The Good Daughter

Charlie slumped back in her chair. She saw that Lenore had kept her part of the bargain. A brand new iPhone was plugged into the back of her computer. Charlie pressed the home button. She tried 1-2-3-4 for the password, but it didn’t take. She put in her birthday, and the phone unlocked.

The first thing she pulled up was her list of voicemails. One message from Rusty this morning. Several messages from friends after the shooting.

Nothing from Ben.

The distinct rumble of Rusty’s voice echoed through the building. He was leading Ava Wilson back to his office. Charlie could guess what he was saying by the cadence of his voice. He was giving his usual speech: “You don’t have to tell me the whole truth, but you do have to tell me the truth.”

Charlie wondered if Ava was capable of grasping the subtlety. And she prayed that Rusty wouldn’t float his unicorn theory past the woman. Ava was already drowning in her own version of false hope. She didn’t need Rusty to weigh her down with more.

Charlie tapped her computer awake. The browser was still open on huckleberries. She did a new search: “Mindy Zowada Pikeville.”

The girl who had called Kelly Wilson a fucking whore in her yearbook had a Facebook page. Mindy’s setting was private, but Charlie could see her banner, which was heavy on the Justin Bieber. The account photo of Mindy showed her dressed as a Rebel cheerleader. She looked exactly the way Charlie thought she’d look: pretty and nasty and smug.

Charlie skimmed Mindy’s list of likes and dislikes, annoyed that she was too old to understand half of what the teenager was into.

She tapped her finger on the mouse again.

Charlie had two Facebook accounts: one in her own name, and another in a fake name. She had created the second account as a joke. Or at least she’d initially let herself believe it was a joke. After creating an email address for the account and a profile picture of a pig wearing a bow tie, she had finally accepted that she was going to use it to spy on the Culpepper girls who had tormented her in high school. That they had all accepted a friend request from Iona Trayler proved correct a lot of stereotypes that Charlie had about their intelligence. Weirdly, she had also been friended by an extended family of Traylers who sent her greetings on her made-up birthday and were always asking her to pray for ailing aunts and distant cousins.

Charlie logged in to the Trayler account and sent out a friend request to Mindy Zowada. It was a shot in the dark, but she wanted to know what the girl who’d been so vile to Kelly Wilson was saying about her now. That Charlie had extended her catfishing from the Culpeppers to another girl’s tormentors would be a neurosis to analyze at a later date.

Charlie collapsed the browser. The blank Word document was on her desktop. There was nothing else she could do to procrastinate, so she started typing up her statement for Rusty. She relayed the events in as dry a manner as possible, thinking about the morning the way she might think about a story she had read in the newspaper. This happened, then this happened, then this happened.

Horrible things were a hell of a lot easier to digest when you took away the emotion.

The school part of the story did not deviate from what she’d told Delia Wofford. The Word document could be subpoenaed, and there was nothing to Charlie’s recollection that was much different than what she had told the agent. What had changed was her certainty. Four shots before Mrs. Pinkman screamed. Two shots after.

Charlie stopped typing. She stared at the screen until the words blurred. Had Mrs. Pinkman opened the door when she heard the four initial gunshots? Had she screamed when she saw her husband and a child on the ground? Had Kelly Wilson emptied the remaining bullets in the revolver in an attempt to shut her up?

Unless Kelly opened up to Rusty, they might not know the truth about the sequence for weeks, possibly months, until Rusty held the forensic reports and witness statements in his hands.

Charlie blinked her eyes to clear them. She hit the return key for a new paragraph, skipping over her conversation with Ben at the police station and jumping right into the interview she had granted Delia Wofford. For all of Charlie’s sphere bullshit, she was right about the passage of time sharpening perspective. Again, it was the certainty that had changed. She would have to amend parts of the statement she had made to the GBI before signing off on it.

An alert chirped on her computer.

[email protected]: Mindy Zowada has accepted your friend request!

Charlie expanded the girl’s Facebook page. Mindy’s banner had been changed to a single burning candle fluttering in the wind.

“Oh for fucksakes,” Charlie mumbled, scrolling down to the posts.

Six minutes ago, Mindy Zowada had written:

idk what to do i am so sad about this thot kelly was a good person i guess all we can do is pray?

Funny, considering what the girl thought about Kelly Wilson five years ago.

Charlie scrolled through the replies. The first three concurred with Mindy’s assessment that they were all shocked—shocked!—that the girl they bullied on a school-wide scale had snapped. The fourth reply was the asshole in the bunch, because the point of Facebook was that there was always an asshole who would shit on everything, from an innocent photo of a cat to a video of your kid’s birthday party.

Nate Marcus wrote:

i know what was wrong with her she was a fucking slut that fucked the whole football team so maybe thats why she did it because she has aids

Chase Lovette responded:

aw man they gone hang that bitch she sucked my cock clean off maybe my wikked cum made her do it

Then Alicia Todd supplied:

bitch gonna burn in hell kelly wilson so sorry uuuu!

Charlie had to read the sentence aloud before she guessed that the four “u”s meant “for you.”

She wrote down all the names, thinking Rusty would want to have a word with them. If they had been in Kelly’s class in middle school, at least some of the posters would now be over the age of eighteen, which meant that Rusty would not need their parents’ permission to speak with them.

“Lenore took Ava Wilson to meet her husband.”

The sound of Rusty’s voice made her jump. The noisiest man alive had managed to sneak up on her.

“They wanna be alone for a while, talk this through.” Rusty plopped down on the couch across from her desk. He tapped his hands against his legs. “Don’t know that they can afford a hotel. Guess they’ll sleep in their car. Revolver’s not in the glove box, by the by.”

Charlie looked at the time: 6:38 PM. Time had crawled and then it had sprinted.

She asked, “You didn’t talk to her about innocence?”

“Nope.” He leaned back on the couch, one hand on the cushions, the other still tapping his leg. “Didn’t talk to her about much, to be honest. I wrote down some things for her to show her husband—what to expect in the coming weeks. She thinks the girl’s gonna come home.”

“Like a good little unicorn?”

Karin Slaughter's books