The Trouble With Temptation (Second Service Book 3)

She lowered her head and nuzzled her lips against the column of his neck. Feeling a little bold, she teased the sensitive skin with her teeth. She was rewarded with a low moan. She did it again. This time, his whole body tightened against her.

Suddenly, he changed direction. He took two steps, and lowered her on to something long and soft.

Morgan turned her head to the side.

The couch.

Looked like he couldn’t wait to make it to the bedroom, after all. That was fine by her. The couch worked well enough.

Ty pulled away just far enough to work on the buttons of his shirt. Morgan didn’t stop him. She’d been waiting to see his chest for a while now. Ever since the moment that he’d walked into her club, she’d been fantasizing about what he looked like. A few flicks of his fingers later, she had her answer.

And it was ten times better than she’d ever imagined…if that was possible. He was lean and cut, every muscle that she’d felt through the thin material was clearly defined. She lifted her hands to let them roam over his taut skin, starting at his chest and working down. He felt perfect.

Maybe she was right. Maybe he was a god.

Morgan looked down as her fingers swept over a hard pucker of skin.

A round, raised scar showed on his hip.

He pulled off his shirt to show a matching one on his right forearm. A faded red slash cut across his left shoulder.

So, he was human after all. And, by the looks of it, he’d been through some rough stuff. There was probably a hell of a story behind those marks, and Morgan was determined to hear it.

But later.

Right now, she was a little busy.

She lowered her hands to the waistband of his pants and gave him a little help with the fly of his jeans. Anticipation made her hands shake a little as she popped open the button and pulled down the zipper. If his physique was better than she imagined, she couldn’t wait to find out about his other attributes.

Morgan’s eyes widened.

It turned out nothing about Ty Brannigan disappointed.

She snapped her jaw shut when she heard a low chuckle as Ty slid the pants the rest of the way down his legs and on to the floor.

“I told you during my interview that I wouldn’t let you down,” he said, pulling a small square wrapper from his back pocket. For someone who’d initially said this was a bad idea, he certainly came prepared.

She cocked a brow and struggled to keep a straight face. “Yeah, you also said that you looked forward to proving yourself.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, sliding his hard body between her legs. “I live to serve.”

“Good to know.”

Ty propped himself over her on one arm. The fingers of his other hand curled in her hair. Morgan tilted her head back and into his kiss. Ty pushed his hips forward. She sighed into his mouth as his cock pressed inside her. Her fingertips dug into his shoulder blades.

He went still as his hips hit hers. Her body stretched around him.

“Morgan.” Shivers spread up her spine and down her limbs as he whispered her name.

Slowly, he pulled out. Then pushed back in again.

Morgan’s mind swam with desire. She couldn’t think. Only feel. She wanted more. She wanted all of him. She pivoted her hips higher as the pleasure threatened to overwhelm her.

God, she was close. So close.

Morgan cried out as Ty increased the rhythm of his thrusts. Her body surged upward as a wave of pleasure, more potent than any she’d ever felt before, surged through her. She ground against him, desperate for every last moment of bliss.

She heard his own response. The muscles of his back rippled under her fingers. She held him as close as she could as he stiffened and groaned. The sound rumbled through her as his weight bore down on top of her.

They stayed that way, his face buried against her neck, her arms and legs wrapped around his body, for a full minute as their breathing slowed. Eventually, Ty lifted his head. He swept the hair away from her face, and gently kissed her lips before lifting himself off.

“I guess I should get around to showing you the bedroom now,” he said, and stretched out his hand to her.

Morgan blushed as she slipped her palm into his. “I guess you should.”

Chapter Eleven

It felt like a second between the time Morgan’s head hit the pillow to the moment that she woke up. It couldn’t have been though. The room had been pitch black when Ty had snuggled up against her back, his arm wrapped around her waist, but now light was streaming through the uncovered window. And it wasn’t the muted glow of daybreak either. That sun was full and high.

Morgan glanced around but didn’t see a clock. She rolled over to look for another and came face to face with Ty. His eyes were still closed, but the amused smile tugging at the corners of his lips told her he wasn’t asleep.

“What time is it?” she asked.

“Does it matter?” His voice was low and groggy. Normally, that wasn’t a sexy combination, but somehow his sleepy grumble made Morgan want to nestle deeper into the pile of blankets and pillows and slowly drift back to sleep.

But she couldn’t do that. Not today.

“It does.”

Deep beneath the covers, his hand slipped over the curve of her hip.

“You sure about that?” he said, opening one gorgeous grey-green eye.

Adrienne Bell's books