The Great Hunt (Eurona Duology, #1)

“It’d be a bit awkward if that one kills the beast, wouldn’t it?” Aerity mused. “Seeing as how he fancies my sister so?”

When Wyneth didn’t answer, Aerity looked at her. Wyneth seemed pale as she stared across the ring. She turned and gave Aerity a rather sad smile. “Aye. Indeed.”

Aerity looked across to where her cousin had been staring and saw Lord Lief Alvi turn his head away.

“That one, too,” Aerity said quietly.


Aerity found Wyneth’s worried eyes. “Nothing, love.” She squeezed Wyneth’s hand. “I’m going to take a walk.”

“May I join you?” She sounded keen to get away.

“Of course.”

They walked arm in arm up the sunny path past the commons, two guards close behind.

“I haven’t seen Harrison today,” Wyneth remarked.

The thought of their friend warmed her. “Probably napping in his tent. That lad can fall asleep anywhere at any time.”

Wyneth giggled. “Aye.”

As they approached the commons gates, Aerity stole a peek through the bars. Her stomach flipped at the sight of Paxton’s strong back, pulling back his bow and releasing it in perfect measure, hitting the bull’s-eye. He surely must have heard their approach, but he didn’t turn, nor did Aerity call out. She was glad to see he was still present—for how long, she didn’t know.

The fact that he avoided her should have surprised her after their kiss, but it didn’t. Aerity now understood why he’d been so reluctant to let her in. She could even understand why he wouldn’t want to marry her and be tied to the spotlight in which she lived.

Aerity felt herself slump with the emptiness of her future, her skin dampening with sweat under the heat of the sun. She moved away from the gates.

“Are you all right?” Wyneth asked quietly, pulling her closer.

Aerity shook her head, unable to lie to her cousin.

“What do you need?” Wyneth asked. “What can I do?”

“Nothing,” she whispered. There was nothing anyone could do to ease the burning weight in her chest.

“Why don’t we visit the bay tip? We haven’t done that in ages.”

“All right,” Aerity said without much enthusiasm.

A nearby guard stepped up. “Your Highness, I’m very sorry, but you’re not to enter the woods.”

Aerity frowned. “We rode through woods yesterday, and these are within royal lands.”

“His majesty only allowed yesterday’s excursion because you were surrounded by soldiers and hunters.”

Raging seas! Aerity wanted to curse everything. The bit of woods they’d have to walk through to get to the bay tip was fairly short and had a wide path.

Beyond the guards, a group of hunters surrounding Vixie ambled up the path to enter the commons, their loud voices carrying. Vixie caught sight of them down the walk and called out, waving. She ran in their direction, followed by her guard and Tiern.

Wyneth turned to the guards. “Might we go if hunters escort us with their weapons?”

Aerity groaned. “Never mind. It’s not necessary.”

“I think it is. You’re so tense I think you’ll crack.”

Wyneth was one to talk. What Aerity really wanted right now was time away from reality, but that could never happen. Being surrounded by hunters, guards, and her beautiful sister and cousin were only serving to remind her of her predicament.

“What say you?” Wyneth asked the guards.

The older and younger guard looked at each other, as the higher-ranked guard responded. “If several hunters will accompany us, that should be fine. But we’ll need to send word to the castle.”

Wyneth nodded.

Vixie slowed her run as she got closer, her cheeks red and her smile huge.

“What’re you doing? Going for a walk? May we join you?” We, Aerity noted. Vixie was coupling herself with Tiern, and it made Aerity’s neck tighten. This could end badly for her sister, and she didn’t want to see that happen.

“We wish to go to the bay tip,” Wyneth told Vixie.

“But Father requires us to have an entire army of guards and hunters surrounding us,” Aerity added.

Vixie turned to Tiern. “You don’t mind escorting us to the tip of the bay, do you?”

“Of course not. It’d be my pleasure.” His boyish grin made Vixie positively glow. “I’ll go get Pax and my bow.”

Aerity opened her mouth to object, but he was already jogging away. She was on the verge of calling off this nonsense and turning back, maybe holing up inside her chambers with a book for the rest of the day. She’d only wanted a quiet stroll with Wyneth, but instead it was turning into an event. Moments later her eyes snagged on a brown head and firm shoulders. Paxton was walking toward them, accompanied by Tiern and Harrison, whose short hair managed to stick up on one side.

“Definitely napping,” Wyneth said, making Aerity laugh.

But her mirth fell away when she found Paxton’s serious eyes on her. A swarm of buzzing filled her belly.

Wyneth groaned under her breath, an almost imperceptible sound. Aerity looked up to see the broad Lord Alvi joining the other men.

“Yes, everyone join us!” Vixie called.

“Where to?” Lord Alvi asked.