The House of Morgan Books 1-3

"Yes, sir."

Rafe held up one finger. "Did either of you write the plate down?"

"Yes, sir."

As he paced, John cleared his head. Hot heads caused trouble, and that was the last thing Alice needed. "Then get me everything you have."

The security guard nodded. "Immediately."

John shook his head. Rafe told him, "We'll find her. Hurting her is meant to hurt you. We should still have time."

He puffed his chest out and accepted that fear had clouded his judgment. Now it was time to study the information and find her as fast as they were able. "The case I worked has never been about someone I care for before."

"Let me handle the police work."

John thought Rafe would have been a decent partner back in the FBI. That life was over now, as long as he found Alice, alive.

A moment later he had an APB out for the black Chrysler sedan with license plate X23NK9. Rafe turned back to John. "We're doing everything we can."

With a curt nod, there was no more argument. "I want to go to my brother's house and watch the video."

"Okay, but I'll have to take it once we're done there."

The police needed the evidence to arrest Smith. Video was enough to convict, usually, as it makes denial an impossible defense. The car ride to Castle Morgan went fast and John barged in the front door without knocking.

Victoria came rushing downstairs in high heels and a sundress. If his sister was alive, then miracles were possible. He needed another one.

He walked straight past her and toward the main security hub. "John, what's going on?"

"No time, Vicki."

Her heels clanked on the marble floors as she chased him. "Is it Alice? I want to help."

If he had time, he'd catch her up. Right now every second mattered. "We're here for the video."

Security stood up as they all rushed into the room. John walked right to the computer and hit the button to bring up the timestamp at his house.

His sister tugged on his chair. "What video?"

Rafe took her hand in his and told her, "Alice has been kidnapped."

Vicki jumped back and her eyes widened. "What? I'm getting Peter. We're helping."

With the click-clack of her heels, she threw open the door and charged down the hall. John found the car and watched how Smith threw Alice into his car like a rag doll.

His fists clenched. He'd kill him, the second he saw him.

Vicki must have thrown open the master bedroom on the first floor because a woman screamed. Time froze. John gulped as recognition dawned. He had heard that scream before. He left Rafe with security and followed in Vicki's footsteps.

A moment later, he planted his feet apart and pushed up his sleeves as he stared at the brunette. With a clenched jaw, he turned his gaze to Peter who threw on a t-shirt. "Frank Hudson's daughter?"

Peter tilted his head and stared hard at his brother and sister. The cluelessness in his expression told John he was innocent. Peter rolled his shirt down to cover his underwear. "Yes, John, she's Serena. We met her…."

John turned his attention back to the brunette as she stood with her arms crossed beneath her bra. Serena held her head high, challenging him. "You were there when I arrested your father."

Her jaw clenched and her words held her arrogance. "I'm surprised you noticed."

Pressing his lips together, his gut told him this girl knew exactly what happened to Alice and how to get her back. "Why are you here?"

Serena raised her eyebrows and didn't move. "Excuse me. What?"

Vicki tugged on his arm as she stood next to him. "She's clearly just had sex with Peter."

Everyone would understand in a moment. With his shoulders back, John stepped into the room. "Why Peter? Why Miami? Why now? You sent the threats."

Serena tilted her head and laughed. "I what?"

That was all he needed to know she was guilty. Every cell in his body told him to ensure this girl never saw life without prison bars in front of her. "If Alice is dead, then you have no idea the pain I will cause in your life."

She threw her arms on her hips in righteous anger. "You stormed into my house, arrested my father, destroyed my family because you hated your own--so, yes, I will destroy yours."

Walking into the bedroom, Rafe knocked on the open door. "I have an APB report. We've found the car."

Serena shook her head and stared at him with furious eyes. "Your girlfriend will be dead by the time you get there."

Rafe stepped in front of John and asked, "Have you hurt her already?"

Serena stared past Rafe and her brown eyes held the fire of hatred. She narrowed her gaze like she could kill him with one look. "Define ‘hurt.’"

A few more needles in this conversation would make her confess, just like her father and most criminals had once they'd been arrested. "I don't have time for games. Where is Alice?"

Serena smiled like she had exciting news to share. "She's gone. She's dead by now. Get over it."

Vicki sobbed and as John couldn't comfort her, she ran to Peter who massaged her shoulders as she called out, "Why would you hurt Alice?"

Serena scowled at Peter and Vicki like they'd done something that she hadn't planned. John's muscles tightened in case he had to defend his family.

Then Serena turned her full hatred back to him. "John Morgan doesn't get to play God with our lives and then roam free. I took from him what he took from me, all sense of home and family."

Peter hugged Vicki and said, "You're wrong."

Serena turned toward him, and the air around her chilled him. "Excuse me?"

Peter and Vicki held hands as they walked to John. Vicki reached out and took his hand as Peter said, "John, Vicki and I might not be much of a family, but we're the Morgans. If Rafe doesn't arrest you, I'm sure I'll find justice for you."

All this talk of family was a bit much. John let go of Vicki's hand. Vicki then commanded in a strong, determined voice, "Peter, put some pants on and grab your keys. We have to help John find Alice."

Rafe stepped forward and threw the handcuffs on Serena.

Smith remained out there and he had Alice. Right now that was all John needed to focus on. He'd save her. He had to. With fast, sure steps he walked toward the door. If Serena bankrolled the crime, Smith was about to implement his exit strategy to get out. He had to outthink him, fast.

The footsteps behind him sounded like everyone intended to come along for the ride, but he couldn't wait. Nothing could slow him down.

Then someone banged on the door. John reached for his gun as security shouted, "They're clear."

Smith had been clear too. Neither Rafe nor John moved. Peter pushed Vicki behind him as security buzzed whoever was outside in. First Jennifer walked in. Rafe lowered his gun, but John's skin stayed hypersensitive and alert. A moment later, Alice pushed her way inside.

Rafe dragged Serena outside as John locked his gun in place. His skin tingled and his thoughts didn't make any connections.

Victoria Pinder's books