The House of Morgan Books 1-3

"Your brother…" Her voice trailed off. She shouldn't tell him, not here, at the funeral. She pressed her lips together. She gazed at the floor to count the marble tiles. "Never mind. We can talk about it later."

His warm hands pressed against her back. She turned toward him as he took her hand. "Forget what I said last night. Sit next to me and tell me what happened."

This wasn't smart. She swallowed. She'd be in the same row with Peter and Jennifer. No real conversation could be had there. Besides, the entire world might see her if she sat next to the President of the United States or the former one. She kept her legs from buckling by locking her knees. "I don't think I should."

John's hand kept her warm. The blush in his cheeks suggested he was happy to see her. It was something at least. He held his hand on her back as he walked her down the aisle. "Tell me what happened."

She must be having an out-of-body experience. As she followed him and her hand took his, her mind was a complete blank. Honestly, she couldn't think. This was so strange.

Her backside sat down before she realized she was exactly where she feared, in front of a President and in the row as part of the family. With those cameras, her mother would definitely see her and Alice had no explanation to offer on what happened with John Morgan. "Not here."

John's hand stayed on hers as they stood up so the former President could pass and get his seat. John's face paled as he stared at a television camera. "I didn't know Peter allowed cameras in here."

At least he thought about what this looked like too.

Jennifer shook her head at Alice in disapproval. Alice refused to cower because of her, and she held her head higher. "Your brother is dating an actress. I wouldn't be surprised if the engagement was a television reality show."

"No," John whispered in her ear, and his warm breaths tickled her neck. "That wouldn't be fitting for a Morgan. Peter would not sink that low."

Then, in the corner of her eye, Alice swore she saw Victoria again. She rubbed the back of her neck.

She squeezed John's hand enough for him to ask, "Are you okay?"

To avert her gaze, she brushed her hair behind her ears. "Yes. You're right about your brother and trust, by the way."

"What happened?"

Vicki would be here, if her father was dead, but Alice didn't believe in ghosts. There was no explanation for what she thought she saw. She touched her forehead. "Right now, this isn't about me. Your brother just dropped a bombshell that I'll have to figure out how to handle."

John's gaze turned cold as he stared over her head. Alice followed the direction and saw Peter. Peter's face appeared confused for a split second, but then he nodded at his brother. The Morgan attitude of they own everything took over.

John whispered to Alice, "Tell me what happened with him the second we escape this. Peter has no right to bully you."

Bully was a strong word and untrue. The contract wasn't with John. Peter had every right to walk away, though her heart constricted at the thought. She'd have to scramble fast to find another client.

Then lights blinded her as people gasped. Alice's arms had goosebumps. John's eyes lit up as he gazed at something behind them. The glow of his entire demeanor emanated happiness. She bit her lip. Someone shocking must be here. Then she turned her head around and followed John's stare.

His mouth gaped and he took her hand closer to his body. Even Peter's cheeks were rosy with excitement. The people around her blocked whoever everyone stared at. John's fingers laced around hers. Alice followed the direction of his gaze. The heads finally swayed out of her way and she pressed her free hand against her chest.

Alice's entire body went numb. Victoria Morgan walked into the room and made her way down the aisle. Like both her brothers, her cheeks were rosy and her blue eyes shone with life and vitality. Alice swallowed. Oh my goodness. Her best friend was alive.

Chapter Eight

John flinched and he couldn't quite stop blinking. Victoria and Alice hugged like they were sisters while the entire world watched everything live on television, including whoever intended him or Alice harm. His sister would be a target too. He stood back in thought until Vicki called, "Don't I get a hug, or are you mad at me?"

Without one word, John wrapped his arms around his baby sister, and her soft skin and fresh clean smell told him she was indeed alive. He hadn't quite believed it. He closed his eyes as a sea of emotions wracked his body. Victoria's death had been the hardest part of his life, but it didn't matter now. She was here.

Peter coughed. "Let go, John, so I can hug our sister."

John stepped out of the way and brushed his hand down Alice's back. He tried to hold her steady because she was shaking like a leaf in a windstorm.

Peter and Victoria hugged. Jennifer didn't budge from the first row for a few seconds. Then she trembled as she joined them. Alice tried to slip her hand free, but John kept her close. He glanced down at her and Alice whispered, "This is a family moment, John."

Jennifer's eyes watered as she walked over to Victoria and Peter, though Alice braced as the woman glided past them.

He shook his head, holding Alice tight. Victoria would want her best friend, and he needed to keep them all safe. Together.

Everyone watched through the rolling cameras.

Victoria and Peter stepped out of their hug. She asked, "Is Dad really dead?"

"We should have checked your casket." Peter smiled then stepped aside.

John tilted his head. His brother's face read like he had already known that Vicki was alive. There was no shock, not like everyone else. Had Peter known all along? His sister's funeral had been faked and he'd fallen for that. Their father must have been laughing in his grave at how gullible he'd been. John's spine turned ice cold.

"You're hurting my hand." Alice twisted her wrist and he let go.

Alice needed to be protected. He turned to her and again placed his hand on her arm. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." She smiled with a warmness that felt like concern. "We all thought Victoria was dead—you turned into an icicle. John, sweetie, are you okay?"

He gazed over her and stared into the network news camera that was aimed right at his face.

"Yes." John looked beyond her and toward a camera that recorded the entire funeral. There was no way he could let Alice leave, not now. She'd be in danger. "Come, help me get the family out of here."

Victoria hugged Jennifer as the television actress cried in front of the cameras. At Castle Morgan, the family home that wasn't truly a castle, but an estate, they'd be safe. Alice wouldn't like that arrangement. John held her elbow and guided her as he said, "Peter, let's take Vicki to the back room, away from the cameras."

Jennifer took Peter's hand and the five of them pushed past his father's casket and out the side door. Alice stayed with him until they were at the exit. He let go so she could enter, but she stepped to the side. John tried to call her back, but she slipped into the crowd.

Victoria Pinder's books