The Hitman's Last Job


They’d walked for nearly 4 miles and Anna was on the brink of passing out when they reached the lonely motel at the edge of St Louis. Carl had gotten them both a double room with separate beds and as soon as Anna’s head hit the pillow she fell into a deep sleep. Carl wasn’t so lucky though, and he wriggled in his bed trying to alleviate the pain that was striking into his back like a flaming dagger.

He felt like he needed more than painkillers, he needed a goddamn drink. He couldn’t believe the situation he had found himself in, but as he looked over to Anna he felt it was worth it and he’d do it again if he had to.

Anna’s toes were poking out from the side of the bed and Carl could see the cuts and blisters. She was a tough lady though and never complained once despite the fact she had to walk barefoot in the cold for miles through the country. But it was probably just a walk in the park for her and as he thought about all the violence she must have experienced growing up, he felt angry. So angry, that he began to swell with pride at the thought of killing her father. Bastards like him should always get what’s coming to them. His only regret was not taking his time with him. If he knew what a monster he was he would have used a knife instead… or his fists.

He flicked on the TV just to hear some noise. He wanted to feel some normality. An old movie was on. He wasn’t quite sure what it was, but he knew it was something he saw as a kid because it instantly reminded him of his own parents. He missed them both terribly.

Anna started to whimper in her sleep and he looked over to see her struggling as if pinned down by a ghost. She was a having a nightmare and Carl could guess what was happening. Her whimpering turned to loud cries and soon enough she started to flail her arms around. She was petrified and he couldn’t watch anymore.

He tip toed over to her and whispered. “Hey…. You’re having a nightmare, wake up,” he lightly touched her arms but it made no difference. He tried again. “Hey….Anna,” he shook her arm but again it did nothing.

She looked so afraid and childlike, so small and frail he couldn’t stand to see her so upset. He pulled the covers off of her and shook her hard. “Anna! Wake up!” and he cried louder as her eyes opened.

For a moment she looked so terrified and confused as she adjusted her eyes to the surroundings. It seemed as though her thoughts were stuck in limbo for a few seconds.

“You’re in the motel remember? We just torched the car….”

It all came back to her now. The fire, the long walk… the body they left behind. She looked up to Carl as he sat on the edge of her bed and felt enormous relief and comfort to have him by her side. She always woke up afraid in the night, it was normal for her. But now she felt relaxed and cared for. Something she’d never felt before in her life.

“Thanks… For waking me up, I hate nightmares,”
“I couldn’t watch you cry, could I?” Carl smiled.
“You look better when you smile you know that?”

Carl laughed awkwardly. He couldn’t remember the last time he was complimented by a woman.

“What were you dreaming about? Seemed pretty crazy…”
“Just the usual,” Anna said flatly.
“The usual?” he asked but knew exactly what that meant. He nodded solemnly and held her hand. “He can’t hurt you anymore,”
“But his memory can! You know I thought this would be the end but it’s just changing. The fear’s just evolving into something different. He’s still got a hold of me!”
“You have to let him go! He’s not here anymore!”
“I wish it was that easy,” and she turned away as a tear fell from her cheek. “Will you put your arms around me?”

The simple request was music to Carl’s ears. He’d wanted to grab hold of her for hours.

“Of course, let me in,”

He slid off his shoes and shimmied in beside her. She was still cold and so tiny underneath her coat. As he held her it felt like embracing a broken doll, one he wanted to fix and put back together.

“I’m here for you now,” he whispered into her hair. “He can’t get you anymore, not if I’m here. Not even in your dreams,”

He looked down and saw that she had fallen asleep already. He kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes.


The morning came too quickly and when Carl awoke he found he was exhausted. But his heart raced when he looked down to see that Anna was still in his arms. She looked like a princess as she slept peacefully and Carl found great comfort in smelling her warm skin and playing with wisps of her soft hair. She was gorgeous and he hoped that she wouldn’t wake too soon. He didn’t want her to regret having him in her bed and he didn’t want to let her go.

But she woke up as soon as the sunlight flitted in through the window and caressed her face. Her big green eyes shone like emeralds when she looked up to Carl.

“Hmmmm….Good morning,” she stretched her body underneath his touch.

Max Freedom's books