The Land: Raiders (Chaos Seeds #6)

Item Class: Uncommon

Quality: Well Crafted

Weight: 0.2 kg

Traits: This token will give you safe passage through the lands of the Shattered Bone clan. The bearer of this token will be taken safely to the leaders of the clan. The protection will not extend further than that. It has been enchanted with a magical signature that cannot be replicated.

Richter looked back up at the trolls, not speaking. No one moved for more than a minute. Ttarmok’s face twitched, but he kept his silence. The chaos seed finally said, “More.”

Vulzal wanted to smile, but kept it from his face. He was finally back in familiar territory. Now it was all about negotiating. Over almost a century of battle, it was not the first time he had been on the losing side of a battle and had needed to use words, not blades, to ensure his survival. “Of course, my lord. I am also happy to give you a warning. The commander, Heqht-jo, sent for reinforcements before he attacked. I believe it would take some time for them to arrive, but that was more than an hour ago. I hope that this serves as proof that we are not your enemies. We merely happened to be on the wrong side of this unfortunate conflict.”

Richter’s jaw tightened again at hearing the words “unfortunate conflict,” but Caulder spoke up before his lord could respond, “And your life price?”

Both Vulzal and Ttarmok bowed slightly. “Of course,” Vulzal said when he straightened. “We will pay extra to be allowed to leave with our arms and armor, and relinquish the possessions of our dead. If you will agree to let us take their bodies with us, we will pay the death price as well.”

Sion had walked up during the conversation. His voice was weak, and one shoulder was slumped, but at least he was on his feet. “Life price?” he asked.

It was Caulder who answered, “This isn’t the first time I’ve had to fight mercenaries. They are scum who will betray their employers at the first chance.” Both trolls scowled but did not interrupt. “If captured, they pay a price for each of their soldiers that are allowed to leave the field. A death price is paid to take the bodies of their dead with them so that they can be properly buried. Most mercenaries would not even think to waste hard coin on such things.” The sergeant gazed at both trolls for a moment before begrudgingly adding, “It speaks well for them, my lord, that they care about their fallen.”

Richter listened to all of this silently. When Caulder was done, he turned to Damien, “And what does my ally say? I would value your counsel. If you do not wish them to leave, then they won’t. Either way, this battle will end now.”

Trolls, humans, and sprites alike all looked at Yoshi’s second in command. Damien was completely overwhelmed. The sprite Warrior was more than comfortable making battle decisions, but affairs of state were beyond him. The sprite opened his mouth to speak, then closed it without uttering a word. Ultimately, he just bowed his head towards Richter and said, “I will bow to your wisdom and support your decision.” All eyes turned towards the chaos seed.

Richter stared stonily at the trolls. Vulzal still had the token in his hand. The chaos seed’s grip tightened on the hilts of both of his weapons as he considered the trolls’ fates. Ttarmok swallowed visibly, but Vulzal just returned his gaze steadily, ready for anything that might happen.

With a quick move, Richter slammed both blades back into the sheaths on his back. “I imagine there is a standard life and death price?” he asked his sergeant.

Caulder nodded, and Ttarmok spoke up, “Yes, lord. We will happily pay-”

“Double,” Richter interrupted. Ttarmok opened his mouth again, but Richter just firmly repeated, “Double. You will also pay the equivalent price for any armors and armor you wish to take with you. I will take your token and may one day call upon your people. Finally, you will tell us everything you know about the goblins and why they were here.”

Ttarmok seemed like he still wanted to argue. Greed overwhelmed the troll’s earlier fear. Luckily for him, Vulzal was smart enough to realize how narrowly they had just avoided death. The troll bowed and said, “It will be as you say, but I must be able to tell my superiors who has shown us such generosity. I recognize the wood sprites of Nadria and can guess that only the fabled Hearth Mother could have resisted the power of the Bloodstone. You, and your forces, however, are a mystery to me.”

He stared at the troll sergeant while Alma hovered behind him and said, “I am Richter of the Mist Village, and these lands are under my protection.”

CHAPTER 45 – Day 141 – Kuborn 31, 15,386 EBG

As soon as Richter took the troll’s token, prompts appeared.

Know This! You have engaged in your first negotiations with a hostile tribe. You have learned the subskill: Coercion. Increase this skill to force hostile tribes to accept terms that favor you in future negotiations. This is a subskill of Diplomacy.

Congratulations! You have reached skill level 3 in Diplomacy! +1% to negotiating power. 1% more likely that representatives from other settlements will take both threats and offers more seriously.

Know This! Any changes in relationship or diplomacy with the Shattered Bone Clan are affected by the trolls’ dislike for humans. +100% to any negative changes in relationship. -50% to any positive changes in relationship.

For releasing the troll mercenaries, you have gained 1,750 (base 3,500) Relationship Points with Vulzal. Total Relationship Points: -897

Congratulations! Your relationship with the Vulzal of the Shattered Bone Clan has improved from Distaste to Apathetic.

For releasing the troll mercenaries, the Mist Village has gained 1,875 (base 1,250) Relationship Points with the Shattered Bone Clan. An unknown factor has influenced this. Total Relationship Points: -756

Congratulations! The relationship of the Mist Village with the trolls of the Shattered Bone Clan has improved from Distaste to Apathetic.

The Mist Village has received 50 (base +100) Diplomacy Points in regards to the Shattered Bone Clan.

Lack of a Town Hallcauses complete loss of any gained Diplomacy Points. Current Diplomacy Points (Mist Village→ Shattered Bone Clan):0

Richter gritted his teeth. Once again, he had lost diplomacy points because his village wasn’t developed enough. It seemed like, time and again, The Land was telling him that he was punching above his weight. Well, fuck that! He was still standing. It just meant he needed to bulk up faster.

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