The Killing Game

That was when she saw Jarrett’s wallet sitting on the couch. Swooping it up, she headed for her door. He wouldn’t have left it there on purpose, would he? Geez, Trini, you are an egotist!

She opened her door and stepped onto the landing and was inhaling to take a breath and yell after him when something slammed her against the wall and she damn near saw stars.

“Who the fuck was that?” Bobby snarled.

She opened her eyes. “Bobby,” she said, filled with relief. “Ow. You hurt me.”

“Sorry.” His voice was terse. He pulled back from her and stood tensely, his hands tucked in the pockets of a black leather jacket that looked great on him. His body was so taut. You didn’t notice at first. He didn’t emphasize his physique, but the man was all rock-hard muscles under this nerd exterior. She loved it.

“I forgive you, but man, my head hurts. That was Jarrett Sellers. He’s the brother of my friend Andi, who you’re meeting tomorrow.”

“What was he doing here? He asked you to kiss him.”

“Actually, I was showing him to the door. We used to date, but it was a long time ago. I wanted to give him this.” She held out the wallet.

“He looked like he wanted to jump you.”

She smiled. It warmed her heart that he sounded a teensy bit jealous. Her gaze roamed over all of him and she saw he had an erection.

“Yeah, look what you did to me,” he said, his voice softening.

She suddenly wanted to stroke his cock and throw him down on the walkway by the stairs that led to her unit. She wanted the whole world to know he was hers. And if that meant getting arrested for making love in public, well, she’d happily go to jail. She knew it was crazy, but it was wonderful! She couldn’t get enough of him.

He seemed to sense she was about to hug him and swarm her body over his because he sidestepped. She was immediately hurt, but then he plucked the wallet from her, grabbed her hand, and said in a rough voice, “Let’s get inside before I freeze my nuts off.”

“It’s not that cold.” She turned back to the door, which had closed behind her. Suddenly he was behind her, pushing against her butt, one hand slipping to the front of her jeans and jamming down inside. “Bobby,” she whispered, half scandalized, half thrilled.

“Missed you,” he growled, rubbing between her legs. It was a little hard, a little painful, but she didn’t want to complain.

“God, I want to do it right here,” she said, reaching to unbutton her pants and give him better access. “Right on the landing.”

He laughed silently in her ear. “It is that cold. But you’re hot. I’m gonna fuck you crazy.”

“I already am crazy. This is crazy.”

“Get in there.”

They practically fell through the door, and as soon as they crossed the threshold he tossed the wallet onto the console table, kicked the door shut, and pushed her toward the couch. His forcefulness stole her breath. Then he literally threw her on the couch and jumped on her, ripping at her clothes so hard that she protested faintly. She’d paid a lot for this blouse and he was ruining it.

“I’ll buy you a new one,” he said. “This one’s mine.”

“Bobby . . .”

He slammed a hand down on her mouth. “Don’t say anything. Don’t fucking say anything.”

She nodded mutely. She knew when she talked too much it ruined it for him. “I’m sorry,” she said around his fingers.

“And don’t fucking apologize!”

He slid a condom on his rock-hard cock and she ran a hand over the rubbery outside, wishing she could feel his flesh. She’d told him over and over that she was on the Pill, that he didn’t need one, but he’d been burned once by some gal who’d sworn she was taking birth control pills, then oops, she had a pregnancy scare that luckily had turned out to be false.

Now, he swept her hand away and rubbed the tip of the condom between her legs, seeking entry. She was shifting to accommodate him when he slammed into her, hard. Luckily, she was ready for him or he could have ripped something. Then he started pounding away like a battering ram, his breathing rapid and hot in her ear. She tried not to tense up. The first time was always like this, just for him. But the crown of her head began hitting painfully against the wooden arm of the couch, again and again. She tried to slow him down a little, wanted him to recognize that he was hurting her, but he was on a mission for his own pleasure and wasn’t interested in any of her signals. In the end she just went with it. The second time was always better than the first because that was when he gave her a chance to reach an orgasm. Not that she wasn’t crazy wet for him all the time, but when he was so brutal . . . no, that wasn’t the right word . . . when he was so focused, it was kind of difficult for her to actually enjoy herself to the limit.

Then it was over. She felt him exhale, replete, and she wrapped her arms around him tighter and wished he was pumping his sperm inside her instead of into the condom. Immediately her eyes flew open. Had she just thought that? God, no. That wasn’t her! She didn’t want a baby.

Nancy Bush's books