The House of Morgan Books 1-3

The House of Morgan didn't need her.

Peter pursed his lips as he stepped out of his car, but he said nothing.

John ran around his Jeep and helped Alice get down. He held her with both hands.

Vicki called out, "Over here."

Clara was playing a card game with her father on the swing.

Vicki paced and heard footsteps on the wood patio. Her brothers came toward her. She clicked her heels and waited. The moment they drew close, she threw her arms around Peter and then John and finally Alice. Alice ran her hands down Vicki's spine and hugged her closest as she asked, "What is going on? Why are we here?"

Vicki tugged out of the hug. Then she took her brothers' hands. "I didn't want this to be a phone call."

John's eyes narrowed. "What?"

She met the gazes of both of her brothers as she heard Colt stand behind her. "Peter, John...I told Colt I'd marry him."

Alice squeezed John's side. "I knew it! Oh my God, congratulations. We're going to be sisters again."

Vicki wiped her eyes. She'd not cry. "Alice, thank you."

Then Alice tugged her fiancé's arm. "John, tell Vicki congrats."

Peter scratched his chin and then stared at Colt and not at her. "Are you sure, Vicki? The Collins siblings are slightly dramatic."

Colt placed his hands on Vicki's shoulder. Peter stood taller.

Vicki stood straighter. "Colt is the sweetest man I ever met."

Peter shrugged. "That's all that matters. I just want my sister to be happy."

Colt sat down with Clara, and John and Alice went over to join them.

Vicki kept her voice lower as she told her brother, "Speaking of drama, I'm happy you and Jennifer are no longer together. She's nice, but Peter, you deserve someone you can give your heart to."

Peter's shoulders tightened, and he leaned forward. "Jennifer broke up with me. I'm happy as it is. Either way, congrats, sis."

His arms went around her, and she hugged her brother. Unlike their father, Peter had a heart and much to give. She tugged away and then cupped her brother's face. "Peter."


She stared at Peter. He controlled billions of dollars and ran every company in the House of Morgan portfolio. So many women must vie for his attention, much like their father always had hangers-on. With a family, he'd be on a different path than their father. She prayed Peter found a better path. She let go of his chin as she turned to face Colt and Clara. She then pointed to how full her life was. "One day soon, you'll find someone to fall in love with and build a family."

Peter crossed his arms. "I don't want a family or children, Vicki. I don't want to create the dynasty our father demanded."

Her heart constricted for him. Their father had done his worst to Peter. "Don't deny yourself love because of spite."

Peter placed his hand on her back to escort her into the circle that was her family as he whispered to her, "It's not that. I remember our mother and the day she left us. I don't know if I can trust anyone."

He was the oldest. She clutched her locket. Perhaps it was better that she never knew her mother. Peter's voice clearly betrayed his anger. He had to find love now. She had to believe that all of them had survived Mitch Morgan. "Peter Morgan, one day you'll change your mind."

He held out a seat for her in the circle. "I doubt it, but as a wedding gift, is it okay that I give ten million to Clara's trust fund? She'll need to go to college."

Colt's eyes widened as Vicki inhaled. "That's too much."

Peter took the seat beside her. "It's nothing, Vicki. You deserve far more than that."

None of the intrigues of Mitch Morgan mattered to her. She had Colt. She had Clara. Her life was complete, here on this farm. "The House of Morgan does not need me. One day, I hope you, John, and I are simply a family that loves each other. Colt and Clara taught me the true meaning of family."

The End

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For some, joining the FBI is a long-term goal. For billionaire John Morgan, joining the Bureau is a stepping stone to proving his father is culpable for his sister’s death. After his estranged father dies, John is forced to return home and face the ghosts of his past. That proves to be more difficult than he could have ever imagined.

Alice Collins lives a peaceful life. As a farmer’s daughter, she knows what it’s like to work hard for what you want. After losing her best friend under inexplicable circumstances, her world viewpoint shifted until her small town sensibilities convinced her to attend Mr. Morgan’s funeral.

Soon, the past and the present collide and Alice is caught in the crosshairs. John comes to her aid, complicating matters for both of them.

Can a handsome billionaire on a vendetta truly fall for a small town girl or does he have something else in mind? Can a small town girl, if she gives her heart to him, ever fit of the House of Morgan?

Drama seems to follow Victoria Morgan everywhere, but she’s determined to mend her past and reclaim what was so cruelly taken from her.

Colt Collins moved on after the affair that left him heartbroken. After finding the child he bore with his ex, and serving in the US Marines, he builds a new life with his daughter on the family farm. Now, set to marry a woman he knows he can trust, he comes face-to-face with the love that abandoned him and their daughter many years ago.

When Victoria returns to town to attend her father’s funeral, the truth about what happened to her daughter is revealed, leaving Victoria willing to do anything to be in her child’s life again, even if that brings her face-to-face with the man she hurt so long ago.

Is there forgiveness after all the lies, pain, and betrayal? Can the love Colt and Victoria once shared be rekindled? Will this family torn apart by a cruel act be reunited?

Heir to a billion-dollar fortune, Peter Morgan yields a power few can deny, but behind the strong, confidant fa?ade lies a broken man. For years he’s grappled with feelings of abandonment and pain. He’s always believed his dead father was to blame for his mother’s abandonment and now struggles to trust women. But, despite his mistrust, his ego is still large enough to bet against them. When he hatches a bet with his brother, the last thing he expects is for that bet to change his life and his heart.

Jilted at the altar, Belle Jordan wants to move past the hurt and forgive the man she lost. She believes attending his wedding will be the first step in healing, but unbeknownst to her, a handsome heir to a billion-dollar fortune has targeted her in order to win a secret bet.

Will what was supposed to be a friendly wager turn into something more? Can broken hearts be mended or will this bet lead to more long-lasting trust issues for Peter and Belle?

Victoria Pinder's books