The Lost Girls (Lucy Kincaid #11)

Carson Spade is working for the drug cartels.

That was the stupidest thing Jesse had ever heard. Those men were probably here to kidnap him for ransom. His dad had warned him that it was a real possibility.

Gangs think that all Americans are rich, that they can get money by grabbing kids and families. You have to be careful.

Jesse was almost back to his seat when his dad rushed up to him with Dominick. They both looked angry; his dad also looked scared. “Jesse! Where were you?”

“I—” He saw the gun under Dominick’s jacket. “I just got pushed by the crowd, then I couldn’t see you.”

Why didn’t he tell his dad the truth? That two men tried to kidnap him?

Was that really what they were trying to do?

Jesse really wanted to talk to his mom. She would straighten this all out, tell him the truth. And if she said she didn’t send anyone for him, he’d tell his dad everything.

“You’re not a little kid, Jesse,” his dad said.

“You’re sure that’s all it was?” Dominick said.

Gabriella came up to them with Dominick’s brother, Jose, “Dom, he’s scared, you’re scaring him more. You’re okay, little man, right?”

Jesse nodded. Did she know? Had she seen what happened? “Just—I didn’t know how to find you so I came back to the seats.”

“Smart kid, just like his dad.” Gabriella smiled at his dad. “Let’s get out of here. The limo should be out front by now.”

His dad put his arm around Jesse’s shoulders, then kissed him on the top of the head. Normally that would embarrass him in front of people, but right now he was relieved.

His dad would never let anything happen to him.

He almost told him what happened.


As soon as he talked to his mom.


Kane took a roundabout way back to the plane not only to ensure they hadn’t been followed, but also to check the perimeter of their hiding spot. They were clear.

They set up camp without speaking. They wouldn’t sleep in the plane because that would make them an easy target, but they didn’t want to be too far from their ride home. Kane did another perimeter check, then they ate sandwiches, washing them down with cool beer that had been in Sean’s ice chest.

“I should have pulled the plug,” Kane said.

“I shouldn’t have gone in the first place.” Sean had been thinking about the entire fiasco. “When I was twelve, no way in hell would I go off with two strangers.” He paused. “I wanted to tell him who I was, but there’s no reason for him to believe me. And there’s no reason for him to believe his mother sent me.” Sean drained his beer. “Were the Romeros bad news when our dads were friends? Are you on the Flores cartel hit list? You shouldn’t be here.”

“I’m here because you need me—and Jesse is my blood.” Kane pulled out two more beers, handed one to Sean. “My educated guess is that Gabriella Romero has wormed her way into the Flores cartel for the sole purpose of assassinating Samuel Flores.” He paused. “Not the sole purpose. She doesn’t do anything with a single goal. If she can rip him off before she kills him, that would make her even happier.”

“You’ve already lost me.”

“It’s a long story, Sean.”

Sean didn’t say anything.

“Flores killed Gabriella’s lover ten years ago.”

“Ten years? That’s a long time to wait for revenge.”

“She’s patient.”

“And Flores doesn’t realize she’s out for revenge?”

“He doesn’t even know the connection. Few people do. Gabriella is … complex.”

“Do I hear a hint of admiration?”

Kane shook his head. “Not what you’re thinking, little brother.”

Sean really hated when Kane did that.

“Dante and Gabriella have helped RCK operations … and hindered RCK. They have their own agenda. Their mother died long ago, you know their father was friends with our father. Dante and Liam used to be tight, but they have their own war.”

“What else don’t I know?”

“A lot. Mom and Dad never wanted you to work with me—I’d already left the Marines by the time they died. They didn’t like some of the choices I made, and Duke made sure you didn’t follow in the same path. But you made your own choices when you grew up.”

“Many of them because Duke pushed me in the opposite direction.” Sean rubbed his eyes. He didn’t want to think about his complex relationship with his other brother.

“What I’m saying is, I’ve known Dante and Gabriella for a long time. You were too young to remember them. But it hasn’t always been friendly, especially after Mom and Dad died.”

“And their dad?”

“Lives in Louisiana, last I heard. The key point is, I know Gabriella well. Her fiancé was an Army Ranger, Doug Bonelli. He’d been part of Jack’s unit when he was still serving.”