This Is Love, Baby (War & Peace #2)

Taking several calming breaths, I wave toward the bathroom door. “Could you grab me a towel?” I ask in the most level tone I can muster, hoping I can distract him long enough to implement part two of my plan. All I need is a few seconds’ distraction.

His eyes narrow and he runs his finger along my bare calf. “But you look so pretty with this blood all over you. His fucking blood,” he snarls as if the very thought of Brandon disgusts him. “You should wear it proudly, baby. It makes me want to suck on your clit until you wake the neighbors with your screams.”

I tremble and hold back my tears. I should have known I couldn’t outsmart Gabe. He’s like the black knight, anticipating all of my moves before I even make them.

I am not a weak pawn.

I am the queen.

Quickly devising a new plan, I peel the blood soaked hoodie from my body and toss it away. Brandon’s blood is beginning to dry on my throat so I quickly smear it down over my bare breasts.

Gabe’s eyes darken and he growls. “Jesus, you look so fucking hot right now, sweet girl.”

I flash him a shy smile. “I should be trying to run,” I whisper. “But all I can think about is having you inside me.”

He groans and crawls onto the bed beside me, taking Brandon’s spot. “Straddle me. My body hurts too fucking bad to do this any other way. I want to play with your * while I watch that blood run down your tits.”

I sit up, sliding my palm across the bed, I make contact with my saving grace, and do as I’m told. My hand fists the wondrous piece and I twist my arm behind my back, pushing my tits forward to dazzle him with. All done in a graceful, fluid motion. The bandage on his nose has me halting my movement. “I don’t want to hurt you,” I lie. Truth is, I want to sit on his face and smother him with the * he seems to adore.

“Oh, baby. Such a sweet girl. You just sit there and look pretty—I’ll do all the work.”

Nodding, I ease myself down to straddle his waist just above the top of his jeans, my naked body vulnerable and shaking. I close my eyes and think of War. His gorgeous smile. His moving lips as he counts my breaths. His gentle and loving touch.


I can do this.

For War and our baby.

Gabe grips my thighs almost brutally, which has me jerking my eyes back open. This monster has always thought he owned my body. Making me come against my will. I want to make him pay for hurting War, causing Brandon to get lost in the darkness, for the role he played in the deaths of my parents.

I could almost get off on the idea of Gabe’s death.

Over and over again, I think about his neck being spilt open from ear to ear. His blood, responsible for the deaths of everyone I love, will pour from him until his heart stops beating.

I’ll leave this nightmare he dragged me into. I’ll go to college. I’ll raise this baby in a loving home with War in peace. I’ll go on and live when it was Gabe’s plan to take it all away.

I’ll spit on his grave and laugh all the way into the sunset of my own twisted happily ever after.

THE THOUGHT OF Gabe’s death is responsible for an all-consuming nearly orgasmic shudder that ripples through me like never before. It’s not sexual though, it’s a buzzing, electric adrenaline I’ve never experienced. My body responds with anticipation to eradicate him once and for all from my life, not the feeling of his filthy tongue on my clit as he’d like for it to be.

The rage festers inside me, fueling me. Egging me on. My grip tightens around my sanctity in my fist as I wait for the perfect moment.

“You’re something else, baby. So sweet and innocent at times, and fucking naughty as hell at others.” He sits up on one elbow and drags his gun along my bare belly. I try not to recoil in disgust and flash him a seductive smile instead.

“Thank you.”

His dark eyes widen in surprise. “For what?”

“For getting rid of him,” I say with a shiver. “He was different. Scary different.”

He drags the still warm barrel of the gun to my sex and teases my clit with it before letting it trail back up. “I’m kind of pissed off you find him scarier than me. That boy was always a *. Maybe,” he murmurs as he pokes the gun almost painfully into my lower belly just above my pelvic bone, “I should scare you a little more.”

My widened eyes meet his and he grins. If this were six months ago in my living room and he were poking me with his finger, that grin would have been charming. But not now, now it chills me to the bone.

“I’m not scared of you,” I tell him, my voice level. “Because I love you.” Those words fall out easily too, but they’re a big fucking lie.

“I love you too, sweet girl,” he tells me, his dark eyes warm like melted chocolate. His thumb slides over my belly just below my navel and he winks.

I make my move and lean forward to kiss him.

I’m coming for you, black knight.

As soon as our lips touch, he groans. Before he can deepen the kiss, I jerk away from him and swing my arm around. I’m clumsy with the weapon that feels too big in my slender hand, but it’s my only shot. I let my anger strengthen me as I stab downwards into his chest.

K Webster's books