The Land: Raiders (Chaos Seeds #6)

The dwarf had done well! Like all weapons created in the Forge of Heavens, a small mark appeared on one side of the sword’s base, proving its provenance. The blade wasn’t as good as his elementum short swords, but with +1.95 damage added to its base damage, this blade could cause some serious pain. It was definitely heavy, but his Strength was up to the challenge. Bowdin told him the base requirements for a short sword were seven Strength and four Dexterity. That meant this bad boy could only be used by someone with twenty-eight Str and sixteen Dex! At least Richter wouldn’t have to worry about too many people using the blade against him; few had the stats to even wield it. Richter marveled that the blade was not bulky. Bowdin’s Dense Forging subskill seemed accurately named. The weapon was no larger or thicker than any other short sword; it just weighed a great deal more. Richter was impressed. Still, always better to keep your workers on their toes, the chaos seed thought to himself.

“Kinda heavy,” he said in mock criticism.

Bowdin was quick to defend his work, “Ay, yer lordship. Adding all that metal increases the weight, but ay promise ye, it be worth it. The blade would be even heavier, but me apprentice rank in Dense Forging decreases the weight that each ingot adds by 20%.”

“Speaking of that, you didn’t exactly let me know that it would take four times as many ingots to make the blade!” Richter said primly.

Bowdin had the good grace to look somewhat abashed, “Well, ye see yer lordship. Ay knew the large cost in metals might turn ye away, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to show ye what ay could do. The truth is that each ten levels of me subskill requires another ingot to be used up. It be the extra metal that increases the attack and adds the weight. Ay be sure ye agree now, though, it was worth the ingots.”

Richter gave a short, barking laugh. No matter what world you were in, people would bend the rules if it meant getting a leg up. He didn’t really blame the man, and Bowdin might not get another opportunity to show off when Krom got back. Also, the dwarf was right, the blade truly did have some stopping power. The high metal cost meant that he couldn’t use the technique with his more expensive metals, but it might be a great way to upgrade the gear for his guards.

“You did well,” Richter said. “Now give me a minute, it’s time for my part.”

He reached into his bag and removed a pouch of powdered crystal. Taking a handful, he sprinkled a measure of the precious resource on the newly forged blade. He had learned over the past weeks that there were only seven minutes from the creation of a piece of arms or armor to enchant it. Doing so any later triggered serious penalties for any enchantment that was tied to the item. Using the crystal started a new timer.

The following weapon is available for enchantment:

Dense Moonstone Short Sword Blade.

Damage: 26-32

Durability: 153/153

Item Class: Uncommon.

Quality: Exquisite.

Weight: 4.6 kg.

Traits: +10% damage vs spell barriers.

Enchantment Slots

54 (base 30 for weapon quality + 15 for Journeyman Enchanting skill rank + 20% for Increase Enchantment Potential I)

Available Enchantments


Increased Damage

Increased Durability

Sonic Damage

Life Damage

Goblin Slaying

Beast Slaying

Richter read through the prompt, his choice already made, but then he paused. Beast Slaying? He hadn’t unlocked that enchantment yet. Then he realized that he had been so intent on watching Bowdin work that he had missed the fact that his notification icon was winking in the corner of his vision. The last notification from the earlier battle was still waiting for him, the memory from the goblin Witch Doctor, but now there were a few more. Richter accessed the notifications and got another great surprise. His luck had no end!

Congratulations! You have learned the subskill: Dense Forging. From watching Smith Bowdin closely, you have learned the secrets of his subskill. You will now be able to combine ingots of the same type to increase the durability and base stats of forged items. The weight and requirements of forged items will increase based upon the mass of metal used.

Congratulations! You have learned the enchantment: Beast Slaying. Weapons instilled with this enchantment will do extra damage to beasts.

He had gained another subskill! It might not be the type of subskill he could practice a lot, but still, it didn’t hurt! Despite the stresses of the day and the difficult conversations that were waiting for him, a smile creased his face. It felt good to be moving forward. Richter turned his attention back to the blade awaiting his enchantment.

The cost of Goblin Slaying increases by 1.5n. You can reach the 8th rank of this enchantment by expending 44 soul points. Final Yield from maximizing Goblin Slaying would be +78% damage to goblins (base 48% increased damage + 48% for enchanting skill + 5% for Increase Enchantment Strength I + 10% for Increase Weapon Enchant Strength I). Do you wish to power this enchantment? Yes or No?

The enchantment could make his new blade into a truly powerful weapon! The only question was, how many higher level stones was he willing to use? He had plenty of common souls, but they only gave ten points each. His Talent Increase Soul Stone Yield I, increased the soul points of each by 25%, but seeing as how he could only use three stones per enchantment, he would still only have thirty-seven and a half points. To maximize his enchantment, he would have to use a luminous stone as well. Sighing heavily over the cost of doing business, he took two common and one luminous stone out of his bag. He made his peace with it by remembering that the lugash had yielded luminous souls. Accessing the power within the glowing amber jewels, three small ribbons of rainbow light came out of their pulsing hearts and flowed around the white metal. The soul stones crumpled to dust. A now familiar pressure built in the air.

Aleron Kong's books