The Land: Raiders (Chaos Seeds #6)

Richter decided not to mess with his ring configuration on the eve of battle, though. Most of what they were talking about was academic up to this point anyway, seeing as how he only had enough mana to summon three, maybe four creatures at once, and that would tap him out completely. Mana headaches were no picnic. Still, thinking about what she had said, Richter asked, “What ‘other factors’ could increase my ability to control more creatures?”

She sighed, “Summoning magic is a branch of the arcane that can be studied for an entire lifetime, and still there would be more to learn. Your question is too broad to answer right now, but one example would be magi who Specialize as a Conjuror. As I have already told you, there are Mage Talents that can augment summoning spells as well. I am sure there are even more. After all, oci no suit nima, nino oci sui.”

Richter translated it as, “The Land is all magic, all magic is The Land.”

Clearly done with the conversation, she started walking away, but he had a final question, “What should I do if I summon a powerful creature that slips my control?”

She didn’t stop walking, but just shrugged and called over her shoulder, “Run, and hope that it is slower than you.”

With that last bit of helpful advice, she walked away, calling over her shoulder that they should leave within the hour. Richter stood there for a few more moments wondering if his power would ever take control of itself and become a danger to him. Ultimately, he realized that it didn’t matter because he would never stop wanting more.

CHAPTER 20 – Day 141 – Kuborn 31, 15,386 EBG

An hour later, the battle host was assembled. Hisako had roughly two hundred and fifty sprites at her command. The forces Richter was committing included over seventy meidon sprites and nearly eighty guardsmen. That included twenty Life magi, or biomancers, as they had started calling themselves and twenty-eight aeromancers. He also brought another ten biomancers that didn’t serve in the guard, as support staff. All of his troops were outfitted with the best he could provide. Each member of the war party also imbibed a Potion of Clarity, increasing any experience they gained by 25% for the next twenty-four hours.

The former wood sprites wore the same green armor that Richter wore, resized by the Hearth Mother to fit their larger frames. The forest sprites that had undergone the meidon were wearing the best leather armor the Forge of Heavens had available. Most of it was enchanted to increase its defense by +3 or +4. His guardsmen wore enchanted mail or leather and basically fell into three categories of armaments: sword and shield; mace and shield; or two-handed spear.

Richter left organizing the troops to Terrod, Caulder, and Sion. He was otherwise occupied with Yoshi. In his typically brusque manner, the sword adept walked up to him and gave an order, “Hold still. I need to assess your War Leader skill.”

A white light seemed to turn on behind the half-sprite’s eyes as he looked at Richter. Knowing how dangerous the sword adept was, having him scrutinize you with glowing, white, demon eyes was more than just a little disconcerting. Richter was happy when the adept’s eyes went back to normal a moment later.

“You bought the badge, Sphere of Influence I, so your total SoI should be two hundred yards,” Yoshi said. It was clear he was talking to himself more than to Richter. “You also bought four ranks in forest movement. Hmmm.” He actually addressed the chaos seed for the first time, “I am actually impressed at your choice. Most human war leaders think short term and only see the value of brute force. I am surprised that you did not invest all of your points into melee attack and defense.”

Richter blinked, completely surprised. Was it possible that Yoshi was giving him a compliment? A smile started to cross his face.

“That being said, you are an absolute fool for not investing any points into attack or defense,” Yoshi continued.

The smile died. Well, that didn’t take long, he thought sourly.

Yoshi, looked at him for a moment, “If you ride in the center of the warband, your SoI might be large enough to cover the entire party. That would take a level of discipline, and a preciseness of movement, that I doubt your people are capable of, however.” He shook his head, “It would have been helpful if you had enough War points to purchase Sphere of Influence II. You should really take your point acquisition more seriously.” The adept looked at him judgingly.

“I did! You did see that I have four ranks in forest movement speed, right?” Richter said, irritated.

Yoshi just hmpf’d, “I will admit, investing in forest travel is beneficial. If you had enough War points, I would have you buy the next rank.”

“These are my points, you know,” Richter said in irritation.

Yoshi looked back at him, and his eyes began to glow again.

Asshole is doing it on purpose, Richter realized. He thinks he can bully me! Yoshi kept staring at him for another minute, which Richter thought was complete overkill.

“What the hell is that?” he finally asked. “The glowy eye thing.”

Yoshi glared a second longer before his eyes relaxed to normal, “It is a badge you can purchase once you become a journeyman in War Leader.” From experience, Richter knew he wouldn’t get much more out of the swordsman than that.

The adept lowered his voices and stepped closer, “Your men and women have most likely never been in a large battle. I would guess that you have not either.” Richter nodded. He really hoped Yoshi wasn’t about to mock him again. After the half-sprite spoke again, he wished the half-sprite’s words were only mocking. Deadly serious, Yoshi look Richter in the eye, “War is not pretty. It is not tidy. It is horrible and bloody. By nightfall tomorrow, all that will be left of some of us is meat. I know that investing in defense will only help those that are in your war party, but it is better than nothing. I will leave to you the decision of how to distribute your points. I have final preparations to make.”

Yoshi walked off to speak to some of the other sprites, leaving Richter to ponder his options.



Description (applies to entire party)

Melee Attack I (Closed)


+5% to melee attacks

Melee Defense I (Closed)


+5% to melee defense

Ranged Attack I (Closed)


+5% to ranged attacks

Ranged Defense I (Closed)


+5% to ranged defense

Magical Strength I (Closed)


+3% to magical strength

*Must specify spell school upon acquisition. May only choose spell school used during battle leading a War Party.

Magical Strength II (Life) (Closed)


+6% to Life magical strength

*Must specify spell school upon acquisition. May only choose spell school used during battle leading a War Party.

Magical Defense I (Closed)


+2% to magical defense

*Must specify spell school upon acquisition. May only choose spell school used during battle leading a War Party.

Skilled Positions (Independent)

400 to unlock each

Available Positions:




Lead by Example II (Personal)



Movement Speed I (Open)


+10% Movement Speed

*Must specify terrain type upon acquisition. May only choose terrain type that the War party has traveled on.

Movement Speed V (Forest) (Open)


+50% Movement Speed in Forests

Aleron Kong's books