The Great Hunt (Eurona Duology, #1)

“What does it say?” a man called out boldly.

“Again, I beg you to remain calm,” the king said, shushing the murmurs. “It reads: ‘For each week that passes, my pets will devour seven men, one for each day . . .’” The king stopped to swallow. “‘I created them. I control them. This punishment will only cease if the laws of your land are changed, beginning with a public burning of your Lashed lists. Each kingdom will face these same requirements and same consequences. Lashed must be given equal rights and allowed to use their power without punishment, or all the lands will suffer.’”

A beat of stunned silence fell, and then a commoner woman screamed, “Never!”

A blast of voices filled the room.

“You cannot bargain with this madwoman!” bellowed the king of Ascomanni. “Do not bow to her threats, Charles. Find and kill her!”

King Charles raised his hands to quiet the crowd. He turned toward the king of Ascomanni with a steely expression. “I will do what is right for my lands. I have no intention of bowing to Rocato’s heir. She must be found and dealt with immediately—”

“Your people have proven they cannot manage to hunt or kill—”

The queen stepped forward. “How dare you!” But the king held up a hand to calm her, his steely gaze never breaking from the coldlands king.

“According to this message, ours is not the only land that must deal with such a threat. Perhaps we should consider calling off today’s ceremony so that we may each focus on the perils at hand.”

“Don’t even think of trying to worm your way out of this marriage arrangement.” Queen Agnetha lay a hand on her husband’s arm to calm him, but he flung it off, staring coldly at Aerity’s father.

“I have no plan to end our arrangement,” King Charles stated calmly. “My daughter will marry your nephew, as promised. However, given the circumstances, today’s betrothal ceremony no longer takes precedence. You may remain in my home as long as you please, but I beg your leave as I now have urgent matters to attend.” He looked out at the crowd. “To my guests, I ask you to please remain calm, in this room, until it is deemed safe for you to leave the premises. I will send message to the kitchen to bring the feast now.”

King Charles swept down the steps, eyes straight forward. The queen cast a glare at the visiting king before following her husband. The crowd pressed together, making an aisle for them. The royal family followed suit, all of Aerity’s aunts, uncles, cousins, and siblings. Wyneth grasped her hand and gave it a firm squeeze as she passed. But Aerity could not move. She was rooted to that spot, her heart in her throat. Lord Alvi sent her a look of deep regret as his uncle began to grumble to his unhappy advisers.

Aerity could not believe it had come to this. Her entire world—every small detail—was crumbling.

The Ascomannian king clearly could not wait to get his hands on anything the Lochlan partnership would offer him, free trade, no doubt. And Lord Alvi would be honor bound to do and give whatever his uncle deemed his. Aerity’s father had swallowed his pride so often she didn’t know how he could possibly keep his chin up. Lochlanach now had a new beast, which presented itself in daylight, and a powerful, elusive madwoman to deal with. Paxton was gone, and Rozaria’s notices to the lands would no doubt stir up friction against all Lashed.

Behind her, Aerity heard women crying. Questions and demands rose to a crescendo in the room. Two men began to argue, shoving each other, and guards rushed to break it up. This is how it would be throughout the land. Ordinary people would be at odds. Chaos would ensue if something wasn’t done. Quickly.

Aerity took Harrison’s arm and whispered, “Get Wyn out of here if you can.” He eyed her and nodded.

Aerity’s feet moved her forward. She mounted the steps and reached out for Lord Alvi’s hand. He took it, with silent question in his eyes. The grumbling coldlands king quieted as he looked upon her. Aerity turned to the hall full of people, and her voice rang out above them.

“Good people of Lochlanach!”

Heads turned. Voices quieted. All eyes were suddenly upon her. Aerity stood tall.