Third Base (The Boys of Summer Book 1)

We’re five games into a nine game home stand and things are not looking good, people. It’s time to put your rally caps on and start yelling at these guys. Come on, we pay good money for our tickets. At least they can show up!

Of course with the Yankees in town, the Renegades cower in the corner. Listen guys, the “curse” is dead. It’s long gone! Stop letting them win. Maybe Curt Shilling needs to remind us what the bloody sock looks like… that is if he weren’t suspended from broadcasting right now.

Down in the minors, centerfielder, Cooper Bailey, is looking fantastic and batting .393. The prediction is that he’ll be called up soon, rather than waiting for Bainbridge to retire or ask for a trade.

We, in the Renegade community, are thankful that our runs batted in are still (somewhat) higher than the runs we’re giving up – 154 / 139.

Silver lining, folks, we gotta find it!


It took much digging, but I’ve been able to unearth the identity of Mr. Ethan Davenport’s girlfriend. Yes, even though he has yet to confirm that they’re dating, taking her to the Rotary dinner was HUGE and didn’t go unnoticed by anyone. The young woman occupying Boston’s Most Eligible Bachelor’s time is none other than University of Boston’s Daisy Robinson. We wish her luck!

Travis Kidd was spotted at the Chevy Dealership the other day. Why is this news? Well, because his father owns a Ford Dealership. I think Thanksgiving may be a bit awkward in the Kidd house this year.

Manager, Cal Diamond, has been seen going in and out of the Cancer clinic recently. A call to the front office yielded nothing. We hope that whatever’s going on, Mr. Diamond and his family are in good health.

The BoRe Blogger

I hate the Yankees.

Of course, I grew up a Seattle Mariners fan, so it’s what we do. We hate teams that continually beat us and win every possible title that comes their way. When the Renegades drafted me, it basically became law that I not be a fan of the Yankees. Honestly, you don’t find many people in Boston who are. And if they are it’s because they’re not from here, although, if you go to any other city, chances are, you’ll find Yankee or Braves fans everywhere. We can thank cable TV for that. Another thing you never do once you’ve been a Renegade – leave and become a Yankee. It’s a guaranteed way to lose the respect of your fans.

As a major league player, I have goals: Win a batting title, Homerun Derby title, World Series title, and bat for the cycle... just to name a few. I like to remain optimistic and think that I can achieve each goal with the Renegades, but in order to do so I need to be consistent and right now I feel like I’m not. It’s still early in the season, but that’s no excuse. My off-season training prepares me for these moments. I shouldn’t be failing my team or myself.

It’s the bottom of the fifth and I’m on deck. Preston Meyers is up to bat, ahead in the count and with no outs. Steve Bainbridge is on third after a deep right field pop-up by Kayden Cross allowed him to tag from second.

One look at the scoreboard tells me that if we want to win this game, we need to get some hits and base runners otherwise we’re going down… again. And frankly, I’m sick of losing to the Yankees.

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