The House of Morgan Books 1-3

Her mother held her head high. "We look after our own here."

Then she reached over and patted her daughter like a trained nurse as she searched for battle wounds.

"The shooter might be after your daughter personally." His gaze went toward Alice who took a deep breath. "This is bigger than hating me."

"We'll keep her safe."

"She's safest with me until we locate the shooter."

Alice went to her room. This time her mother didn't stand in the way. Instead Ellie came toward him, and her hand went to her hip once again. "How? My husband was in the Marines and my son is fresh out. We can handle things just fine without a Morgan as our overlord and master."

At her door, Alice called out behind her, "Mom. Dad has a heart condition, and you are so out of line."

She half-turned around, but then John said, "Mrs. Collins, I intend to marry Alice."

"What?" both women said in unison. Alice came out of her room as her mother's eyebrows lifted.

The words flew out of his mouth, unplanned, but he recognized the truth. Alice would be his forever. John pressed his lips together, nodded, and stared into Mrs. Collins' brown eyes.

He'd marry Alice. It had more appeal than years in the FBI. Alice's blue eyes misted. Her mother's brown eyes held streaks of fire in them. "Alice Collins will make a beautiful bride."

Her mother shouted, "She's not a toy you just pick up and then toss away when you're done. Her life is valuable and far more than you deserve."

Dramatic and powerful. He'd have paid to see Mrs. Collins tell off his father years ago. If he had known she existed, he might not have joined the FBI. He swallowed. "I agree."

Then her mother stared back and forth between them. She sniffed the air as if smelling for the truth. "My daughter doesn't have a ring on her finger."

Alice took a step closer. "Stop, Mom."

John breathed deep and nodded. "She hasn't said yes, yet."

This all had to be a cruel joke. Her insides quaked that he might hurt her mother with this wordplay. Alice shouted at him, "John, I told you not to tell her."

Her mother spun to greet her with her arms crossed. "You knew he intended to marry you."

Alice threw her hands in the air, but her eyes still held shock and disbelief. "Be right back. I'm getting my bag."

Alice stormed off. Her mother stayed right on her heels into her bedroom. "I'll help you." She shut the door.

John realized that his heart wasn't racing. If he married Alice, then he'd have what he always wanted, a place where he belonged with someone who made him feel warm as he started his own business.

Alice would make a perfect wife.

Chapter Sixteen

Alice's mother slammed the bedroom door. "You cannot marry him."

She found her suitcase in the closet and kept her gaze on the bag. "Mom, you're being overdramatic, as usual."

Ellie walked in front of the dresser drawers, so Alice returned to her closet to get her dresses for the bag. "I'll die right here, in this very spot. My daughter is marrying the enemy."

Alice wasn't really engaged, but that wasn't the point. She threw her clothes in the bag. "John is not my enemy, and you're healthy."

Alice turned around and glared at the dresser with her stuff. She crossed her arms until her mother stepped aside. "Alice, the Collins’ and the Morgans should not mix. You're my only daughter. I can't lose you too."

Alice stormed past her and opened the drawer with her bras and underwear. Luckily most of her stuff was already in storage for her move next week. Colt officially took possession of the house as soon as the rest of them moved out. She scooped up the last of her clothes and huffed by. "Mom, I'm an adult. You haven't lost any of us, and you have to trust me at some point in my life."

Her mother shook her head, not hearing a word Alice had said. "If you marry him, then you will destroy us all."

"Why, Mom? How will my marriage destroy you?"

"Mitch Morgan almost ruined us."

Her mother's flair for the dramatic made her impossible. The past was over, and the man was dead. "You didn't answer the question, Mom."

Her mother's voice became soft and it sounded like she would cry. "I can't answer that, sweetie. I need you to trust me that the House of Morgan is too big for us and that you can't get involved."

Ellie Collins would always be irrational when it came to the Morgans. Alice closed her eyes and tried to sound reasonable. She probably should tell her that it was a lie, but her mother should respect and accept her choices, whoever he might be. "John makes me feel special."

Her mother reached out to stroke Alice's hair. "You are special, but your head is being turned from the size of his bank account. John is not good for you."

"At least you remembered that his name is John, not Mitch Morgan reincarnated." Alice stepped back and refused her mother's touch. Her temper soared. "And I'm not a gold digger. Have some respect. We didn't stay at the mausoleum. John has his own house."

"I don't care if he lives on the farm next to ours." Her mother paced the room and threw her hands in the air. "He's his son, and wrong for you."

Her bedroom used to be full of all her worldly possessions, but now all that was left was an empty room with a bed. Her things were packed and gone, which told her she should pack her necessities and go too. Alice ground her heels in the floor and calmed her tone. "Mom, John's been in the FBI. He had an honest job that doesn't pay millions."

Her mother sighed. "He is young and sought adventure."

Alice rolled her eyes. Reason was not a good option. Then she took a deep breath and tried to keep the steam out of her voice. "I doubt that."

"And now you claim Victoria is alive."

Alice squared her shoulders. "She is alive. I saw her."

"I can't take this. No one comes back from the dead." Her mother shook her head. "And if that's true, then that's more trouble for our family."

Vicki had spent years in this house, with her family, away from the House of Morgan. Her mother cooked dinners for them all, right in this kitchen. Alice shouted, "She was my best friend."

"I thought you outgrew your childhood fantasy to be a part of the House of Morgan."

Alice zipped up her bag and rolled it on the floor, heading toward her door. "Mom, this conversation is over."

Her mother's plea clung in the air like the heavy weight of humidity outside. "Are you leaving with him?"

Alice refused to turn back. "Yes."

"Then you are not welcome back in my house."

Alice stopped and turned. Inside every part of her wanted to shake and she'd probably cry the second she was alone. She lifted her chin to not let her mother see. "You're kicking me out of the family?"

The corner of her mother's lip ticked. "You left me with no other choice. I have to protect the rest of us."

"I'm not the enemy." Alice gripped the suitcase handle like it was a lifeline. "You can respect my choices."

Victoria Pinder's books