The Natural History of Us (The Fine Art of Pretending #2)

“I texted Brandon and he said we can take you home as soon as he gets back from the game. He also said to tell you they won.” Aly smiles as she hands me my pajamas, hoping the news will cheer me up. It doesn’t. I mean, I’m glad Dad’s team won. I’m happy they’re headed to the championship. But cheered? Sadly, it’s gonna take a lot more than that.

Dropping my PJs inside my suitcase, I give the messy room one final search and then zip it up. Everything else here belongs to Lauren.

My stomach churns, and I inhale deeply through my nose. I still can’t believe what an idiot I am. Falling for it—falling for him—again. They must be laughing so hard right now.

The bedroom knob turns and for a split second, silly hope blooms in my chest. I imagine Justin waltzing through the door, coming to fight for me and tell me that what I clearly saw didn’t happen. Spew the same old song and dance he’s been giving for the last month. Not that I would believe it, but it’s nice to think he would try.

But it’s not Justin who walks through the door. It’s worse. Way worse. It’s Lauren.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Gabi growls, stepping in front of me. She folds her arms across her chest and I admit even I’m a little intimidated.

But not Lauren. Nope. She sighs like she’s bored, like she’s seen this act a million times, and says, “Last I checked, this is still my room. And she and I have to talk.”

She shifts her gaze to me, and all the hurt and anger that’s built over the last three years boils to the surface. Laying a hand on Gabi’s arm, I gently move her aside.

“Talk?” I repeat with a scoff. “What could you and I possibly have to say to each other? You’ve already won. Bravo. You’ve got Justin. I hope the two of you are very happy together.”

Hands shaking, I tug my suitcase off the bed, having a total out of body moment. I don’t do this. I don’t get angry in public, or even speak my mind—not when it’s counted, at least. But I’ve imagined doing so plenty. Each time I relive that moment freshman year, I try for a different outcome. Sometimes I imagine going off like a lunatic. Other times, I’ve gone for quietly strong and confident. But that’s only ever been in my head. The living, breathing reality makes my stomach churn, and it’s quite possible I’ll throw up.

But I go for it anyway.

“Frankly Lauren, I think you two deserve each other,” I say, yanking the handle on my case. “You’re both lying, manipulative, spineless assholes, and I don’t need that kind of energy in my life. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”

Shockingly, Lauren has taken what I have to say up to this point, leaning against the wall holding her bedazzled car seat and nodding slowly. But now that I’m obviously done, she continues blocking the door while turning to Aly. “Think you can give us a minute?”

One look at Aly and it’s clear she doesn’t approve. Gabi, either. She laughs like the request is ridiculous, and from the hate-fire Mi-Mi’s directing Lauren’s way, the phrase, “if looks could kill” has new meaning. But I’m curious.

Lauren and I don’t chat. I can’t think of a single time we’ve even held a conversation. I’m about a half hour away from busting out of this place, and the only other time she’ll have to see me is graduation on Friday. Other than FACS, we don’t share any classes, so we won’t share an exam room. The papers we turn in to Coach Stasi next week serve as our final exam.

So, why hold me up? What does she have to gain? Or, is she here to simply rub it in?

What can I say, I’m an inquisitive girl.

“It’s fine.” I nod at Aly’s not-so-subtle look of “are you for real?” and say, “I can handle her.”

I stop short of adding that there’s nothing more she can say to hurt me, because that’s not quite accurate. People don’t fall in and out of love instantly. The broken pieces of my heart still beat for Justin. It’s pathetic, but it’s true. If Lauren chooses to go into specifics of their relationship, it will gut me for sure… but then, a part of me needs to hear it.

It’s the only way I’ll truly get over him.

Gabi makes a V with her fingers, swinging it from her eyes toward Lauren and back again in the universal symbol for “I’m watching you.” “We’ll be right outside.”

Mi-Mi squeezes my shoulder on her way out, and Gabi gives me a chin lift, which I’m pretty sure is “good luck” in Gabi-ese. Aly hesitates at the door before offering a small smile of support, and quietly pulling it closed behind her.

“Nice guard dogs you got there.” Lauren sneers as she walks over to the vacated window. “Everyone just loves you, don’t they?”

I withhold the pity-party, not wanting her to have the satisfaction, and go for bluntness. “Why are you here, Lauren?”

Rachel Harris's books