The Silent Shield (Kingfountain #5)

Trynne was only too grateful to be back in Averanche. There was no need to bring Fallon back to Dundrennan. He had decided to stay at Kingfountain to train until the Gauntlet. Sinia had departed to Tatton Hall to bring young Gannon to Ploemeur, where he would reside during their mother’s long absence. Sinia wanted her children to be together while she was away, and the presence of both heirs would be a salve to the people of Brythonica—a reassurance that there would always be a Montfort in Brythonica.

Trynne knew she only had a short time to spend in her city, and she wanted to make the most of it.

At noonday, she was in the training yard of the castle. Captain Staeli stood back-to-back with her, wearing his armor and holding a sword defensively. The two of them were hemmed in on every side, completely surrounded by the Oath Maidens. Each held weapons of various sorts.

“This is what I am asking you,” Trynne said, wearing her hauberk and tunic, feeling the gauntlets and greaves groan as she moved. “Do not hold anything back. Do not let up until we are both knocked down. Our enemies will not hold back. Our foes will not hesitate. You must fight until you fall. Then get up and fight again. And again. You are Oath Maidens. Captain Staeli stands proxy for your king. You stand proxy for our foes. Fight with all you have in you. So will I.”

Staeli rocked on his feet, preparing for the attack. Trynne’s heart beat faster as she registered the looks of determination on the faces of the girls and women surrounding them. She had both her swords out, one in each hand.

It was no surprise that Mariette led the charge. Trynne’s mouth went dry as she and Captain Staeli were rushed from all sides. Her magic flooded over, rising in response to the threat she faced. During the last months, she had trained with multiple foes, increasing the number by one every week. At the Battle of Guilme and before, she had felt limited by her supply of Fountain magic. The only way she had found to increase it was by self-discipline and practicing against more and more foes. In the months since the battle, she had increased her store of magic considerably and could fight without stopping for nearly an hour. Sometimes, she was so at one with her magic that it felt as if time itself slowed to a crawl and she alone could move while her enemies labored to attack her.

These tests always wore her out, sapping her magic until it was gone, and even then she’d continue to fight until she was physically exhausted and could barely stand.

The girls could not all attack at once, and she could defeat any of them individually. The test came from protecting someone else, in this case Captain Staeli, which was what she had trained to do. She was the king’s protector. She was going to become his champion.

As the magic swept through her, she reacted on instinct alone. She blocked not only the attacks aimed at her, but also the attempts at Captain Staeli. Hers was defensive magic, and she could sense every person coming against them. She did not wait until the attackers got close, but came forward and blocked and countered with crisp efficiency. Her magic pinpointed her enemies’ weaknesses instantly, allowing her to disarm them or knock them back. After training for so many months, they had all gotten better and better.

But it was impossible to face multiple foes without getting hit. Her armor protected her from fatal wounds, but every thrust that made it past hurt, and she wished she had her father’s magic scabbard to heal her wounds. Grunting and breathing hard, Trynne swiveled and pitched and kicked her way through the women attacking her and Staeli. The captain was not a docile defender himself, and the two of them together were a formidable pair.

Yet wave after wave of girls kept coming, most of them fresh and eager for a chance to prove themselves, and Trynne’s arms started to grow heavy and tired. She could feel the edges of her magic shrinking, pulling in tighter and tighter.

Suddenly five organized themselves to launch a simultaneous attack on her.

“Tychos!” Trynne shouted, invoking a word of power. The attackers struck an invisible wall and crumpled against it, falling to the courtyard floor.

“How’re you . . . feeling, lass?” Staeli said with a gasp.

She could hardly breathe and uttering the word had left her winded.

“Quite well,” she managed to say. “You?”

Staeli punched one of the girls in the stomach, twisting his leg around hers before throwing her down.

“Never better!” he shouted with a defiant grin.

Trynne’s face was dripping with sweat. But she wondered what she would do if there were no end to Gahalatine’s soldiers.

Even her magic had its limits.

My mind is much clearer now that I’ve stopped drinking the sugared poison. I still cannot remember who I am or how I came to be in this cell. But I have learned some things from the clues around me. I can summon fresh water from a carving I made in the stone wall. I don’t know how I do it, but I feel there is power inside me. My left hand once bore a ring. The skin on my ring finger is callused where it used to be. I feel an empty ache inside of me, a longing for people I cannot remember. I was married, or used to be. I know how to fight. Every time the guard comes to feed me, I am tempted to wrestle him for control of his dagger. He has some gout in his left knee, and even with these chains, I think I can overpower him. He refuses to answer my questions, but he’s worried that I’m so lucid. I think he realizes that the poison isn’t affecting me anymore.

Someone is coming. Not enough time has passed since my last bit of food. What is happening? I can feel the power the visitor is using. The door squeals as it opens. My jailor has brought a man wearing a silver mask.



As Trynne fastened a bracelet onto her wrist, there was a knock on the door. She gazed at herself in the mirror, feeling clean from her bath, fresh in a gown, and confident. She had not depleted all her magic during the test with the Oath Maidens. Far from it. After some delicious peaches and salted nuts, she felt replenished and invigorated and ready to leave for Ploemeur.

“Enter,” she said, pulling out a pair of earrings as the door opened and old Farnes entered, wheezing, with Rani Sureya behind him.

Farnes gave her a formal bow, struggling with his breath. “A carriage arrived at the gate with a nobleman from the Occitanian city of Lionn seeking to meet you. I . . . sent him away. You wished to speak to the princess.” He straightened and shut the door as he left.

Sureya, who had taken to wearing the fashions of Kingfountain, had also bathed and changed. She looked on nervously as Trynne fastened the earrings to her lobes.