The Unholy Consult (Aspect-Emperor #4)

He?rsa, Dun (4078—4112)—Man-of-the-Tusk, Shield-Captain of the Hundred Pillars, formerly a Galeoth thane.

Herder’s Gate—The main gate of Sakarpus, so called for being the city entrance designated for leading animals to slaughter.

Heresiarch—The title of the leader of the Cishaurim.

Heron Spear—A powerful artifact of the Inchoroi Tekne, so named because of its unique shape. The Heron Spear first appears in the Is?phiryas as Su?rgil (Ihrims?, “Shining Death”), the great “spear of light” taken by Cu’jara Cinmoi from the corpse of Sil, the Inchoroi King, at the battle of Pir Pahal. For millennia the Heron Spear lay in the possession of the Nonmen of Ishoriol, until it was stolen by Cet’ingira (see Mekertrig) and delivered to Golgotterath c. 750. Then in 2140 it was stolen again by Seswatha (see Apocalypse), who believed it to be the only weapon capable of destroying the No-God. For a brief time it was thought destroyed at the catastrophic Battle of Elene?t Fields, but it reappeared in 2154 in the possession of Anaxophus V, High King of Kyraneas, who used it to slay the No-God at the Battle of Mengedda. For centuries it resided in Cenei, a treasured possession of the Aspect-Emperors, only to be lost once again when the Scylvendi sacked Cenei in 3351. Its whereabouts are presently unknown.

Heteshiras—The famed night-long bacchanals of the Ainoni caste-nobility.

Hethanta Mountains—A large mountain range located in central E?rwa.

Hifanat ab Tunukri (4084—4111)—A Cishaurim sorcerer-priest and servant of Anas?rimbor Mo?nghus, slain at Caraskand.

High Ainon—A Ketyai nation of the eastern Three Seas, and the only nation to be ruled by one of the Schools, the Scarlet Spires. Founded in 3372 after Sarothesser I defeated General Maurelta at the Battle of Charajat, High Ainon has long been one of the most populous and powerful nations of the Three Seas. The agricultural production of the Secharib Plains combined with that of the Sayut Delta and River Valley supports both an extensive caste-nobility (noted for their wealth and their obsession with jnan) and an aggressive mercantilism. Ainoni ships can be found berthed in every port in the Three Seas. During the Scholastic Wars (3796—3818), the School of the Scarlet Spires, which is based in the capital, Carythusal, managed to destroy the army of King Horziah III and assumed indirect control of the nation’s primary institutions. The nominal head of state, the King-Regent, answers directly to the Grandmaster.

High Keeper of the Hoard—Honorific belonging to the King of Sakarpus.

High Kunna—The debased version of Gilc?nya used by the Anagogic Schools of the Three Seas.

High Sakarpean—The language of ancient Sakarpus, a derivative of ancient Skettic.

High Sheyic—The language of the Ceneian Empire, a derivative of ancient Kyranean.

High Vurumandic—The language of the Nilnameshi ruling castes, a derivative of Vaparsi.

Hilderath, Solm (4072— )—Man-of-the-Tusk, one of the Nascenti, formerly a Tydonni thane.

Himonirsil—“The Accusatory” (Ihrims?). Nonman name given to promontory of stone jutting like a pointing finger toward Golgotterath. During the C?no-Inchoroi Wars it famously lay at the heart of the Arobindant.

Hinayati Mountains—A large system of mountain ranges located in southwestern E?rwa, sometimes called “the spine of Nilnamesh.”

Hingeath, Sucoithus (4088—4132)—Ordealman, Earl of Gaenri, and commander of the Gaenrish contingent in the Great Ordeal of Anas?rimbor Kellhus, slain at the Battle of Imweor.

Hinnant—A palatinate of High Ainon, located in the heart of the Secharib Plains.

Hinnereth—The administrative and commercial capital of Gedea, located on the Meneanor coast.

Hinsursa, River—K?niüric name for the river draining the high Aorsic plains into the Sea of Neleost, forming the natural frontier between Illawor and Yinwaul. Known as the Migmarsa (“Bone-tumbler”) in A?rsic sources.

Hipinna—Book of Nonman hymns dedicated to love, among them the celebrated “Fear Flee You,” one of a mere handful of songs to be adopted by Men:

Fear flee you.

Sun and Starving glare not down upon thy brow,

thy breath.

Fear flee you.

Hunger and Dolour clutch not at thy ankles,

thy hope.

Fear flee you.

Let Love climb high upon thy arch,

Let Passion delve deep.

Fear flee you,

my slave.

Hiril—Ancient ?meri road pacing the River Aumris across the highland interior of K?niüri.

History (D?nyain)—The movement of human events through time. The significance of History for the D?nyain is found in the fact that past circumstances dominate and determine present actions, such that individuals continually find themselves “coming after,” which is to say, at the mercy of events over which they have no control. The D?nyain believe that utter detachment from history is a necessary precondition for absolute awareness.

History (Inrithism)—The movement of human events through time. The significance of History for the Inrithi is that the God is manifested within it. The Inrithi believe that certain configurations of events express the truth of the God while certain other configurations are inimical to such expression.

Hoar-Pelt—White bear-skin mantle that the Kings of Viri wore instead of a crown, rumoured to be a gift of H?syelt, Dark Hunter.

Hoga, House—The ruling dynasty of Agansanor. The Black Stag on Green is their traditional device.

Hoga Brood—The name given in the Conriyan court to Hoga Gothyelk’s sons.

Hogrim, Hoga (4093— )—Ordealman, Believer-King of Ce Tydonn, nephew of Earl Hoga Gothyelk.

Hoilirsi—Province of Sheneor in Far Antiquity, noted for the violent River Irshi, which once formed its northern frontier, and for the cultivation of grains.

hollows—See hemoplexy.

Holol—“Breathtaker” (Ihrims?). Famed sorcerous blade forged by Iblil’accullil during the C?no-Inchoroi Wars.

Holy Bounty—Fee dispensed by the Imperial treasury in exchange for Sranc Scalps. Originally two scalps per silver empress when Anas?rimbor Kellhus first announced the Bounty in 4119, this payout would be more than halved when the Scalper companies began perfecting their tactics. Corruption involving both tallies and payouts was initially rampant, leading to the execution of hundreds of scalpers and imperial officers alike in the first of the Scalper Purges of 4125.

Holy Deep—The ultimate depth of Ishterebinth, and for ages a place of pilgrimage and worship for the Nonmen of Injor-Niyas, given the absolute silence and blackness.

Holy Precincts—See Hagerna.

Holy Sagas, The—A collection of epic lays that recount the Apocalypse. The opening invocation runs:

Rage—Goddess! Sing of your flight!

From our fathers and our sons.

Away Goddess! Secret your divinity!

From the conceit that makes kings of fools,

From the scrutiny that makes corpses of souls.

Mouths open, arms thrown wide, we beseech thee:

Sing us the end of your song.

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