Third Son's a Charm (The Survivors #1)

One hand slid over her bare breast, and when he rolled one hard nipple between thumb and forefinger, she almost moaned.

When she opened her eyes again, he had a small smile on his lips. And then, his gaze locked with hers, he bent and took that hard bud into his mouth. Lorrie did moan then. She arched and moaned and pulled him closer.

His mouth on her breast was the most exquisite sensation she had ever encountered. She did not want him to ever stop what he was doing—the gentle sucking and teasing and even a quick nip. He lifted his head, and she cried out. “No. Please.”

He raised a brow, and then lowered his mouth to minister to her other breast.

“Oh, thank God. Yes,” she said cupping his head. “Your mouth is brilliantly wicked.”

His hands slid from the heated flesh of her chest down her body, pausing at her hips and taking their time as they caressed her thighs. And then his mouth left her too, and she tried to pull him back. But his hands were full of the muslin of her dress and his gaze seemed to follow the hem as he lifted it higher. She supposed she should be embarrassed. A man was not to look upon a lady’s ankles, and he had lifted the dress to her knees now. But Lorrie could only stare at Ewan’s face.

He did not speak much, but he did not have to. His eyes showed his appreciation and desire. When the hem was at her waist, he licked his lips and then his gaze met hers. “Still want to misbehave?”

She nodded, at a rare loss for words.

His hands touched her knees, slid up to toy with the ties of her garters and then inched higher still. The throbbing in her belly had moved lower, to the place between her legs. It seemed to coalesce there, pumping like a small heart, making her want to squirm and press her hand there to quell the ache.

Gently, Ewan parted her legs, and Lorrie had a moment to wonder if he would deflower her. She both wanted him and feared the consequences.

And then she could think no more because he pressed one hand against her center, and one of his large, long fingers slid inside her.

She bucked against him, against the sweet invasion and the myriad of sensations it brought.

“Shh,” he said, and she realized she’d been all but mewing. And then he pressed the palm of his hand up, and that was exactly where she needed him to touch her. The pressure was there and gone and there again as he slid in and out of her, his finger slick with her arousal. Lorrie felt she might be embarrassed by all of this later, but at the moment she was too desperate with need to think of anything but his hand and the sensations he caused.

His gaze swept over her, her cheeks, then her breasts, and whatever he saw seemed to tell him something, for he slid another finger inside her.

“Oh yes!” she cried, unable to stop. For now he filled her, his fingers sliding against the walls of her sex and making her hips pivot. His thumb—for that must be his thumb—parted her lips and pressed against the center of the throbbing. He massaged the small nub, circling and circling until she was panting and biting her lip to keep from screaming with need.

And then she could contain her cries no longer because the world went blindingly white. Her legs shut and she took the pleasure she needed, grinding against his hand like the wanton she had always feared was inside.

And in the midst of the ecstasy, she looked up at him, dreading the reprisal in his gaze. Instead, what she saw in his eyes was the same hot lust coursing through her, and she knew then, this was only the beginning.


She came hard and fast against his hand. He hadn’t expected her to climax so quickly or with so little effort on his part, but the first time he’d met her, dashing across St. James’s after her silly puppy, he’d seen she had a passionate nature. He couldn’t help but be pleased that carried over into this aspect of her personality as well.

He was far from done with her. He’d wanted her for too long, and watching her orgasm had only made him want to see more. His aching shaft reminded him it too wanted relief, but Ewan still had some standards of behavior—even if he held on to them by their very last shreds.

When she finally relaxed, her body unclenching from his fingers, he slid out of her tight, wet sheath. He splayed his hands on her bare thighs and bent to kiss her again. Her mouth was a marvel to him. The more he kissed it, the more he wanted to kiss it, the more he wanted to taste her.

He could smell her arousal now. It was on his hands, and he wanted to taste that desire too. He wanted much more than that, but he could not take what he really wanted, and so he would have to content himself with the feel of her silky skin under his fingers, the flick of her sweet tongue in his mouth, and the sound of her breathing as it once again came short and fast.

He broke the kiss and glanced at her nipples. They were hard again—thick, dark red points straining upward. He took one then the other in his mouth, and she arched her back. She had large, firm breasts, and those thick nipples made him want to sit her on top of his shaft and make her ride him while he suckled her.

Most ladies of her class would probably faint at the very idea, but Ewan had the feeling Lady Lorraine had a more adventurous spirit. It was no wonder now that she had been so eager to marry his cousin. It was bedsport she wanted, and she could not have it without marriage.

But he would not ruin her for marriage. He could give her what she wanted and leave her a virgin.

Reluctantly, he left her breasts to move lower. He would have liked to strip her bare and kiss her stomach and her hips, but his knowledge of women’s clothing was somewhat limited. The more he removed, the more he would have to help her put on again. And so he knelt on the floor, pulling her round buttocks to the edge of the bed so he could push her legs wider. She didn’t object, but she sat, her breasts tempting him with their pert tips.

He lowered his head, kissing the inside of her thigh near her knee. He could feel her shiver.

“Oh, that is nice,” she said. Before the next twenty minutes had passed she would think what he did much more than nice. Meeting her gaze, he trailed his mouth higher, closer to her sex. Her eyes widened with shock and also with pleasure. Her breasts rose and fell as her breath came quick, and he could smell her need now that he was close to her sheath.

Shana Galen's books