The Natural History of Us (The Fine Art of Pretending #2)

Gah. I’m so screwed.

“The rooms on this floor have been taken,” Aly says, motioning toward the second level as she continues up the enormous staircase, “but there’s two still open on the third. The fourth is for his parents and is off-limits. Every floor has three bedrooms, two baths, and one central hang-out area.” She looks over at me and grins. “It’s a pretty sweet setup.”

When we reach the third level, I stop on the top step to get my bearings. The space is dominated by a cozy nook in the center with a plush sofa, and bedrooms on either end. The two rooms to the right of the landing share a bathroom, and the larger bedroom on the left has its own.

“That’s where Justin is staying,” Aly says, pointing to the master. “And Cade, you’re over here.” The room she ushers us toward is large, with the same white driftwood walls as downstairs and two twin beds.

A black suitcase with clothes tumbling out already sits on one, next to a guitar case.

Cade looks at the bed, looks at me, and then frowns.

Aly glances between us. “Did Justin tell you the house rules? No couples are rooming together… girls are staying with girls, boys staying with boys.” She shakes her head and says something under her breath. “He really didn’t tell you?”

“No,” Cade says, the scowl emerging again. “He conveniently left that part out.”

He tosses his bag on the empty bed, his posture saying louder than words how he feels about the setup. Ignoring Aly’s watchful gaze, I turn to the window and pretend to be fascinated with the view.

Waves break and foam on the beach, boats bob in the distance. And on the sand just below us, a group of guys cradling babies like footballs stand around laughing. As if he can feel my stare, Justin turns and looks up, finding me standing in the window. His player smile falls for just a moment, revealing the sweet, vulnerable one he seems to only reserve for me.

My heart kicks in my chest.

Oh, he’s smooth. Justin Carter suddenly has a problem with co-habitation? Please. We both know the reason for his sudden modesty—Cade does, too, and I have a suspicion so does Aly. But I can’t quite summon the energy to be angry. In fact, I’m grateful.

I’m not ready to sleep with Cade. Not the way that he wants. So, as crazy as it is, and whether he realizes it or not, in this case, Justin’s selfish motives actually work for me.

“You’re rooming with Carlos,” Aly says, snapping my attention away from the window. “Heads up, he’s a bit of a slob, but hopefully his wicked guitar skills will make up for it. Peyton, you’re right across the hall.”

“See?” I say, trying my best to steer this ship of positivity. “We’re still close. Besides, you’ll be so exhausted at night that you won’t even notice you’re not rooming with me.”

The look Cade shoots me says, “nice try.”

We head across the hall, but Aly makes a sudden stop in front of the bathroom. Biting her lip, she gives the closed door a look before leaning in and lowering her voice. “I hope you don’t mind, but right before you got here, we had a little switch up. Originally you were going to room with Mi-Mi, but once Kara saw who she was paired with, she sort of claimed your bed. If you have a problem with it, though, she said she’ll totally move back.”

She winces slightly and bounces on her feet, clearly anxious but giving me a hopeful look, and dread hits my gut like a rock. I already know where this is going.

“We just figured if anyone could handle her, it’s you. Somehow, you’ve survived our entire high school experience without once clashing heads or getting on Lauren’s shit list.”

I almost laugh aloud. It’s true that most of Lauren’s former victims are well-known. Added that to the fact that no one at school knows Justin and I ever dated, much less what happened with him and Lauren right after, of course Aly would assume this wouldn’t be a big deal. I’m Peyton Williams. The quiet senior who barely has any friends, much less enemies, and miraculously avoided all the Fairfield Academy drama.


Obviously taking my silence for agreement, Aly knocks on the closed bedroom door and an annoyed voice within says, “Yeah?” Immediately, cold chills creep down my spine. A sudden case of the giggles hits me and Cade gives me a worried look.

A minute ago, I was worrying about fighting with my boyfriend about sex. Now, I’d gladly trade that problem for this. Aly rolls her eyes toward the door, mumbling under her breath, and turns the knob, and I steel my spine before following her into the room.

Rachel Harris's books