The Mistress Wager: A Risqué Regency Romance (The Six Pearls of Baron Ridlington Book 4)

“One more, I think.”

She had little time to brace herself before his hand fell on the other cheek with much the same result. Even though she was expecting something along those lines, the actual contact still made her jump. Now she was heating up, her backside fiery warm, the blood rushing to the sin and nerve endings, and contributing to her arousal…the one that had begun as soon as she bared her bottom to his gaze.

Max moved closer, kneeling perhaps. She didn’t want to turn her head to see, since at this moment she was busy exploring the sensations he’d created. But she could feel him lean over her legs and then the whisper of his breath on one of her buttocks.

A searing lash of heat…his tongue ran across the heated portion of her flesh, leaving an ice cold trail of moisture. It was amazing, exquisite and it made her moan.

“Mmm,” he murmured. “I like the way you taste.” His hands pushed her dress to her waist and then she felt him unfastening the laces between her shoulders. Now it was all loose and he pushed it further upwards. “Raise your head.”

She did so, and he pushed her dress all the way off, piling it beneath her face and trapping her arms next to her body. She couldn’t stop a shiver of excitement from rippling down her naked spine as his fingers stroked her, from the tops of her shoulders all the way down her leg to her heel and then back upward on the other side.

He cupped her buttocks, squeezing gently, making her moan with the wonderfully sensual touches. He pulled them apart slightly, introducing a whole new set of sensations. When he ran his finger down her cleft and touched the most sensitive of muscles, she squeaked. “Max…”

“Shhh.” He soothed her, stroking her back, touching her everywhere, helping her accept and adjust to his hands. “You will let me play with you, Kitty. Wherever and whenever I want.”

“Yes,” she breathed, knowing she was losing herself in the wondrous and erotic experience he created.

Her legs parted in a reflex move, inviting his fingers to wander and play between them. To find the liquids she knew were dappling her flesh, to tease and arouse those secret places and to take her to the pinnacle of physical pleasure.

“Soon, my dear. Be patient.”

She listened as he moved; her hearing acute and tuned to his motions. There…he was unfastening his breeches, and there went his boots. Soft noises of clothing hitting the floor and then he was back beside her, the heat from his naked body reaching all the way to her skin.

To her surprise, his arm slid beneath her hips and lifted her clean off the sofa, whereupon he slid a large bolster between her and the cushions. Not only was she bare and tangled in her clothing, but now her bottom was raised high. Good God. Her face was aflame as she imagined the picture she must be presenting.

The sofa dipped as he clambered between her thighs. “Now, Kitty. Now we can play.”

And play Max did.

He administered more smacks, some soft, some harder. The sensation of waiting, to learn what would come next…it drove all other thoughts from her mind. A slap to the top of her thigh made her grunt, but it was followed by Max’s hand finally delving deep between her legs and into the wet silky fire his punishment had elicited.

He smacked her again, his hands damp, and this time the sting of the blow was followed by the chill of his breath as he blew on the tender skin. She burned, inside and out. Her thoughts whirled without direction, as every ounce of her being focused on Max and what he was doing to her body.

He returned again and again to her swollen and sensitive folds, caressing, rubbing, stroking and sliding a finger between them into her darkness.

Her hips moved, her buttocks rose; she felt like an animal in heat, begging for satisfaction.

He touched all the right places, but not for long enough…she wanted to scream at him, to beg him to finish what he had begun. But her throat was clogged with desire and she did not have enough wits left to utter a coherent word.

Then he shifted once more and the deeper depression beneath her legs told her he was kneeling, pushing her thighs wide, making a place for himself between them.

He lifted her off the bolster. “Hands and knees, Kitty. Now.”

Weakly she struggled to obey, relieved that when she did so her damned gown fell away and she could free her arms. The warmth behind her let her know Max was there.

The touch of his cock against her wet flesh made her gasp, and when he rubbed the head through her slick honey and then back and up…up to that little ring of muscles…she had to claw on to the sofa cushions to keep from flying off. “God, Max…”

“Shhh. Relax. I will not take you here. This is just play, Kitty. Trust me.”

She breathed in, still shattered by the strange sensations he was producing with his actions. “I do trust you.”

He leaned over, his body arching, just touching her. “Good girl. I will never hurt you. I will always cherish the trust you have given me. You are mine, Kitty. Remember that. You belong to me.” On those words, Max found her entrance with his cock and pushed inside, slowly, easily sliding into her fire.

He stretched her, in a wonderful way, filling her to completion. And he stopped for a moment, as if he too were surprised by the way their bodies fit together.

“Yes, Max,” she whispered, her voice rough “I belong to you.” She pushed back a little and clenched her inner muscles around him, barely realizing she had done so. “And you belong to me.”


He came on a muted roar of release, so deep into Kitty he swore he could feel her heart thundering through the tip of his cock.

Yes, she belonged to him, and yes, his mind dimly accepted that he belonged to her. They were one, flying together through a mysterious and violent abyss of pleasure, only to collapse as it crashed back to earth, a tangled mess of limbs.

As he slithered off Kitty’s back and helped her tumble into his arms, his mind awoke even as his body sank into blissful lethargy.

He was right. She was indeed his.

The mere idea of anyone touching her, looking at her, baring her body…it made him want to clench his fists as a wave of possession swamped him, the likes of which he’d never experienced before.

She was his. Undeniably his. And he…yes, he was hers.

As she turned in his embrace and snuggled her head onto his shoulder, it brought home to him how well they fit. Their bodies and their minds fit in so many complex ways, it was as if someone had lit a branch of candles and illuminated the power of their interactions.

Kitty was intelligent, something she’d kept to herself. But then again, she was not nineteen and on the hunt for a husband. She had come to him with that Ridlington chin held high, flaunting convention, willingly surrendering her virginity to him without a murmur, and accepting his desires. She’d submitted with curiosity and then pleasure, meeting his sensual needs with her own.

Sahara Kelly's books