Third Base (The Boys of Summer Book 1)

As I look around, I wonder if Daisy will like my place. All my walls are gray, but with white woodwork and cabinets. I went with black, red and white furniture to blend with the gray. My guest bedroom has a white comforter while mine is dark blue. My leather couch and comforter are the only things I picked out. My mom and sister did the rest.

I look at my king size bed and imagine Daisy lying there with her blonde hair, contrasting with my blue sheets. She’s going to look pale, gorgeous, and sexy as fuck, and I can’t wait until I’m lying next to her. I want to see her in my home, to see if these things I’m feeling are the real deal or just from the excitement from knowing someone new. What I do know is that my senses are heightened when I touch her and my nerves are zinging with electricity when she’s near. I never felt like this with Sarah. That has to mean something although I’m not sure what. What I am sure of is that my gut is telling me I can’t push her no matter how much I want to get to know every inch of her body as soon as humanly possible.

When I arrive at the stadium there’s a note in my locker to go see the GM. If it were serious, he would’ve called me and asked me to come in. As is, it’s still nerve-racking climbing the stairs to see the man who could change your life in the blink of an eye. What’s worse is that he’s only a few years older than me.

Wendy is sitting at her desk, typing away. When I walk in, she stops and smiles. “Mr. Stone is waiting for you.”

“Thanks,” I say. I knock on his door once before I twist the knob and enter. Ryan Stone is standing at his floor to ceiling windows that overlooks the field. He truly has the best view, but there’s nothing like being down where the action is. “Hey boss.”

Ryan turns around and motions for me to sit in one of the chairs that are situated in front of his desk. Last year, I walked in to talk to him about the BoRe Blogger only to be interrupted by none other than Hadley Carter, who I had a massive crush on. Turns out, Hadley and our boss used to be an item and she was here to win him back. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t believe in love. She won her man back, and they ended up getting married on the field.

“How are you feeling these days?”

I know he’s asking about my nervous tick and honestly I haven’t felt it during the past few days. Come to think of it, this afternoon at lunch I didn’t have to hide my hands at all.

“I’ve been trying acupuncture and I think it’s helping, but not all the time. When I’m nervous, it’s always worse.”

Ryan opens a file and briefly picks up a sheet of paper before setting it down on top of the open folder on his desk. “I’m not seeing it affect you on the field.”

I shake my head. “No sir, I’m comfortable on the field and when I’m batting.”

“The extra time with Diamond paid off then?”

“I believe so.”

Ryan makes a note and closes my file. He’s been a hands-on general manager, making sure that everything is okay with his players.

“Are you ready for some media training?”

I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. I’ve been waiting for this moment for over a year now. “Yes, sir. Tell me what I have to do.”

Ryan slides another sheet of paper toward me. I take it and read it two or three times before my mind starts going crazy. I’m to attend Media Marketing at Boston University. I’ll be on the same campus as Daisy for two weeks.

“Sir, here I was hoping your wife was going to teach me!”

“Nice try, Davenport,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Everything good? Are you still obsessed with the BoRe Blogger?”

I grind my teeth and clench the armrests of the chair. Ryan knows how I feel about the blogger. I know some of my issues with the blogger are from my own stupidity, but everything I do, or the team does, is posted on this blog. Can’t he write about baseball and call it good? The other day he implied that Bainbridge is cheating on his wife. That shit isn’t cool.

“Unfortunately, I don’t see my obsession going away anytime soon.” It’s probably best for me if I learn to ignore the blog, but I don’t see that happening.

Heidi McLaughlin's books