The Lost Slipper (Fairytale Shifter #3)

The need is overwhelming, and I take one final breath as I thrust inside her. Her tight warmth squeezes around my cock, but otherwise, Winnie is relaxed. The first penetration doesn’t seem to have hurt her. Her shifter body is welcoming her mate into her womb.

I feel her heat and hold myself inside her as I cum. It’s the first part of the shifter mating ritual—the semen triggers the need of the female, and the mating heat begins. I don’t know if it will work the same with Winnie, but it’s my body’s natural reaction.

Thick pulses shoot up my cock and into Winnie’s womb. The intensity of the pleasure is nearly blinding, and I have to force myself not to collapse on top of her and smother her body. Closing my eyes and burying my face in her neck, I place my teeth on her tender flesh and do as my animal commands; I bite her.

When I taste slightest trace of blood, I lick the wound, sealing my saliva inside of her. That small amount, combined with my semen, will bind us together, mating us for life. The heat will begin and will last until she is bred, ensuring the continuation of our species.

Being inside her warm soft body is pleasure like I’ve never known. Having the taste of her on my tongue just adds to it, and I want to cum all over again.

Sitting up a little, I look down at Winnie and see that she has her eyes closed. After a beat, her eyes pop open, glowing bright gold. “Winnie?”

Suddenly I’m flipped over, and Winnie is on top of me, grinding down on my cock and clawing at my chest. The feel of her mark is so erotic that I thrust up, meeting her down-strokes.

“Mine,” she growls, and leans down, sinking her teeth into my chest.

Feeling her break the skin sends me spinning into another orgasm, and I thrust inside her, cumming again. Semen runs down my shaft as Winnie begins to pulse and cum on my cock. She doesn’t stop riding me as she continues to contract and relax, one orgasm rolling into the next.

I feel her lick the wound on my chest, sealing it, and she sits up and licks her lips. Her eyes are bright gold, and she’s breathing hard as she grinds down on my hard cock, looking for another release.

Seeing how lost to the pleasure she is lets me know her need is in full force. I go to sit up, but she pushes on my chest, forcing me to lie back down as she rides my cock harder. I watch her as she moves. The sight of her naked body on top of me is so fucking beautiful. I reach up and pinch her nipples, and she growls with pleasure. I can see her bear in her eyes. She’s come out some and is in partial control. It makes my wolf growl happily, knowing that her animal wants mine.

Snarling, I flip us over before she can protest, and I pull out, turning her over on all fours. I want to take her like this and let her bear know that I’m dominant. That I’ll be in control.

She lets out a loud growl and turns to look back at me. “Easy, little cub. I’m going to give you what you want.”

Thrusting back inside her body, I blanket myself over Winnie. I plant my hands on either side of hers, caging her in and holding her still while I rut inside her. I’m fucking her like my wolf would fuck her, taking what we’ve always wanted, and the thought makes me cum.

I don’t stop moving as I release inside her again, filling her pussy with warm cum, over and over. I’ll have her soaked and dripping with my seed before we both find sleep. It’s the way of the mating heat, to keep us connected until we can’t even move.

I latch my teeth onto her shoulder, biting down just a little, not enough to break the skin. I just hold her there with my teeth, a warning to her bear to submit. She stills beneath me, bending to my dominance, allowing me to keep moving inside her.

Her clenches speed up, and she orgasms on my cock, opening up and letting my seed breed her. When she cums, I bite down harder, pricking the skin just slightly. Her clenches become tighter, her body responding to my mating mark.

We’re animalistic in our passion, both of us connected in the most intimate way.

“Mine, Winnie. You’re mine now.” I feel her contract around me as I kiss her back and thrust harder inside her. “And I’m yours, too.”

She leans back into my body, giving me her warmth. “Yours,” she whispers, and tightens around my cock again.

Holding myself inside her as far as I can go, I cum, giving her more of my seed. The sticky cum spreads between us, and I know it won’t be the last of it tonight.

I have a feeling the two of us are in for a sleepless night.



“That’s not what I meant by making you breakfast at the bakery.” I grip the sides of the metal prep table to stop myself from falling back onto the cookies I was about to decorate.