The Trouble With Temptation (Second Service Book 3)

“I didn’t grow up in the best neighborhood,” Ty said a full minute later. “I lost some friends. It didn’t seem like anyone in a position to stop the violence cared enough to try.”

“I’m sorry,” Morgan said, putting down the remote. She turned around to look at Ty. His gaze was focused somewhere far away, and the devil-may-care look was gone.

“It was a long time ago.”

“I’m still sorry.”

He nodded. “The Navy gave me a way out and I was grateful for it. When I got out, I decided I would be the person that cared enough to stop it.”

Silence hung in the air for another couple of seconds before Ty looked back down at her.

“Wow,” Morgan said, giving him a tight smile. “Your story wins.”

Ty chuckled, the humor coming back into his eyes. He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Just so long as we have that straight.”

He tilted his head down toward her lips. Morgan closed her eyes. She leaned forward.

And heard a not-so subtle cough behind her.

Morgan opened her eyes and found Ty glaring daggers at someone behind her. She swiveled around. Michael stood about ten feet away.

“I’m not interrupting something, am I?” he asked.

“Of course not,” Ty said with a heavy sigh. “Why would you even ask?”

“Because it looked like you two were about to kiss.”

“About to. But not anymore,” Ty said. He rose to his feet and adjusted the front of his pants. “Did you need something?”

“Yeah,” he said. “We’ve got a mock up that should work for what you need. I thought you’d want to see it.”

“That was fast.” Morgan took Ty’s outstretched hand and he lifted her up. “We’d love to see what you’ve got.”

Morgan followed Michael down the hall. She could hear Ty’s heavy footsteps right behind her. Just like she could hear him muttering under his breath, “Yeah, Michael. I’d love to see what you’ve got.”


As much as Ty hated to admit it, Michael’s device was perfect. Small, portable, easy to use—it was everything they could have hoped for. All Morgan had to do was attach the gadget to the electric panel of her brother’s safe and manually run through the numbers. The device’s light would turn from red to green when she hit the next correct key in the sequence. Then she’d just have to put them together at the end.

She could be in and out in under five minutes.

It was an impressive solution to a difficult problem. So why was he struggling against the urge to clock Michael square in the jaw instead of pat him on the back?

Maybe it was the way Morgan had decided to thank Michael when he’d handed her the gadget—throwing her arms around the guy’s neck and laying a big ol’ kiss on his cheek.

Of course, that didn’t make sense. Even if Ty was the jealous kind—which he wasn’t—he was still smart enough to know the difference between a friendly show of appreciation and a true moment of intimacy.

What was with the sudden surge of possessiveness?

All Ty knew was how close—and long—Michael was holding her wasn’t helping any.

He gave a loud cough.

Michael met his pointed stare for half a second before he loosened his hold around Morgan’s waist.

So he wasn’t imagining anything. Michael still had feelings for Morgan.

Not that Ty could blame him. Hell, he was falling for her pretty damned hard. He hadn’t known her for a full week yet and the woman had him acting like a damned fool…the way he’d laughed at his friends for acting when they’d fallen in love. He could only imagine what they would think if they could see him now.

“I can’t believe you were able to throw this together in nine hours,” Morgan said, taking a step back.

“Eight, really,” Michael corrected her. “We took an hour break for tacos.”

“Tacos?” Morgan’s eyes lit up.

“There are still some in the commissary if you’re hungry. I’m happy to go back with you for seconds,” the dark-haired lady on Michael’s team said.

“You bet.” Morgan turned toward Ty. “Shall we go grab some dinner?”

“Do you mind grabbing me a couple? I have some questions for Michael.”

“Of course. I’ll meet you back in the room.” She handed him the gadget then lifted herself up on tiptoes to give him a kiss. A real one. On the lips.

Ty turned back to Michael the moment they were alone. The other man’s spine and shoulders were straight and stiff as a T beam. His hands were clasped in front of his waist, and his gaze was direct.

“Yes,” Michael said before Ty could open his mouth.

“Yes, what?” Ty blinked.

“Yes, I still have feelings for Morgan.” He lifted his chin a notch higher. “That was what you were going to ask me, wasn’t it?”

Ty shook his head and chuckled. “I didn’t need to ask. It’s pretty obvious.”

“I can assure you, I have no intention of acting on those feelings.”

“I know,” Ty said.

Michael’s eyebrows shot up high enough to meet his hairline. So, that was why the poor guy was holding himself so stiffly. He was anticipating a beat down.

“How could you possibly know that?” Michael asked.

“The same way you knew that I was going after the Bratva. You’re not that hard to read.”

“And you’re not upset?”

Adrienne Bell's books