The Scotch Royals (Scotch #3)


I was planning on taking a trip back to Fair Isle, to have some quiet time on an island in the middle of the sea, but due to the extra work Ariel’s absence had caused, I didn’t have that luxury. Her presence in the company was vital because it allowed me to have the freedom to do what I wanted, when I wanted.

But now that freedom had been taken away.

I could pay someone else a ton of money to do it for me, but I was meticulous when it came to my business, and everything needed to be done correctly. I couldn’t trust a stranger to care about the details between the lines, the image I was trying to maintain.

My legacy was on the line.

I was sitting in my office when London walked inside, looking beautiful in a deep blue dress that Dimitri had recently bought for her. He took a picture to my designer in London, and she handpicked all the clothes that would complement London’s figure.

She was worth every cent.

Her hair was pulled back in an elegant updo, and she looked like she was born in this castle the way I was. “Ready for lunch?”

I eyed my watch. “It’s ten.”

She welcomed herself into my lap, straddling my hips and sitting right on my crotch. I wasn’t hard at the moment, but that was about to change. “You caught me. I just wanted an excuse to see you.” Her arms circled my neck, and she looked at me with that playful expression I’d come to worship.

If I didn’t have a ton of work to do, I’d blow off the workday and take her into the city to do something fun. But I had meetings and paperwork…the nightmare never ended. I never would have opened that second distillery if I’d known Ariel was going to leave. If I didn’t want to work all the time, I might have to sell it.

But instead of saying any of that to London, I shut my laptop. “We can get a second breakfast.”

“I’m actually pretty full. Maybe we can take a walk or something? Make love against a tree.”

I smiled. “You have a thing for public places?”

“No.” She smiled back. “I just have a thing for you.”

Now my cock was rock-hard. I could see the love in her eyes without searching to find it. It was a look I got from some women, but not to the same degree. The look I got from London was special, something she probably hadn’t given to anyone else. “Good answer.” I pulled her harder into me and kissed her, wanting a quick embrace before I stood up. But like usual, the kiss developed into something more. She ground her hips and rocked against me, stroking my cock against her clit. We breathed into each other’s mouths as she ground against me, the friction feeling great for both of us.

Now I wasn’t leaving this office. I was gonna fuck her on my lap right then and there, not giving a damn about all the work that was piling up at that very moment. All I would need to do was pull her thong over and undo my slacks. Then I would slide into home plate, feeling that warm and wet channel.

A knock sounded on my door. “Sir?” Dunbar’s voice entered the room.

I growled against London’s mouth then pulled away. “What is it?” London moved her lips to my neck and kissed me anyway, dragging that sexy tongue across my skin to the corner of my mouth.

“Ariel is here to see you.”

She was? Why?

London stilled against me, her breaths landing on my neck.

“What does she want?”

“Didn’t say,” Dunbar replied.

Did she forget something else? Or did she realize this whole thing was idiotic? “Lovely, we’ll pick this up later.”

She got off my lap and straightened her dress. “Okay.” She walked out the door, Dunbar’s wide frame appearing in view. He normally opened the door when he wanted to speak to me, but he probably second-guessed it when London was inside with me.

“Send her in,” I commanded.

Dunbar shut the door and disappeared again.

I didn’t know what to expect from Ariel, but I tried not to get my hopes up too high. Chances were, she just forgot something or had a financial document that needed to be signed. She wouldn’t change her mind unless she had a very good reason to.

Ariel entered my office in the dark clothing she always wore. Her glasses were back on the brim of her nose, and she carried herself with more class than the Queen of England. She strode toward me and took a seat in the armchair facing my enormous desk.

I couldn’t get a good reading on her. “How can I help you, Ariel?”

“I’ve done some thinking.”

I rested my hands together in my lap, my cock soft the second London walked out the door.

“I’ve loved working with you for the past ten years. I’ve always seen you as something more than a business partner, more like a friend.”

Hope surged in my heart. “As have I.”

“And I don’t want to walk away from this business. I can learn to accept London in time. All I ask is that you be more astute this time around.”

As insulting as it was, that statement was fair. “She won’t be a problem.”

“If that’s the case, do you still want me?”

I couldn’t suppress the smile on my lips, feeling the relief wash over me like a tide. It was a stupid question, and we both knew it. “You already know the answer.”

She rose from her chair then extended her hand. “It’s good to be back.”

I shook her hand. “It is. Work has been shitty since the second you walked away.”

She chuckled. “Nothing you couldn’t handle.”

“I could handle it—just didn’t enjoy it.” I dropped my hand and slid both palms into my pockets. “So, you want to start fresh tomorrow? Take the rest of the day off to enjoy your last bit of freedom.”

“Sounds fair. I’ll bring my lawyer so we can reinstate everything.”


She gave me a slight wave before she walked out. “Until tomorrow.”

“Until tomorrow,” I repeated.

Once the door was shut and I was alone with my thoughts, overwhelming relief washed through me. Ariel wasn’t just important to me because she ran my businesses like a boss, but because of the comfortable friendship we had formed. Getting that back made me realize I couldn’t take her for granted ever again.

Dimitri rapped his knuckles on the door before he poked his head inside. “Can I speak to you for a second, sir?”

“Certainly.” I was in such a good mood I’d probably give him a raise if he asked for it. “What’s up?”

He approached my desk then lowered his voice, not that anyone could overhear us talking. “Ariel has returned?”

I nodded. “Things will go back to normal.”

He rubbed the back of his head then stared at the floor.

“Anything else?”

“Uh…I’m not sure how to say this…not even sure what I’m reporting.”

“Okay…” I narrowed my eyes, my mood taking a serious dive with his odd behavior. “Just spit it out, then.”

“The other day when Ariel left, London met her outside and they talked for a while. I don’t know what was said, but the conversation went on for a while.”

My interest immediately picked up. “What day was this?”

“When Ariel came to pick up her jewelry.”


Penelope Sky's books