The Long Game (The Fixer #2)

“Tess, dear.” Mrs. Perkins stuck her head into the office. “I talked to Ivy. She’s on her way.”

The headmaster paled slightly and stepped forward. “Gentlemen, I believe this interview has gone on long enough. The girl has told you what she remembers. I can attest to the fact that the playing fields are a good jaunt from the main building, and Hardwicke has no policy against students walking the campus to think during lunch.”

The headmaster came to stand behind me, placing a hand on the back of my chair. “If you have any additional questions,” he told my interrogators, “I’m afraid they will have to be asked in the presence of a parent and whatever legal counsel they may choose to employ.”

I was a minor. The police hadn’t had any qualms about taking my statement about finding John Thomas—but the headmaster’s words served as a reminder that they couldn’t really question me without Ivy present.

Not about my own whereabouts prior to the murder.

Not about my relationship with John Thomas Wilcox.

Ivy arrived fifteen minutes later. “Are you all right?” she asked, her voice quiet.

I nodded. She recognized that nod as a lie.

I wasn’t okay. Standing there, in Henry’s oversized shirt, the bottoms of my pants still stained with John Thomas’s blood, I wanted nothing more than to hand the reins over to Ivy, to let her fix this.

Fix me.

“Ms. Kendrick.” One of the officers stood and introduced himself to Ivy. “If you and Tess could bear with us for just a bit longer, we have a few more questions we’d like to ask.”

“Tomorrow.” Ivy also had a fondness for one-word answers.

That wasn’t what the officers wanted to hear.

“With all due respect, Ms. Kendrick, we really need to—”

“You really need to think about the fact that, according to my sources, you’ve had my minor daughter in questioning for almost an hour—without my permission or a child advocate present. Whatever questions you haven’t asked in that time can wait.” Ivy looked from one officer to the other, her expression deadly. “She’s a child. She’s traumatized, she’s exhausted, and she’s still wearing a dead boy’s blood.”

Ivy’s words had their intended impact: the officers looked distinctly wary and they remembered that there was blood on my clothing.

“We’ll need those pants,” one of the officers said. From the expression on his face, he half expected Ivy to bite his head off for even asking. Instead, Ivy turned to me and nodded. “Bodie’s in the hallway. He’ll have a change of clothes.”

I didn’t spend even a second wondering how Bodie had known to bring a change of clothes, or how it was that Ivy’s read on the situation was so precise. She’d gotten me out of the room.

After I surrendered the bloodied pants, she took me home.


“Drink this.” Ivy handed me a mug filled with warm liquid. My fingers encircled the mug, but I didn’t lift it to my lips.

Ivy hadn’t asked me to tell her about finding John Thomas. She hadn’t cross-examined me. She hadn’t called a lawyer or started acting like one herself. She’d sat in the backseat next to me on the car ride home. She’d put an arm around me when we’d arrived at the house and climbed out. She’d made this drink and slid it across the kitchen counter to me.

“Hot chocolate with a splash of coffee.” Ivy met my eyes over the mug. “Nora Kendrick’s cure for all ills.”

I’d spent most of my life thinking that Nora Kendrick was my mother. Swallowing back the rush of emotion that accompanied that thought, I lifted the mug to my lips and let the drink warm me from the inside out.

“Have you heard anything?” I asked Ivy once I’d found my voice. “About President Nolan?”

Ivy turned and began making herself a mug of hot chocolate, too. “I spoke to Georgia.” A slight hitch in her voice contradicted her outward calm. “The president is still in surgery. We won’t know how extensive the damage is until he gets out.”

People died in surgery. They died in surgery all the time.

I could see awareness of that fact in Ivy’s eyes. She’d worked on President Nolan’s campaign. Whenever he or the First Lady had problems, Ivy was their first call. Georgia treated her like a daughter.

“You haven’t asked me,” I said, offering her an out from thinking about it, from talking about it, “what I saw.”

Ivy turned back to face me, her own coffee mug held between two hands. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Did I want to talk about John Thomas’s last gasping moments? About pressing my hands to his chest, trying to staunch the flow of blood? About the moment when his eyes went empty, and his head lolled to the side?

“I hated him.” I stared down at my hot chocolate. “The boy who got killed, John Thomas Wilcox—I hated him.”