Third Base (The Boys of Summer Book 1)

“Ethan?” Mom’s voice is happy, yet scolding.

I shrug and hold up Daisy’s hand, much to the cheerful delight of everyone in the room. “Daisy and I are getting married.”

“When?” Mom asks.

We had talked about a date into the wee hours of the morning the night I proposed, finally settling on one that would work for both of us. “We know its short notice, but we’re going to get married in February before I report for spring training. We don’t want anything big and Daisy wants to get married on the beach. So we thought we’d all take a trip to the Keys and have us a little party.”

“Are you pregnant?” Shana blurts out. Both Mike and my dad glare at her. She shrugs. It’s an honest question.

“No, I’m not pregnant. There’s just nothing keeping us waiting.”

“Here’s to my son and his beautiful bride. I’ll be very happy to spend some time down south in the winter.” My dad laughs as he gives us a toast.

Mom comes over and pulls us into a hug, congratulating us. Shana and Mike are next, followed by my dad. It doesn’t escape my notice that he hugs Daisy for a long time and when he pulls away, she’s wiping tears. I look at her, but she shakes her head, leaving me to talk to my family while she disappears down the hall.

“I’ll be right back.” I hand Mom my glass and follow Daisy down the hall, finding her in the bathroom.

“Are you okay?” I rub her back while she dabs a tissue to her eyes.

“Yes, your dad said something that made me cry.”


Daisy turns, resting her hip against the sink. “He said he’d happily walk me down the aisle if I felt like I couldn’t do it myself.”

In this instance I feel my throat swell up with emotion. “Wow, what’d you say?”

“I told him I’d think about it.”

“You do whatever you’re comfortable with, babe.” I kiss her chastely and wish I could close the door and have my wicked way with her, but we can’t. In fact, we won’t be able to be together as long as everyone is here.

When we come out of the bathroom, my mother and sister are putting more presents out and Shea is picking up every one they put down, trying to read the names. I go and scoop her up and bring her over to the couch so she can get to know Daisy.

“Daisy is going to be my wife. That will make her your aunt.”

“What do I name her?” Shea shrugs.

“How about Auntie?”

Shea shakes her head. “Maybe I call her Flower.”

Daisy and I both look at each other and laugh, which causes Shea to laugh. It’s not long until my mom is calling Daisy and Shana into the kitchen to cook dinner and Mike and my dad are relaxing in the living room. I stand back, looking at my family, and realize I don’t think I could be any luckier if I tried.

My life is complete.

It’s time for pre-season.

Our Boston Renegades are gearing up for another season. The Grapefruit League will start in a few days, ending April 2nd when the BoRe’s return home to open up at Lowry field.

The off-season trade sent Jasper Jacobson to the Toronto Blue Jays in exchange for future draft picks and the Renegades will welcome Cooper Bailey to the roster. The BoRe also added some much needed pitching.

After much speculation, Bainbridge returns to the Renegades for another season.

Here’s to another season of Renegade baseball!

Bring on 2016!


I’m sorry to all the women of Boston…

Ethan Davenport has wed his girlfriend, Daisy Robinson, in an intimate ceremony at dusk on the beach in Key West. It’s rumored that Ethan’s father walked Ms. Robinson down the aisle, while his niece served as flower girl. Travis Kidd is rumored to have been the best man. No word on the official bridal party at press time.

The BoRe Blogger

Heidi McLaughlin's books