Of course,” Brett answered. I could see the sparkle in his eyes when he turned to look at my sister. Could the playboy actually be looking for more than just a one night stand? Although, maybe what my sister needed was a night of reckless fun. She hadn’t dated anyone since Jamie had died. Perhaps one wild night with a motocross bad boy was exactly what she needed to jump start her love life.

“I can get myself home, Reid,” Georgia said proudly. Or maybe she didn’t need anything at all.

“I know you can, Georgia-girl, but just humor me. Let my guy here be a gentleman and all,” he persuaded.

“I guess it would be all right,” she said, giving Brett a look when she thought he wasn’t looking, but he was and the pink of her cheeks gave away that she was enjoying it.

“I’ll be home tomorrow,” I said to Georgia as I stood up. Reid was right beside me and we both pushed our chairs back. “Night, G.”

“Good night.”

Brett said his goodbyes and as we were walking away, I knew the first thing I’d be asking my sister about when I saw her tomorrow was how the rest of her night went. It was time for her to let herself fall again, and judging by the way that Brett was paying attention to her all night, I’d say he was up for the challenge.


“So one week, huh?” I had brought up the inevitable as we climbed into bed. I’d pulled on one of Reid’s shirts and left just my underwear underneath. He was down to his boxers as soon as I suggested we go to bed. His lips grazed mine as we cuddled together.

“Yeah,” he said, his tone heavy and disheartened. “It sucks.”

“I’ll be okay,” I told him. “We will be okay.”

“I know, baby. I’m just not ready to leave you yet. I’ll miss you.” He pressed his lips to mine. “And this.” His hand ran down the length of my body before slipping underneath of my shirt and caressing my skin softly on its way back up. “And these.” He chuckled when he found my breasts bare and cupped one, then the other with his hand. “I’m going to miss all of you.”

“Well then...” I sat up and pulled my shirt over my head, before straddling him. “Might as well get your fill of me before you have to go.” I grinned as he pulled me against his chest and locked his mouth to mine. He was leaving and it might be a month or so before we actually got to see each other again. I was damn sure going to get my fill of him. If that was even possible. We definitely gave it our best effort before we fell asleep that night, neither of us wanting to let go of the other. Six more nights like that and we might have to take some time apart out of sheer exhaustion.

I woke up to an empty bed but I could hear the rumble of dirt bikes outside and knew that Reid hadn’t gone far. What I was surprised by was the fact that my camera was sitting on his pillow with a note from him.

Come take some pictures, Shutterbug.

Elizabeth Lee's books