The Lost Girls (Lucy Kincaid #11)

“And is Jack my other uncle? You said brothers.”

“Jack I guess would be your uncle-in-law. He’s almost my brother-in-law. JT is Jack and Kane’s partner. I’ll draw you a flowchart and teach you about Rogan-Caruso-Kincaid and what we do. Well, what they do. I don’t work for them anymore.”

The fear started to fade, and curiosity grew. Jesse had a lot to learn about his dad and his new family. It was, well, really kinda cool and exciting.

“Is Carson going to jail?”

“I hope so,” Sean said. “I’m sorry, but that’s the truth.”

“I hope so, too.” Jesse paused. The fear came back. He didn’t know quite how to say it, to explain it.

I hope Dominick doesn’t get so mad that he kills me and my mom.

But he would be brave. Because his uncle Kane and his dad—his real dad—were brave.

And he hoped they would protect his mom even though she’d been lying to everyone ever since he was born.


Noah brought Lucy back to the hotel at two that morning. She felt like a zombie. She was cried out, exhausted, barely able to put two thoughts together.

Ana was stable and the babies were healthy, but the doctor put her on bed rest. Siobhan was sleeping in Ana’s room, her two years of searching finally over. The baby girl Lucy had delivered was in the NICU, but the doctor expected her to be just fine. She was nearly five pounds, almost full term, and she’d make it. Abby had called her mother, who was driving all night to be here for her daughter.

She said there was nothing to forgive and she loves me.

Lucy was an emotional basket case. They hadn’t found Marisol. Four women had been killed in that slaughterhouse. There were seventy-one babies unaccounted for—all sold, all gone.

“It’s over,” Noah said. “Sit down before you collapse.”

The hotel rooms were a suite—two rooms on either side of a living area. Lucy sat on the couch and Noah sat next to her. She put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. “It’s not over.”

“For now.”

“We have to find Marisol. Bury her.” Her voice cracked.

“Not tonight.”

She had never been so exhausted. Emotionally, physically. Noah put his arm around her shoulders.

“Lucy,” Noah said.


“I need to tell you something. It’s important.”


“When I told Rick about Carson Spade and what Sean and Kane were doing in Guadalajara, he told me he already knew about the rescue mission, though he didn’t know it connected to our case. He asked RCK to bring Carson Spade back to the States. I guess everyone’s down there.”

Lucy sat up. “What? Everyone who?”

“Your brother. JT Caruso. Someone else, I don’t remember his name. Have you heard anything?”

She shook her head. She hadn’t even thought about Sean or Jesse or the rescue. With everything that had happened tonight, to save her sanity she had blocked it from her mind.

“Rick said he’d keep me in the loop. I saw the file.”

“The file.” Lucy rubbed her eyes. “What file?”

Noah swore under his breath. “Dear God, Lucy, I shouldn’t have said anything.”

She was tired, but she realized what Noah was saying. “Jesse.”

“I thought—sorry. Of course you knew.”

“No. I didn’t. I mean, I found out Tuesday by accident.”

Do not cry.

She had no more tears inside. Not tonight.

“I don’t know why he didn’t tell me. I can’t think about it anymore. I just want … I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore. I’m so tired, Noah. Just … tired.”

“Hey, come here.” He put her head back on his shoulder and she closed her eyes. She felt his arm wrap around her again and she felt safe.

Seconds later she was asleep.


Lucy’s phone vibrated. She opened her eyes and panicked. Where was she?

She sat up. Her body was sore and her head fuzzy from lack of sleep. Her stomach growled and she didn’t remember the last time she ate. The digital clock glowed red: 7:17. The room was dark, thick curtains pulled over windows.

Hotel. You’re at the hotel.

She’d fallen asleep on the couch and had no idea how she got here. She was wearing only her panties and a tank top—the same top she’d worn under her clothes the day before. Noah—had he taken off her clothes and put her to bed?

A normal girl probably wouldn’t care—there was nothing sexual about their relationship—but Lucy felt her face heat.

But you trust him.

She took a deep breath, let it out. Yes, she trusted Noah. He might be the last person she could trust after everything that had happened this week.

She reached for her phone assuming it was Noah who’d texted her. Instead, it was a message from an unfamiliar number.

We’re refueling in the middle of nowhere. Home this afternoon. I have to turn off this phone, it’s for emergencies only. Everyone is okay. I know you’re worried. I miss you. I love you ~ Sean

Relief flowed through her. Sean was alive. Everyone was safe. Her brother. Kane. The innocent boy.