The Glittering Court (The Glittering Court, #1)

“That’s what I hear. You may call me Adelaide.”

“I know our time tonight is brief. And I know you’ll have a dozen men trying to turn your head with all sorts of charm and pleasantry.” He paused. “I’m not always so good at that—at idle small talk, simply for appearance’s sake. I know some ladies like that, but as I said—”

“You’re straightforward,” I finished.

“Exactly. If I know what I want, I pursue it. And I’ll be honest, I want you. While we were waiting for your ship to arrive, I knew without a doubt I would come asking for the star of your cohort. Seeing you at the dock only confirmed my decision. And seeing you now . . .” He shook his head. “Well, I’ll tell you simply. I didn’t look at any of the other girls out there tonight. You truly are a diamond. And I can’t imagine any other wife but you.”

Even knowing what I did about him, I was bit overwhelmed. “Wow . . . you come on very . . .”

“. . . straightforward?”

I laughed. “Yes, but I think ‘strong’ was what I had in mind. Or maybe ‘intense.’ You’re very kind—very flattering. But I don’t know that I deserve this when we hardly know each other.”

He looked abashed and missed a step, but I was quick enough to recover for both of us. “I know, I know. And I’m sorry. I sound like a desperate fool, but I’m—you know what I’m facing, right? Governorship of Hadisen? At only twenty-three?”

“I’ve heard that as well. A great honor.”

“And a terrifying one,” he admitted. He glanced around uneasily. “I haven’t told anyone that, certainly not my father, who helped secure the post. I’m glad—I really am. But it’s not going to be easy, and I don’t just mean the labor of setting up the colony—which is certainly formidable. I want Hadisen to be a strong place. A good place of upstanding and prosperous citizens. Not everyone will let me do that. People are always watching you in politics—always wanting you to fail. Even when they pretend to be your friends.”

I didn’t speak and simply gave him a nod of encouragement. But he’d touched upon an old memory, the way the nobility in Osfrid also put on pleasant faces only to attack when advantageous. Even across the sea, some things didn’t change, and I found myself growing sympathetic to Warren Doyle.

“I have colleagues and advisors I think I can trust, but one can never be sure,” he continued. “And that’s why I need a smart, competent wife. My true ally. The one person I know I can trust, to give me good counsel while helping me keep up appearances with fashion and culture and all the other things the elite like to pick apart.”

“I don’t think you need much help with fashion and culture.” No matter what I’d said to Cedric, Warren was dressed exceptionally.

“I’m surrounded by powerful family here—and a mother who keeps up with trends. There? I’ll have nothing. Except you. And believe me when I’d say you’d have all you could dream of. Luxury at your fingertips. Complete control of the household.”

“Again—flattering,” I said. “But you don’t know anything about me, aside from my rank. There’s more to marriage than that. How do you know we’re . . . compatible?”

His answer was swift. “Because you haven’t instantly said yes. You’re a thinking woman, a woman who can assess things. And that, Adelaide, is exactly what I’m looking for—what I most admire.”

Cedric appeared at our side the instant the music ended. “Adelaide, it’s time for your next introduction.”

Warren caught hold of my hand as I stepped away. “Please— consider my offer. I know I must sound desperate and am certainly doing this all wrong—”

“Please, Mister Doyle,” said Cedric. He seemed a little surprised but mostly amused at what he no doubt considered more of Warren’s dizzy infatuation. “It’s time for her to go.”

Warren didn’t release me, even when I tried to remove my hand. “You’ll hear all sorts of offers tonight. All sorts of pretty words. You’re beautiful beyond compare, but ask yourself, how many want you for your wisdom? To be a partner?”

Cedric’s smile was gone. “Mister Doyle, your time is up—”

Warren was undaunted. “And how many will match the lifestyle I can give you? The queen of a colony?”

“That’s enough,” exclaimed Cedric, losing the civility. “You are not above the rules here, no matter your rank or resources, Mister Doyle. We’ve set down specific guidelines, and if you can’t follow them, our guards will have to remove you.” Cedric forcibly pulled me away, causing Warren to stumble and look understandably astonished.

“Did you just hear yourself?” I exclaimed, once Cedric had led me away. “I did. And so did several people nearby. You’d better hope your father doesn’t find out what you just said.”

“I don’t care about him.” Cedric’s dark expression showed he no longer found Warren Doyle amusing. “That’s twice now Doyle’s been out of line.”