The Mafia And His Angel: Part 1 (Tainted Hearts #1)

Taking a step forward, Alfredo sent me a piercing glare.

“She was in your care! And I come back to find my daughter gone? I am rethinking your position as my second in command, Alberto. So you better fucking find her, and soon!” He stalked out of the room and closed the door behind him with a bang.

That fucking old man. I was done with his bullshit.

Second in command. I huffed at his words and let out a harsh laugh.

I was the motherfucking boss.

“Your time is done, Alfredo,” I hissed, glaring at the closed door.

As I turned toward the window, I caught a glimpse of Ayla’s photo on my desk. She was wearing a black gown and I had my arms wrapped around her waist. Her smile stiff as always. Her eyes empty and soulless.

You better hope that I don’t find you. Because when I do, you will regret ever being born.

Chapter 14


I awoke to the sound of continuous knocking. It vibrated through my ears and I groaned.

Pushing the comforter away from my face, I looked up, but quickly closed my eyes against the bright sunlight streaming into my room.

The day before was blurred and everything felt surreal. Blinking again, I stared at the door in confusion. Why was I in my room? Wasn’t I in the basement?

But then my eyes widened when the rest of my memories came crashing back. Alessio had let me go and apologized for his behavior. He had bandaged my wrists and brought me food.

Letting my head fall back on the pillow, I let out a loud sigh. It must have been a dream. A beautiful dream. When I heard the rapping against the door again, I called out without thinking, “Come in.” But as soon as the words left my mouth, I tensed.

Oh God. What if it’s Alessio?

Quickly sitting up, I brought the covers up to my chin and stared at the door nervously. I saw the knob turning and then the door slowly opened.

I trembled slightly in fear, but when Maddie poked her head in, my muscles relaxed and I sagged against the pillows in relief.

Maddie was Lena’s daughter. She was a few years older than me, but we instantly connected. Apart from Lena, Maddie was someone I had begun to trust.

“Ayla,” she whispered, walking into my room and closing the door behind her. She ran to me and sat down on my bed, her expression filled with worry.

“Oh my God, we were so worried!” she exclaimed, taking my hand in hers. When she saw the bandages, a shocked gasp escaped her lips.

“Oh, Ayla,” Maddie whispered. She bit her lips and her eyebrows furrowed.

“It’s okay. I’m okay,” I mumbled, withdrawing my hand, not wanting any more attention drawn to it.

“Ayla, it’s not okay. How could he do that to you? When we heard you were brought to the basement, I think my mom almost had a heart attack!” She rose to her feet, putting her hands on her hips.

My chest ached at the thought of Lena being worried, and I looked down sadly. “He thought I was a traitor,” I whispered as tears started building in my eyes. I sniffled, blinking the tears away.

Instead, I began to weep, but stopped myself, swiping away the tears.

“I know,” Maddie replied, sitting back on the bed again.

“But I’m not!” Looking back up, I stared into her eyes with conviction and hoped that she believed me. But Maddie just smiled.

“We know, Ayla. It’s clear as day you aren’t. But Alessio is stubborn. If he suspects that you are a spy, he isn’t going to let you go.”

I nodded, turning my head to the side a little, looking at Maddie in confusion. “But he did let me go. And he apologized for treating me badly. So, I don’t understand.”

I saw her eyes widen in shock and then she smiled again. Placing her palm over my hand, she gave it a gentle squeeze. “Alessio is very unpredictable. But if he apologized, which he never does, and he let you go, then he probably really meant it. So, don’t worry too much. You are safe now.”

Her voice was soft, and I found myself relaxing, any doubts quickly evaporating.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

Maddie nodded and gave me a small smile. “Yes. I’m sure. Trust me, babe, Alessio never apologizes. I mean, it’s weird that he did. That should pretty much erase all your doubts.”

“He did look very remorseful.”

Laughing, Maddie shook her head. “Then, there you go. You have your answer.”

My heart did a flip and I felt my lips twitching into a small smile. With Maddie’s reassurance, I felt light and my shoulders sagged in relief. “Thank you,” I whispered, turning my palm over to hold her hand.

“It’s okay. By the way, Mom is very worried about you. Alessio told her that you won’t be working today. She sent me to check up on you,” Maddie explained.

Pushing the comforter away, I struggled out of bed and stood up. “I want to see her.”

I couldn’t bear the thought of Lena being worried about me.

In a short time, she had become a second mother to me. I never had anyone hold me when I cried. Most importantly, no one had ever been worried about me.

But Lena had been, and all I wanted to do was hug her. I needed her comforting touch and soft smiles. I felt like a child desperate for her mother.

“Okay,” Maddie said, her voice snapping back into the present. I looked back to see her standing up and fixing her black dress.

“I’ll see you downstairs.” She gave me a quick hug and then walked out of my bedroom, closing the door behind her.

I changed into my black dress. After brushing my teeth, and fixing my hair in a tight ponytail, I went downstairs. As soon as I walked into the kitchen, Lena gasped.

“Oh, my Lord. My sweet child. I was so worried!” She crushed my body to hers, holding me tight.

“Lena, I can’t breathe,” I managed to say. She instantly loosened her hold and took a step back.

“Let me look at you.” Before I could say anything, Lena grasped my face in her hands and turned it left and then right, checking for bruises. When she didn’t find any, she took a step back and inspected me from head to toe.

“Lena, I’m okay,” I mumbled, the lump in my throat growing tighter. I thought my words would calm her, but when she saw my bandaged wrists, her eyes grew stormy.

“Stubborn man,” she hissed. “I told him you were innocent. Took him long enough to realize his mistake.” Her lips pulled down in a sad frown.

Taking a step closer, I wrapped her in my arms and gave her a hug. I took in a deep breath, her jasmine perfume filling my nose and instantly soothing me.

“As long as he believes that I’m not a traitor, then I don’t have any problem,” I said. Lena was silent, so I added with a reassuring tone, “I’m okay. Really.” After a few seconds, she finally nodded and turned around.

“Sit down. Maddie and I are almost done with lunch,” she said, pointing at the stools by the bar. As I settled myself in a stool, Maddie brought me a plate of toast, eggs, and potatoes.

“Thank you,” I said, then ate in silence as I watched Maddie and Lena working in the kitchen.

Lylah James's books