The House of Morgan Books 1-3

Peter leaned closer, ready for a fight. "It's my life, John. I worked too hard for this."

Alice glanced at Victoria for one second who nodded at her, indicating they could talk later. She grabbed John's arm and tugged him toward the door. "Let's go."

He stared at Vicki and Peter, then took her hand. His hands shook with his emotion, but he said nothing. They walked out in silence.

Chapter Nineteen

Hours later, evening began to set, and they were done with the paperwork that the lawyer had chased him down to sign.

John tried to think of the right words to say to Alice as they got into his car, but nothing came to mind. He'd promised her a night out. The image of the red laser pointed to her head replayed in his mind and he didn't want to go anywhere but home.

The heaviness in the air wasn't the humidity. He turned toward the Rickenbacker Causeway to take her to Harry's, which was at least exclusive. If they sat in the back near the wall, they'd be safe enough.

His own mood might get better with fresh air. The restaurant's staff ensured that only certain people came inside. He'd been there many times as a child, so it fulfilled Alice's request.

The one thing that kept his shoulders from bowing beneath the weight of oppressive heat and the emotional day was the chance to enjoy the sunset with this beautiful woman next to him.

Alice had been quiet during the ride.

John asked, "Do you think Peter knows who the alternate beneficiary might be?"

"I don't know," she said.

"I don't know if I can trust him."

"If you accepted the position within the corporation, you'd get insight into his day-to-day. You'd see for yourself if he can be trusted."

"I'm tired of secrets."

"So you don't care if Peter's theory is correct about more Morgans?"

"I haven't thought about it."

A smile grew on her face as he entered the parking lot. The waterfront restaurant had a valet that guarded the lot. An assassin would have to be on a ship or stop the car on the highway. He assessed the entire place.

The cars in the lot were Maseratis and Aston Martins with a few BMWs and Mercedes Benz. The Miami well-to-do were here. Near the water if they sat by the wall, they'd see through the screen all the people on their yachts as they passed. The ten-foot walk from the lot to the restaurant was the hard part.

His stomach clenched, but he tried to ignore it. His brother's words that there were more Morgans out there replayed in his mind as he stepped out of the car and the implication that he didn't care about his family rang in his ears.

Nothing stirred in the air. If they could walk fast the few feet to the door with the pressing humidity, his heart might calm down. As the valet opened her door, Alice stepped out of the car. Sweat had formed on his forehead. She said, "Relax."

He swallowed and gazed one more time at the valet as he came to the driver's side. Then he stepped out and visions of a crime scene he had once seen at a restaurant flashed in his head. "I'll try, but we probably should have gone home."

Without a word she walked toward the restaurant door, and he shadowed behind her. As the doors opened, she turned around and waited for him. "I can't live my life worried about who is out to get me. Besides, you are overreacting. It was probably someone after the President."

He crossed his arms. She needed to take this seriously, even if his boss hadn't updated him. Tonight he'd send an email, but he let the thoughts go. "Alice, I'm not."

She turned and walked toward the ma?tre de. He stayed right on her heels.

"I think you are the target. We're here because you wanted to unwind after today, and I promised."

She winked at him and said, "Get the frown off your face, then, and remember we're following my plans for some fun tonight. You need to relax."

He shook his head, in no mood for levity. "We always follow your plans."

She raised her eyebrows at him. "This is a special place for you? Did your family take you here?"

She only knew the high school football player and the FBI part of him. Perhaps he should take a job at Morgan Enterprises and be a Morgan. The thought left him speechless and he let out his breath. "I heard a few political and business speeches here."

The air around her smelled like strawberries. The hair on his arms rose. At first she said nothing. He held his silence. Then she tilted her head. "So this place holds no romantic history for you."

He laughed in surprise. "No."

She stayed close. "I remember you dated Cindy in high school."

The pressure he'd felt being outside dissipated as Alice's blue eyes captured his attention. "Not for long. She wanted my name and the money of my world. I think she married a real estate developer."

"So, what about in college?"

The hostess motioned that their table was ready. They followed her and he sat opposite Alice. They sat outside near the wall he requested, but had a great view of the ocean from their seat as screens kept their faces cloaked.

She sighed as he ordered a bottle of red wine. When the server retreated he told Alice, "I never met anyone I was serious about. What about you?"

She sat back in her chair. The waitress returned quickly, pouring them both wine in crystal glasses. John sipped as the server waited, then nodded his approval. Alice stayed quiet until the server left with their orders. Then she said, "I always assumed I'd marry someone who knows about farms."

Automatically he scanned the area. The table closest to them had grandparents with their grandchildren, all dressed up. The table after that had another couple and the table near the end had a group of women clinking glasses and laughing. No one seemed suspicious.

He left his hand on the table and then gave Alice his full attention. He picked up his glass. "Why? Does that turn you on?"

She sipped hers and lowered her gaze. "Not really, but it's the life I know."

He waited for her to place her glass back on the table before capturing her clear blue eyes. "What about the life you don't know? Perhaps the guy is right in front of you."

Giggles burst out of her throat. "John Morgan, you are being silly."

He didn't move at all. "Why?"

Her hand shook as she pushed a piece of hair out of eyes. "Because it can't be you."

His eyebrows arched. Last night she'd been tempting as she kissed him back. It took all of his self-control to keep his hands to himself. "Why?"

She played with a strand of her hair. "It can't be."

His heart constricted in his chest. Either she wasn't into him or she didn't take him seriously. "You said you had a crush on me and that I was your first kiss. How are these not signs for you?"

She shrugged. "Silly daydreams and heart-racing kisses don't equal true love with a happy-ever-after, and that is what I want."

He folded his hands on the table. The sweet taste of her lips tingled as the memory of her lips on his burned through him. He'd find a way to prove his feelings to her. "Why not?"

Victoria Pinder's books