The Lie

There are no words to say to each other. That’s the beauty of us. We don’t have to speak to know how we’re feeling. I sense her just as I know her heart is beating rapidly in her chest.

Slowly, my head heavy, I grab hold of the condom at the base of my cock and pull out. I tie it into a knot and get up, tossing it into the rubbish bin in the kitchen. My legs feel boneless and I have to get a drink of water from the sink, filling up a glass for Natasha as well.

I hand it to her as she sits up, completely natural with me for a moment before she gets self-conscious about her stomach, trying to shield it from my view.

“Don’t ever cover yourself up for me,” I tell her, making sure she can hear the gravity in my voice. “You know I think you’re absolutely perfect.”

“That was four years ago.”

“And I’ll think you’re perfect forty years from now.”

She stares at me in disbelief and finishes her glass of water just as I hear a bark from the bedroom.

I give her a puzzled look. “Has he been barking the whole time?”

Her lips curve into a smile as she brushes the damp hair off her face. “Honestly, I haven’t been paying attention to anything that’s going on. Anything other than you.”

I slip on my briefs and make my way to the bedroom, slowly opening the door. Winter is sitting on the bed, staring at me with crazy eyes. Thankfully he hasn’t pissed in here. Still would have been worth it though.

“Sorry,” I apologize to Natasha as Winter bounds out of the room and over to her, his tail wagging all over the place. “I need to take him out. Want to go for a walk?”

She nods eagerly and starts getting dressed, which isn’t easy to do when a husky is trying to knock you over. Finally I have to grab his collar and hold him back until she’s decent.

We head out into the dark of night. A light drizzle begins to fall and I take off my jacket, holding it over her head as we walk around the block until Winter has done his business. I promise the dog I’ll take him for an extra-long walk tomorrow, even though I want to spend every minute of my future with Natasha, preferably with my cock deep inside of her.

“I wish you could stay over,” I tell her as we get back to the flat and I shut the door behind us.

“Melissa will notice,” she says, standing in the foyer. “She’s probably waiting up for me right now. You know how she is.” She takes out her phone and glances at it. “Fuck, I should probably head back.”

“You sure?” A desperate knot of need starts growing inside me. I don’t want to let her go. I’m so afraid I won’t have her again. It’s just like earlier, only worse now because I know, I know, the longer we’re together, the more insane my feelings for her will become.

She nods but draws her lip between her teeth, seeming unsure.

“I think I could make you change your mind,” I tell her, taking her hand and attempting to lead her away from the door. She stays rooted. “You can just stay there and I’ll fuck you up against the door.”

She watches me with a cautious curiosity.

“I should go,” she says.

I nod and wrap my arms around the small of her waist. “Okay,” I murmur before kissing her gently, long and sweet. “But you’re coming back here tomorrow. Or I’m coming to get you. Either way, someone is coming.”

“You and your innuendo,” she teases.

“You and your sweet cunt,” I say right back, her eyes widening. A delicate flush appears across her cheeks. “How is that for innuendo?”

“I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“Text me, call me, email me,” I tell her. “Just please show up here.”

“In a trench coat with nothing underneath?”

I groan, hard again, and press my cock against her hips. “Don’t do this to me,” I whisper harshly into her neck.

“I’m doing nothing,” she says, kissing my cheek like she’s suddenly chaste and heading out the door.

It closes behind her and I stare at it, feeling a sense of loss and lust like nothing else.

Winter barks from behind me.

“I know,” I tell him. “I miss her already too.”



Brigs had said we were starting from square one.

I hadn’t believed him at the time. I thought it would be impossible to erase our past and while that still holds true, I think I know what he means.

Square one means a new us, it means an us that can breathe, like wine uncorked. Granted, I think the two of us are still a bit cagey about shouting from the rooftops that the two of us are together. I’m still afraid of telling Melissa (I’ve had to tell her I’m back to seeing Bradley again), Brigs is cautious about the school. But still – this is, in some ways, so new.