The Mafia And His Angel: Part 1 (Tainted Hearts #1)

When he heard us, he looked up and I saw his gaze soften at the sight of me.

Maddie ran down the rest of the stairs and jumped into Artur’s arms. I continued to slowly make my way down, keeping my eyes on Alessio. He gave me a small smile when I stopped on the last stair, feeling nervous.

I ducked my head shyly and played with the hem of my dress. I felt him coming nearer and he stopped in front of me. Alessio placed a finger under my chin and tilted my head upward until I was staring into his soft blue eyes.

“I was just about to come up and say goodbye,” he said.


“Something came up and I have to take care of it. I’ll be gone for a few days.”

I nodded. “I understand.”

Walking down the final step, I stood beside him. I saw Artur dip Maddie low and she laughed. He kissed her soundly on the lips.

I peeked up at Alessio and saw that he was staring at me. He brought a hand up, and gently trailed a finger down my cheek. He brushed his thumb over my lips and then whispered, “I’ll see you later.”

“Bye,” I whispered.


Alessio took a step away from and after giving me final look, he turned around, walking away. The other men followed closely behind him and Maddie came to stand beside me.

Letting out a dejected sigh, I brought a hand up and placed it over my chest.

As I watched his retreating back, my shoulder dropped and my chest felt tight.

I already missed him.

As the days went by, I realized how much I needed Alessio. His presence had become addicting. His touch. His kisses. His blue eyes. His gentle caresses. His smiles. Everything about him was deep ingrained in me.



It had been three long, torturous days without Ayla. Every night, I wished I was with her.

As I walked into the mansion, my chest grew lighter at the thought of being close to her again.

She was constantly on my thoughts.

And I was fucking happy to finally be back.

I looked down at my watch and saw it was almost two in the morning. She would be sleeping right now. My heart sunk in disappointment as I made my way upstairs.

“Tomorrow,” I whispered.

But when I stepped on the second floor, I felt the need to see her. Being this close to her and not seeing her—the thought itself was painful.

I had to see her, even if she was sleeping. Just a peek at her beautiful face and I would be happy.

As I made my way to her room, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the door of the piano room open. Was Ayla still awake?

My heart flipped at the thought and I quickly walked inside. My steps faltered when I saw her curled up on the sofa chair, sleeping.

But that wasn’t what took my breath away and made me smile.

She wasn’t sleeping on her chair; instead she was curled up in mine.

Walking closer, I stopped in front of the sleeping beauty.

There was a small smile on her lips, her face looking peaceful as she slept. Bending down, I gently took the book from her hand and placed it on the coffee table.

I turned back around and wrapped an arm under her back and one under her knees, carefully and gently lifting her up from the couch, making sure that I didn’t wake her up. She moaned sleepily, instinctively laying her head on my shoulders.

I smiled and carried her out of the piano room. Pushing her door open, I walked inside and laid her down in the middle of her bed. But when I was about to step back, I felt something tighten around my lapel, stopping me from stepping away.

Ayla’s fingers were wrapped around my shirt. She was still sleeping.

I placed my hand on hers and gently unwrapped her fingers. They tightened slightly but I was able to get them off, keeping my eyes on her face the whole time. When I saw her eyebrows furrow, I sighed and sat down on the bed beside her.

I couldn’t bring myself to leave. Instead, I surprised myself by lying down beside Ayla. I wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her closer. She burrowed further into my chest, as if seeking the warmth and comfort I offered. Her fingers wrapped around my jacket again as she clung to me tightly.

And I was just as content to hold her just as tightly in return.

I placed a kiss on her temple and looked down at her sleeping face. For the longest time, I laid there with her in arms, her head tucked underneath my chin.

Just for moment, I told myself. Just for a few more minutes.

Chapter 44


I could feel the warm sunlight but I refused to open my eyes. Instead, I snuggled closer against the warmth beside me. I was too comfortable and languid to even move.

So warm, I thought to myself, wrapping my arms tighter around the warmth. I sighed in utter contentment and buried my face in the chest next to me.

But as I cuddled closer, a strange thought registered in my mind.

My eyes snapped opened and I quickly blinked the sleepiness away, only to find myself staring at a wide, hard chest.

Panic filled me and I quickly looked up as my heart continued to hammer. Then I let out a tiny gasp.


He looked so calm in his sleep, the total opposite of what he represented when he was awake. His face was soft and his lips were slightly open. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight in front of me.

I tried to move but I felt something tighten around my hips. My eyes traveled down to see his arm wrapped around me. I also saw that I had a leg thrown over his, tangling us together.

Feeling completely mortified, I slowly moved my leg away and tried to scoot out of his embrace, but his hold was relentless. So, I gave up with a sigh and looked up at his sleeping face again.

I brought my hand up to his face, letting it hover there, right over his cheek.

The thought of my hand making contact with his skin, touching him freely without fear, was tempting. It was an alluring image floating in my mind, and as I continued to stare at Alessio’s face, I found that I couldn’t stop myself any longer.

I gently placed my hand on his cheek, watching for any indication that he might be waking up. When he didn’t move, I rubbed my thumb over his cheek, feeling the slight rough stubble under my fingertips.

I traced his forehead, down his nose, and then over his full lips. I felt my cheeks heat as I thumbed his lower lip and then I traced the curve of his jaw and over his cheeks.

A smile tugged on my lips as I continued to run my fingers up until they met the few strands of hair that laid limply over his forehead.

My touch was light and soft, while my heart was wild in my chest. What I was doing felt forbidden. But at the same time, it excited me. To have this small power over Alessio. To be able to touch him so freely.

But most of all, I was happy that I was able to touch a man without feeling disgusted and my body vibrating with fear.

I laid my hand over his cheek with a sigh of contentment and my eyes closed, letting myself feel his warmth as it surrounded me.

But the next time I opened my eyes, his eyes were open and he was looking at me.

Lylah James's books