The Things We Keep

“This isn’t an intervention, Jack,” Peter says.

“It better not be. Because this isn’t a democracy. I have Anna’s power of attorney. So if this is about her boyfriend, forget it.”

Peter and I confer with our eyes. “It’s about the letter,” I say. “Anna’s letter.”

Peter gets the notebook out of his bag.

“Yes,” Jack says. “I read it.”

“Then you know it says Anna and Luke agreed they’d stay together until—”

“I know what it says. I also know Anna has not been true to this promise, because she did try to kill herself. That is a fact.”

“That is a fact,” I say. Already I can see that I am at a disadvantage, arguing with an attorney. “And I’ll admit, I don’t understand that part. Maybe we never will. But let’s look at all the facts. When you took Anna out of Rosalind House, she became so depressed that, despite your reservations, you returned her there and saw marked improvements in just a few days.”

“So love can work miracles, is that what you’re saying?” Jack laughs blackly. “What do you want me to do? I took her back there, didn’t I?”

“Yes, but they might as well be a world apart. Imagine the improvement if they were allowed to actually spend time together. If you unlocked the doors—”

Jack looks at me. “This may come as a surprise to you, but I love my sister. She’s the funniest, bravest, most extraordinary person you could possibly imagine.”

“I know she is.”

“She’s also the most vulnerable person you could imagine. And I am responsible for her. I let her down once. I’m not going to do it again.”

“I know you think—”

“Oh, you know, do you?” Jack’s eyes flash. “You know what it’s like to have a loved one try to kill themselves because you walked out when they needed you the most?”

“Yes,” I say. “Except in my case, they were successful.”

This stops him a second. Jack and Peter exchange a glance.

“You’ve probably heard of my husband, Richard Bennett?”

Jack stares at me. “You’re Richard Bennett’s wife?”

I nod. “You promised you would look after your sister. I promised I would support my husband in sickness and in health. And we did. Just because Anna and Richard made decisions we didn’t understand when we weren’t there, doesn’t mean we let them down. It just means … they did something we didn’t understand.”

I wait for Jack to lob back a retort, but he remains silent. Tears shine in his eyes.

“I admit, I still blame myself sometimes. But when I’m thinking clearly, I know that I had no control over Richard’s actions. And though you may have some control over Anna’s, she can still make her own decisions. And if I know anything about Anna, she’ll make them, with or without your support.”

At this, a soft laugh comes from Jack. “Wow,” he says. “You do know Anna.”

“Keeping her away from Luke won’t change what has already happened. But it might change what happens in the future.” I take the notebook from Peter and thrust it out for Jack to see. “Anna loves this man. At this stage of their lives, they are all each other has left. Let her be with him,” I say. “Because if you don’t, you might just end up blaming yourself for that. And as Anna would say, life’s too short.”



When Legs visited yesterday, I thought I was going to burst with all the stuff I had to tell her. It’s weird, not going to school together, but it’s great to have so much to talk about. I tell her about my new teacher, Mrs. Hubble, who is nearly as nice as Miss Weber, and my new friends, Billie and Scarlett and Pippa. What’s so good about Legs is that she wants to hear everything. She’s still my very best friend. She came to our apartment and we ate pizza and did each other’s hair and danced around while we watched Frozen. Then Mom helped us make orange and poppy-seed muffins.

Today, Mom and me go to Rosalind House. The people at Rosalind House must not have many visitors, because when I walk in the door, it’s like the man from the ice cream truck has showed up. Everyone grins like crazy. Angus is there and he gives Mom a kiss on the cheek when he thinks I’m not looking. It’s a little weird, but it makes Mom smile. And I want Mom to smile. Anyway, Angus is pretty nice.

Mom scuttles off to see the new manager lady, and I do an Irish dance for Gwen in the hall. I give Laurie a high five and May a kiss. Then I have to excuse myself because, actually, I don’t have all day.

Bert is in the parlor. “There you are!”

Bert looks up, blinks his yellow eyes, and after a million years, smiles. He needs to go to a dentist, but I don’t tell him this, because it would be rude. “Well, hello there, young lady.”

I guess Bert still doesn’t remember my name. And for the first time in ages, this makes me a bit sad. “I’m Clementine,” I say.

He nods.

I point to the chair next to him. “Is Myrna sitting there?”

“No. Would you like to sit down?”

“Yes. I’d like to talk to you about something.” I settle myself in the chair. “It’s about Myrna.”

Sally Hepworth's books